TWU informer said:
Or is this a private brain washing affair?
From what I hear this is just another monthly membership meeting. Local 530 invited "Team TWU" to speak and answer any questions that the membership may have on all issues regarding the TWU.
It is not intended to be an amfa bashing meeting. But if questions come up regarding amfa then "Team TWU" and their representatives will address those questions appropriately.
Same as any membership meeting regardless of location, it will be strictly up to Local 530 who they will and will not allow in their meeting. Once again the Democratic process rules as
the membership will make the call, not a dictator from New Hampshire who hasn't worked in aviation in 40 years.
Now you can go on and on and on like you always do Informer and spin it like you will but this meeting will be like any other union meeting that is held throughout the country on any given day, nothing more or nothing less. It just so happnes that Local 530 invited some of the people that Delle refused to debate to speak to their members.
What are you scared of (and you are scared), that the truth will come out???? All the members at Local 530 have to do is ask, and I'm sure they will.