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Team Twu Coming To Mci

Hey Davey, this is a Local 530 monthly meeting, put them antennae down bruddah. Worried people are catching on to AMFAscam? AMFA officials are surely available, Horizon hasn't seen them in over a year...contract? what contract...go fish...HAHAHAHA

If ya want to be a guest speaker ya can go as my date....
TWU informer said:

Or is this a private brain washing affair?
From what I hear this is just another monthly membership meeting. Local 530 invited "Team TWU" to speak and answer any questions that the membership may have on all issues regarding the TWU. It is not intended to be an amfa bashing meeting. But if questions come up regarding amfa then "Team TWU" and their representatives will address those questions appropriately.

Same as any membership meeting regardless of location, it will be strictly up to Local 530 who they will and will not allow in their meeting. Once again the Democratic process rules as the membership will make the call, not a dictator from New Hampshire who hasn't worked in aviation in 40 years. :shock:

Now you can go on and on and on like you always do Informer and spin it like you will but this meeting will be like any other union meeting that is held throughout the country on any given day, nothing more or nothing less. It just so happnes that Local 530 invited some of the people that Delle refused to debate to speak to their members.

What are you scared of (and you are scared), that the truth will come out???? All the members at Local 530 have to do is ask, and I'm sure they will.
This is a Local 530 membership meeting. Only local members will be allowed in. You guys had your chance in Tulsa!
twuer said:
TWU informer said:

Or is this a private brain washing affair?
From what I hear this is just another monthly membership meeting. Local 530 invited "Team TWU" to speak and answer any questions that the membership may have on all issues regarding the TWU. It is not intended to be an amfa bashing meeting. But if questions come up regarding amfa then "Team TWU" and their representatives will address those questions appropriately.

Same as any membership meeting regardless of location, it will be strictly up to Local 530 who they will and will not allow in their meeting. Once again the Democratic process rules as the membership will make the call, not a dictator from New Hampshire who hasn't worked in aviation in 40 years. :shock:

Now you can go on and on and on like you always do Informer and spin it like you will but this meeting will be like any other union meeting that is held throughout the country on any given day, nothing more or nothing less. It just so happnes that Local 530 invited some of the people that Delle refused to debate to speak to their members.

What are you scared of (and you are scared), that the truth will come out???? All the members at Local 530 have to do is ask, and I'm sure they will.
When is the last time Sonny Hall worked for an airline?

Never did.

How long age was it since Kerrigan turned a wrench at PAN AM?

Well over 20 years.

When is the last time Little turned a wrench at any airline?

Never did.

When is the last time that mechanics were able to vote on any of these people?

Never and never will in the TWU.

Delle may be old, and maybe he hasnt turned a wrench in years but he is the guy that mechanics voted for, unlike Hall, Kerrigan, Little, Gless, Yingst etc. If the members dont like the job he is doing they can recall him at any time, unlike the TWU gang who can never be recalled by the members.

Delle believes that mechanics are worth much more than they are getting now, Sonny does not, Kerrigan does not and neither do the rest of the TWU gang. They are Industrial Unionist who believe we should all get the same or near the same-in the TWU the current average hourly wage is $15/hr. So even our Fleet Service clerks have a ways down to go still, but dont worry if we all stay with the TWU we will get there. Of course this wage is not for Union Leaders-they are in a different class than their members. A class that makes at least triple the money, and benifits that the members could only dream of. So if we stay with the TWU which way are they likey to lead us?

During the PEB at NWA AMFA made the arguement that mechanics were worth $40/hr. They managed to get to $35/hr, from $25. Could you see the TWU going out and focusing their arguement on the value of one class of workers? No it will never happen.

Time for the TWU to go- AMFA and the AGW for a better future.
Might not be such a bad idea for team twu to go to MCI. Remember how much they did for the AMFA cause when they came to Tulsa?? We need just a few more cards. This may well be what we need. Everytime the twu does something it results in more AMFA cards. Remember........TWA almost had enough cards to file at one time. They are losing their work, 737's are already in Tulsa and the 757's are going back to leasers. Jetnet has the low down on the airplanes they are working. I'm sure it won't be a walk in the park for team twu. After all it is the twu that stuck them on the bottom of the senority list.
Here's to the twu............
The only twu drives going on are to OUST them!!!!!!!!!!!
mojo13 said:
This is a Local 530 membership meeting. Only local members will be allowed in. You guys had your chance in Tulsa!
That's what I figured.

Team TWU is going to promise them third party maintenance. They just are not going to tell them that the base will be spun off to be an AMR subsidiary.

And the term attrition will hit the men in the face harder than we got hit at AFW in late '95 early '96.

Oh well, one side of the information is all those guys need to vote anyway.
TWU informer said:
That's what I figured.

Team TWU is going to promise them third party maintenance. They just are not going to tell them that the base will be spun off to be an AMR subsidiary.

And the term attrition will hit the men in the face harder than we got hit at AFW in late '95 early '96.

Oh well, one side of the information is all those guys need to vote anyway.
Here's an idea. . .maybe Princess Judy can get some of her "spies" that she had in the international meetings, or was it the company meetings, in to the Local 530 meetings. Then you will know what is being said second hand. That is the way you get your info isn't it?

Better call her soon so she can round up the troops!! :up:

Not to change the subject or anything but what happened to the card drive updates you were putting up every other day?????? Not too impressive??
twuer said:
Not to change the subject or anything but what happened to the card drive updates you were putting up every other day?????? Not too impressive??

You will never know the number of cards filed so you can quit fishing. All you will know in the end is you cannot prevent the election. And then that you lost.

There is a specific reason why the count was removed from the web and you are living proof that we made the correct move.

Squirm baby Squirm!
mojo13 said:
This is a Local 530 membership meeting. Only local members will be allowed in. You guys had your chance in Tulsa!
So am I invited or not?
TWU informer said:
You will never know the number of cards filed so you can quit fishing. All you will know in then end is you cannot prevent the election.

There is a specific reason why the count was removed from the web and you are living proof that we made the correct move.

Squirm baby Squirm!
Oh, so amfa does have a strategy. HMMMMMM. I guess we better be on our guards then huh??
:lol: :lol: :lol:
In the above picture, the guy on the right will also not be receiving a ballot, as he is the Representative of the AFL-CIO.
Thanks Buck, I didn't know the guy on the right:


If you come to Tulsa and get in the coffin before it leaves town, I bet you will be snuck into the MCI area undetected.
mojo13 said:
This is a Local 530 membership meeting. Only local members will be allowed in. You guys had your chance in Tulsa!
Is this a warm-up for team twu so they will be ready when AMFA National comes back to Tulsa after the filing??? twu's last chance..............
Here's to the twu.............
It is indeed a noble thing for twu advocates to go down with the ship......

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