Not all local presidents agreed with video

What happens to the 60 people?And is Local 514 president Cirri in that group?

The top 60 are 03/01/1999 or older.
In order to survive as a going concern, the TWU has to sell this POS LBO. It's part of the deal that was cut behind closed doors with AA. The company still get's their $210M in labor cost relief and the union collects dues. Has anyone noticed that the amount of relief didn't change, only how the pie was cut.....just like in 2003. The last POS has been in effect for 9 years and counting. Most have lost their children's college education, and if you vote risk, at a minimum, another 6 years of REAL, PUNISHING, BRUTAL, STAGGERING, pay reductions that will place more members in their own bankruptcies. AA's executive suite will once again REAP the rewards off the backs of the frontline workers.....that's for DAMN sure! Go ahead and spill your blood at the hands of the greedy bastards in Centrepork and in the Land of the Sun....because they are laughing all the way to the bank once YOU vote YES!!

I have been a steadfast NO from day one.....and after enduring 9 years of blood pouring sweat, while Centrepork enjoyed years of bonuses......It's a HELL NO this time! The TWU is the salesman for AA, has been, and always will be. If you've been around for anytime should be quite apparent that NO job is safe when the TWU comes around and tells YOU that they saved your job.
If you vote no or yes it's 6 years. A no vote is still 6 years. It doesn't get shorter when you vote no and we will never do better than what we will get if you vote yes. It doesn't get better if you vote no. The creditors committee is not giving us more than the term sheet when we vote no. Lets vote no and give the company everything. Brilliant!!!
If you vote no or yes it's 6 years. A no vote is still 6 years. It doesn't get shorter when you vote no and we will never do better than what we will get if you vote yes. It doesn't get better if you vote no. The creditors committee is not giving us more than the term sheet when we vote no. Lets vote no and give the company everything. Brilliant!!!

Spread your fear and bs for the few who will bite. Brilliant you are not.
Lay down like a coward and vote no and the company wins. There is no fear. You have this imaginary vision when we vote no we win and we will do better then if we had voted yes. It's not getting better and whatever we get with a no vote it's still 6 years and we will end up with 6 years of less. Voting yes is not doing nothing. I know what I get with yes and I know what I get with no. And no is worse. Say what you will. Post your little VOTE NO or STILL NO on every post and show everybody your a goof.
[sup]so i must ask do you believe the the only positive is job savings then I must ask whats stoping them from eliminating more jobs 6 mo from now and more a yr from now and even more 2 yrs from now[/sup]
Lay down like a coward and vote no and the company wins. There is no fear. You have this imaginary vision when we vote no we win and we will do better then if we had voted yes. It's not getting better and whatever we get with a no vote it's still 6 years and we will end up with 6 years of less. Voting yes is not doing nothing. I know what I get with yes and I know what I get with no. And no is worse. Say what you will. Post your little VOTE NO or STILL NO on every post and show everybody your a goof.
At what point does the membership stop giving concessions?

This concession started in 1983 and continues today. When will it stop?

If this passes of those jobs saved, how many will be here when the MD80 aircraft leave?
[sup]so i must ask do you believe the the only positive is job savings then I must ask whats stoping them from eliminating more jobs 6 mo from now and more a yr from now and even more 2 yrs from now[/sup]

They're looking short term. They just don't see what will happen down the road. They're being played like a base fiddle!!
Hey it's over. Were bankrupt. We have 2 choices. Thats all. There is no voting no and getting back anything. You complain about concessions and then you say vote no so we can give more back. YOU WILL NOT GET MORE WHEN YOU VOTE NO THAN IF YOU VOTE YES. People are going to loose jobs. Can't change that. Vote no and we are probably going to loose more jobs. It's the way it is as sad as it is. When the MD80 leaves we will loose jobs. Will a no vote save those jobs? Not a prayer.
Hey it's over. Were bankrupt. We have 2 choices. Thats all. There is no voting no and getting back anything. You complain about concessions and then you say vote no so we can give more back. YOU WILL NOT GET MORE WHEN YOU VOTE NO THAN IF YOU VOTE YES. People are going to loose jobs. Can't change that. Vote no and we are probably going to loose more jobs. It's the way it is as sad as it is. When the MD80 leaves we will loose jobs. Will a no vote save those jobs? Not a prayer.
Well you didnt answer my question will a yes vote save those jobs, and if not why should we vote yes

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