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teamsters file at us air

When HP (America West) was IBT their main representative and lead negotiator was Andy Marshall, Andy is a UPS delivery driver, never was an Aircraft Mechanic nor had he ever worked for an airline, hence why the IBT CBA at HP was the worst in the industry.
I guess I need to remind you once again!!!! to stop your IAM BS LIES!!!( Because the UPS guy did a better job on wages than you did.
700 I know how you like the facts so here they are out of the January 31 2005 IAM contract. I said: Post #44 AWA (IBT) pre-merger (this would have been in 2005) with US. We made more per hour than USAir did pre-merger /Vacation did not change / we had unlimited sick time at full Pay per day not half pay as we do today/we lost 2 holidays at the merger/ we had a 401k plan and were in Negotiations at the time of the merger. Per the IAM January 31 2005 contract: Base pay $22.77 see page 79. Lead pay $1.00 see page 78. Lic. Pay $1.00 each A/P max $2.00 see page 59. You had NO shift pay see page 237. 4 weeks vacation after 17 yrs. See page 53. And 5 holidays see page 14. Now You Said: HP AMT's NEVER made more in pay than US, why do you keep lying again?IBT 1998 / 2003 contract. Base pay $23.35 see 20-2. Lead pay $1.00 per hour see 20-1. Lic pay $1.00 each A/P max of $2.00 see 20-1. Shift pays .32 cents Swing shift and .35 cents Graves. 4 weeks vacation after 12 yrs. See 14-1. And 7 Holidays with 2 floating total of 9. To top all this off the Contract was Amendable at the time of the merger in 2005.So as you can see AWA (IBT AMT TOP OUT $25.70) made more than US (IAM AMT TOP OUT$24.77) up to 2005 even with the contract ending in 2003. Now we all are under the April 3 2008 IAM Contract. And as you said: IAM crappiest bankruptcy CBA that we used for a Transition Agreement. Did I get the facts right or do we need to go and revote this? Me lying! Boy that’s the pot calling the kettle black. The January 31 2005 contract was so bad the IAM would not post it on line. LOL I found my book......)
You post lies once again.

That 2005 was not a section 6 negotiated CBA, it was a final offer since our CBA was abrogated.

That was the third round of concessions in two bankruptcies.

Dont let the facts get in your way, look at the 99 CBA and compare that, it will blow your UPS delivery driver negotiated CBA away.

Your wages were so pathetic the ATSB didnt demand concessions from you.
Still dodging topic I see. Address this Anomaly; "In 2012, the Teamsters lost more members than any other union in the United States" and "has resorted to raiding established unions at American Airlines and US Airways,"
This is an interesting newsletter on the problems the IBT was having back in 2002. They themselves report that they were losing 12,000 a year since 1983. The IBT also managed to blow $150M down to zero in eight years by 1999 and only recovered by raising dues but not slowing spending.

You post lies once again.

That 2005 was not a section 6 negotiated CBA, it was a final offer since our CBA was abrogated.

That was the third round of concessions in two bankruptcies.

Dont let the facts get in your way, look at the 99 CBA and compare that, it will blow your UPS delivery driver negotiated CBA away.

Your wages were so pathetic the ATSB didnt demand concessions from you.

I'm afraid he's right on this one

That contract was rammed up our....... without any negotiation.

I remember:
"Our backs are against the wall."
"We have a gun to our heads."
"Final offer."
"Liquidation is imminent."

That's how the 2005 cba resulted.
I was on the NC then, our CBA was abrogated and the Judge made the IAM members vote on the final offer.

There was no negotiated settlement, so no he isnt right. We had a section 6 agreement in 99, that was a great CBA, we went through two bankruptcies in two years with three rounds of concessions.

And those statements were not said, as we on the NC couldnt come to a consensus on giving a recommendation, I was in the No camp as was O'Driscoll, Giammarco, Regan and Belmont.
I was on the NC then, our CBA was abrogated and the Judge made the IAM members vote on the final offer.

There was no negotiated settlement, so no he isnt right. We had a section 6 agreement in 99, that was a great CBA, we went through two bankruptcies in two years with three rounds of concessions.

And those statements were not said, as we on the NC couldnt come to a consensus on giving a recommendation, I was in the No camp as was O'Driscoll, Giammarco, Regan and Belmont.

Yeah, RT mentioned '..with no negotiation'

It is sad that a bankrupt CBA is comparable to a section 6, but that's how bad the AWA contract was. The pay in the 2005 IAM CBA was a little less than the AWA Ibt CBA, but there were a lot more protections, and scope than the AWA CBA. Worth a lot more than the few cents that AWA had on US.
HP outsourced most of their C-Checks and everything over a C-Check was outsourced, they used Aeroman in San Salvador for their Airbus planes, Lake City, FL, Macon, Ga and INT/GSO all Timco locations for their 737s and 757s.

We even did some HP 757 overhauls in CLT when we did third party work.
Look at what this former ibter at HP says about the IAM.

This is an interesting newsletter on the problems the IBT was having back in 2002. They themselves report that they were losing 12,000 a year since 1983. The IBT also managed to blow $150M down to zero in eight years by 1999 and only recovered by raising dues but not slowing spending.


Spending? Do you mean like when the Teamsters raised and secured the overall amount in the national strike fund? The pay amount by the way is now doubled from what was written at the time of your link.

