meto says he is a DL pilot
there are no other DL pilots that regularly post on this site or who have identified themselves as such.
There are a number of other open sites where pilots gather to "talk among themselves" as well as a few that are only available to DL pilots and DALPA members.
Specific to the TA, everyone wants a massive pay raise. but that is not on the table and there is no reason to think that they could get it if they signed now or 2 years from now after sitting in federally mediated talks
I want to see everyone including me keep gaining more money; some will spend it one way or another and others in other ways.
but the collective bargaining process makes it very difficult for any labor group to make huge gains if their employer is not willing to offer increases above the average and that stalemate is exactly where WN is with its employees and FedEx pilots are in their process to get a new richer CBA.
It is for the same reason that DL non-contract employees stand to gain very little by going non-union. All of the recent unionization that has taken place in the airline industry has been from carriers that paid their employees for that craft below - often well below - what other carriers were paying for the same work, including DL.
DL's strategy with the pilots is to offer them incremental raises along with work rule changes that track with the changes that are taking place in the industry. DL is growing and will continue to do so, including for pilots.
I wish them well