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Tempe changes it's mind again.......

The time has come to stop sitting by and letting them do this to us. Email Mike Flores, John McCorkle, Scott Kirby, Doug Parker, Sherry Shamblin, Paul Kinsey, Steve Kingsley. Let them know what in impact this displacment will have on our lives, more than just the people being displaced. Demand they the start working on solutions to help minimize the effects of these senior people coming to PHL. Give it to us in the forms of VPLOA's, blocks with lower hours, decreased sap minimums, anything to counteract the postions lost from these people coming into our base. While I will never see a block for a long time at least it increases the number of positions and hopefully that will not get me displaced. I can't afford to do this again. I can barely make ends meet with my kids as a single mom as it is. We have to do something.
Flight Attendants are lazy and dislike writing anything. Many activist groups send thier members pre-written letters with recipients that the member can then paste thier name into and add more if they like. It's a good idea. Someone should bang up a letter, PM it between a few of us, emai it out to every stew on your list, and let the aforementioned names wallpaper their offices with it.

(Maybe don't let fredy or SKY HIGH write it... just saying)
OK ENTER DEBBIE..... I say HELL F'n NO. We have been living (putting up with) this reserve system this long and NOW they are concerned about 73 hours? This Mother F'n union is just as bad if not WORSE than the company. We are to turn to the union for help and guidance yet get this $H!T thrown in all our faces? I am more P!SSED over this than a lot of other stuff in recent memory. They are WORRIED about the 73 hours. OMG.....I can barely contain myself.........gulp of wine. B@$TARDS. I wonder if Carol gets an escort to her car. If I were her or Mike I'd always be looking over my shoulder and checking back seats of cars. The joker in PIT is no better. When your a reserve and your dealing with the company OR the union you have to ask, "Do you prefer Eros, Wet, Astroglide or SPIT. I'm done. :rant:
It depends...they all have good qualities depending on the situation.
Well this is true but considering who the party is I'd have to be drunk to the point of death. Gagging. I hate ALL these B@STARDS. I'd at least like to enjoy it.
Well this is true but considering who the party is I'd have to be drunk to the point of death. Gagging. I hate ALL these B@STARDS. I'd at least like to enjoy it.

R-O-W- D-I-E!
thats the way we spell rowdie!
R-O-W, D-I-E
that's the way we spell rowdie, rowdie, rowdie, lets get rowdie...woooo
what you see is what you get, you ain't seen nothin yet...rowdie, rowdie, lets get rowdie
slide, slide, slide with pride, hope you mama uses Tide, ti------de with bleach da da da daaa....BLEACH...wooo
we got it, together, baby do we ever,
R-O-W, D-I-E, thats the way we spell rowdie rowdie, rowdie, lets get rowdie!!!
You know the union does not run the airline, tell them what bases to staff, open or close.

The unions can only fight if the company violates the CBA.
That's beside the point. It's WHO the union chooses to protect. They are saying that they were basically worried for their members who would be living off of 73 hours. Like we haven't been for a few years now. 🙄 Protect your top members while you screw your more junior members. It's typical. Can't wait to hear the SPIN on this one. @$$HOLES ! ! !
If the working conditions are so bad and you cant live off the pay, quit and find another job.

Tired of all of you complaining about it when you know what the CBA states and how it came about.
If the working conditions are so bad and you cant live off the pay, quit and find another job.

Tired of all of you complaining about it when you know what the CBA states and how it came about.

I was unaware that the CBA stated that PIT FAs who haven't been on reserve in 30 years are more important than FAs in other bases.

This is exactly the message the union is sending to the FA group in the above PIT e-line. The union went back to the company and pleaded the case that a FA who has not been on reserve for 30 years should not have to endure reserve for 1 month and should be allowed to move to another base to bump a less important FA down to reserve a month earlier then planned.

For me, it is not about the PIT base closing. It is not about the fact that I will be displaced. It is not about being a career reserve. It is about the reasons the union stated in the above PIT e-line that they went back to the company to plead the case of PIT FAs to allow them to displace earlier then scheduled. It is about the union stating "This would indicate that 220 PIT flight attendants will only receive a 73 hour reserve guarantee and about 100 of the 220 January reserves have not been on reserve for 30 years there have been a few changes). " and "If it is imperative your financial needs require more than a 73 hour paycheck I would urge you to request a January displacement." IT is very clear to me from this e-line that the union views the financial needs of the PIT FAs outweigh the financial needs of those FAs they will be bumping down to reserve a month earlier.
It was written by the PIT Local Lodge President who REPRESENTS PIT based FAs, he does not represent other bases.

It is all about seniority, they are senior so they have the right to bump when the base is reduced.

If it was written by your MEC President I could see your complaints, but it was not.

Your group is the not the first group to ever have thier base closed.

Did not see an uproar when MTC was closed in UCA, SAN, ILM, INT, GSO, JAX, IAD, TPA or any other of the numerous stations.
700UW you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. You are also totally missing the point. I don't give a crap if the local PIT president was speaking to the PIT f/a's or the whole group. His message was LOUD and CLEAR. CBA is a CBA and you don't protect ONE group of people regardless of seniority. PERIOD ! ! ! ! That is what you pick up when reading that E-line. The union is worried about their poor, poor flight attendants that will have to (grasp your pearls and gasp) LIVE OFF OF 73 HOURS FOR A F'n MONTH. So again, you missed the point Representing your membership is your union obligation. Protecting a certain seniority is NOT. Try again....
I guess you dont understand the protecting seniority which is contractual and the union's duty of fair representation is representing your membership.

Maybe you need some education on unions, cbas and the rla.

That was pretty much etched in stone, more than Charlotte, which I believe used to be : Charlotte=Piedmont.
Some things are just like that, therefore the closing of PIT was bound to be a traumatic thing. I do believe that the current US management simply did not get that, but it's not hard to see why, they are West and come at everything with that mindset. That's probably why they've botched so many things. There's a reason why we have so many commuters, western americans come east and scurry home.

Therefore the undue pampering (as many seem to view) of PIT was inevitable, and again, the inept manner in which it is happening is a direct manifestation of the lack of insight that AW management has regarding this Eastern part of the airline. Honestly, I wonder if AWA would do this merger again? They really had no idea what they were in for did they? They got pummeled over peanuts versus pretzels for heaven's sake. What made them think it would get any easier?

There is another thread about two irate US senators regarding PIT and you're surprised that 50 flight attendants are being let out of PIT? As it happens, AWA management has been told that philly is understaffed, hence the lack of a VPLOA for January. I think that every reserve should email John McCorkle and ask him to use his magic to address that. Didn't someone say the average reserve has 5 hours and it's the 9th? January is a high fly month for the seniors, they certainly dont' have vacation that month! If the company is afraid of Nov 22, perhaps there should be 1/2 month leaves?

This was a "nobody thought about that" moment for the reserves. SNAFU. Fire up the email of YOUR MEC.
I guess you dont understand the protecting seniority which is contractual and the union's duty of fair representation is representing your membership.

Maybe you need some education on unions, cbas and the rla.
Yeah and I ALSO understand that the union is to protect and represent ALL of it's members. That is NOT the case for reserve flight attendants. Fact not fiction.

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