Otherwise, if you read the whole article, I would say the Teamsters are heading in a direction I can agree with. Thanks for the post.
How about all the pensions in the red?
Last time AMFA said the TWU and AA padded the list and now the AMFA boys have been saying that the IBT and the Company are plotting together to stop AMFA from filling but IMO this is far from the truth. As I see it the Company came up with the list as fast as they did to stop all card drives to try to save the IAM/TWU (Company pet unions who are now in bed with each other). AMFA did not file Documents per the NMB in the time limit required and AMFA dropped the ball, this is a Fact. (Rumor has it they did it on purpose because they did not have the required number of cards just to save face for not enough supporters). This is only a rumor and not meant to sling mud. IMO when IBT filled at US Airways, AMFA should have filled at AA or at least a few days later and as the AMFA supporters on here have said they did have the cards at that time. IMO this was a big mistake BY AMFA if they did have the cards. AMFA needs a Campaign Board set up the run campaigns that have the NMB Rules and Regulations down and be ready at the drop of a hat to handle any legal issue that arises at any time and run a Strategic Plan for Campaigns for new members. (IF THEY DO HAVE ONE IN PLACE NOW IT’S TIME TO GET SOME MORE QUALIFIED PERSONS IN PLACE).
The AMFA supporters on here have been Blasting IBT for raiding and just what has AMFA been doing at AA for years getting cards for a beer bash? We are the lowest paid AMT”s thanks to the IAM and TWU, Wake-up and vote them out and quit making up excuses for things that did not go your way.
ok i give up did or did we not land on the moon?
How about all the pensions in the red?

Tell us about them? How is your pension by the way?

The Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Plan is very well funded and doing just fine. I am happy to discuss this with you if you would like?

The IAMNPF is funded 105%, can you that about any IBT plan?

What kind of pension does CO and UA mechs have?

Why is it over three years and the CO and UA mechanics dont have a jcba?

Why are half the members in SFO forced to be members at LAX and not have control of their local nor the easy ability to attend meetings?

How do they even vote on things?

Why does UA have mechanics on layoff and CO is hiring?

Great job ibt, not!

And I have posted this several times to you, yet you NEVER answer.

You posted about one plan, I asked you about all the plans in the red.

Why are the teamsters supporting pension cuts?

Last time AMFA said the TWU and AA padded the list and now the AMFA boys have been saying that the IBT and the Company are plotting together to stop AMFA from filling but IMO this is far from the truth. As I see it the Company came up with the list as fast as they did to stop all card drives to try to save the IAM/TWU (Company pet unions who are now in bed with each other). AMFA did not file Documents per the NMB in the time limit required and AMFA dropped the ball, this is a Fact. (Rumor has it they did it on purpose because they did not have the required number of cards just to save face for not enough supporters). This is only a rumor and not meant to sling mud. IMO when IBT filled at US Airways, AMFA should have filled at AA or at least a few days later and as the AMFA supporters on here have said they did have the cards at that time. IMO this was a big mistake BY AMFA if they did have the cards. AMFA needs a Campaign Board set up the run campaigns that have the NMB Rules and Regulations down and be ready at the drop of a hat to handle any legal issue that arises at any time and run a Strategic Plan for Campaigns for new members. (IF THEY DO HAVE ONE IN PLACE NOW IT’S TIME TO GET SOME MORE QUALIFIED PERSONS IN PLACE).
The AMFA supporters on here have been Blasting IBT for raiding and just what has AMFA been doing at AA for years getting cards for a beer bash? We are the lowest paid AMT”s thanks to the IAM and TWU, Wake-up and vote them out and quit making up excuses for things that did not go your way.
ok i give up did or did we not land on the moon?

Well put, but you are wasting your time with many of these guys. They can not agree to anything you said for fear of exposing the ugly truth which is the incompetence of the association they support. It is much easier to side step this truth with wild conspiracy ideas like the unions and the Federal Government helping creating secret plans to hold of the mighty association and its 2,200 members.

Take a look at this site. Maybe we can inject the NMB/TWU/IBT/AMFA theory somewhere in the top 10. Ya think?


Pure and simple, amfa screwed the pooch.....again !!
The IAMNPF is funded 105%, can you that about any IBT plan?

What kind of pension does CO and UA mechs have?

The IAMNPF has about 100,000 participants and has been in action for over 50 years according to their site. I am happy to hear that the fund is at 105% as you wrote, but wonder what any of that has to do with AA or UA?

I have been with UA for over 29 years now and much of that time was as a member of the IAM. We were not offered this plan when the IAM watched the company and bankruptcy judge strip away our retirements. Why? The IAM sat quietly by and allowed the courts to undervalue all UA assets like Millage Plus. Because of the IAM's inadequate action, you already know the answer to your question, but I will answer it for you for the sake of repeating.

UA mechanics have NO defined pension plan. We lost ours under the IAM. With amfa, we have gotten back only a 401K defined contributory plan which most experts agree is a benefit for the employer more than for the employee.


Continental still has a company wide sponsored DB called CARP.

I have read updates that the Teamsters are on target with a new plan in the next contract, but in the last two weeks I have not heard any new details of the negotiations. Rumor has it that the committee did not like the final offer from the company and has suspended talks for now. I, for one am happy to hear that the IBT did not try to undersell us.

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