Swing state election fraud

Pointing out how absurd his comparison is will do you no good. KCFlyer lives in a Democrat fueled fantasy land.
You know, slavery is not the only reason the south wanted to separate itself from the north. Tariffs and violations of state's rights were also a concern. Given the federal government's absolute refusal to secure our border and dumping illegals on states I would say those fears of state's rights being violated were valid.
150 years later.
You know, slavery is not the only reason the south wanted to separate itself from the north. Tariffs and violations of state's rights were also a concern. Given the federal government's absolute refusal to secure our border and dumping illegals on states I would say those fears of state's rights being violated were valid.
Where did I mention slavery? I simply said that a lot of Americans died fighting an enemy that carried that flag. Anyone who would celebrate the flag of an enemy in the capitol of our country isn't a patriot in my eyes.
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Pointing out how absurd his comparison is will do you no good. KCFlyer lives in a Democrat fueled fantasy land.
REally? I look more on how Hitler came to power and how he got so many people to follow him. Very similar to Trump. Hitler also demonized his enemy (vermin). Hitler blamed a group for all the problems facing their country...although to be honest, Trump cites immigrants and "radical leftists", which is anybody who disgrees with him. Oh yeah....Hitler had chronic flatulence and Trump "smells like butt", so they have that in common.

FWIW, you should check out Trump's campaign site...it will play WONDERFULLY for his base, but Trump still needs more than his base, and his campaign site doesn't do much to attract undecideds and moderates. Keep up the good work.
Where did I mention slavery? I simply said that a lot of Americans died fighting an enemy that carried that flag. Anyone who would celebrate the flag of an enemy in the capitol of our country isn't a patriot in my eyes.
An enemy? It was a CIVIL war. Are you calling Americans your enemy?
An enemy? It was a CIVIL war. Are you calling Americans your enemy?
YEs...in the sense that it was the United States of America at war with the Confederate States of America.. It's like if we went to war in Venezuela, we would still be fighting AMERICANS..South Americans against North Americans. They were both Americans. Just like the CSA. The CSA soldiers killed over 360,000 UNITED STATES soldiers while fighting under that flag. Are you saying that they WEREN'T an enemy??

If soldiers that were a part of the United States military were dying for the country, the people killing them are an enemy of the United States. That symbol of an American enemy has no place in the capitol of the UNITED STATES.
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REally? I look more on how Hitler came to power and how he got so many people to follow him. Very similar to Trump. Hitler also demonized his enemy (vermin). Hitler blamed a group for all the problems facing their country...although to be honest, Trump cites immigrants and "radical leftists", which is anybody who disgrees with him. Oh yeah....Hitler had chronic flatulence and Trump "smells like butt", so they have that in common.

FWIW, you should check out Trump's campaign site...it will play WONDERFULLY for his base, but Trump still needs more than his base, and his campaign site doesn't do much to attract undecideds and moderates. Keep up the good work.
Radical leftist ARE the enemy of Americans. You know what that socialism sh*t gets you? $1.77 trillion dollars in student debt. You know what leftist ideology gets you? Fanooks beating women down in UFC and boxing matches and violating women's restrooms. Schools indoctrinating our youth. Economic ruin due to mounting and unmaintable debt.

Illegal immigrants ARE enemies of every citizen of this country. The first thing these little bastards do is pop an anchor baby out and go sign up for welfare on the child's behalf. A program they have paid little to nothing into. They increase the cost of maintenance of our infrastructure, they drive up cost of rent and home ownership, they drive down wages, they increase the cost of medical care, they increase the tax burden of education. I could go on and on. One of the biggest crimes these invaders inflict on the citizens is wiring billions of dollars of our wealth outside of the country EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!! Nobody ever talks about that. Meanwhile you have leftist VERMIN pushing agendas to provide these invaders healthcare at citizen expense. Last but not least let's not forget the theft, violence, drugs, and murder they "contribute" to our society.
YEs...in the sense that it was the United States of America at war with the Confederate States of America.. It's like if we went to war in Venezuela, we would still be fighting AMERICANS..South Americans against North Americans. They were both Americans. Just like the CSA. The CSA soldiers killed over 360,000 UNITED STATES soldiers while fighting under that flag. Are you saying that they WEREN'T an enemy??

If soldiers that were a part of the United States military were dying for the country, the people killing them are an enemy of the United States. That symbol of an American enemy has no place in the capitol of the UNITED STATES.
I see.

So do you consider BLM and ANTIFA who attacked police and civilians, looted, committed arson, and murder to be enemies of the country? If so then a military response was absolutely justified.

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Burning down the godda*med city while committing assault, murder, arson, and theft while chanting defund the police seems like sedition to me.

Running the police out of their own police department seems like sedition to me.

CHOP seems like sedition to me.

You add all those incidents of sedition and they only lead to one conclusion..... treason. A concentrated effort to bring citizens in those affected areas under subjugation while making a concerted effort to undermine law enforcement.

Politicians like Maxine Waters told these "mostly peaceful protestors" to “stay on the street” and “get more confrontational” while Lori Lightfoot told the police to stand down..... and you know what.... that is exactly what they did. Yet somehow TRUMP is the master of inciting violence..... KCFlyer you are a f*cking clown.

SEDITION-conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state
TREASON- the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Go ahead, justify them you two faced hypocrite. Try to convince me they're "victims".

In your sick mind Jan 6th is far worse than BLM, ANTIFA, and CHOP. Whatever fits the narrative right?
Radical leftist ARE the enemy of Americans. You know what that socialism sh*t gets you? $1.77 trillion dollars in student debt. You know what leftist ideology gets you? Fanooks beating women down in UFC and boxing matches and violating women's restrooms. Schools indoctrinating our youth. Economic ruin due to mounting and unmaintable debt.

Illegal immigrants ARE enemies of every citizen of this country. The first thing these little bastards do is pop an anchor baby out and go sign up for welfare on the child's behalf. A program they have paid little to nothing into. They increase the cost of maintenance of our infrastructure, they drive up cost of rent and home ownership, they drive down wages, they increase the cost of medical care, they increase the tax burden of education. I could go on and on. One of the biggest crimes these invaders inflict on the citizens is wiring billions of dollars of our wealth outside of the country EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!! Nobody ever talks about that. Meanwhile you have leftist VERMIN pushing agendas to provide these invaders healthcare at citizen expense. Last but not least let's not forget the theft, violence, drugs, and murder they "contribute" to our society.
Guess the socialism that paid for your unemployment and schooling was ok?

Hypocrite much?

And you do know corporations get more money in “welfare” than people?

And I guess you’ve never used any of these services.

I see.

So do you consider BLM and ANTIFA who attacked police and civilians, looted, committed arson, and murder to be enemies of the country? If so then a military response was absolutely justified.

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Burning down the godda*med city while committing assault, murder, arson, and theft while chanting defund the police seems like sedition to me.

Running the police out of their own police department seems like sedition to me.

CHOP seems like sedition to me.

You add all those incidents of sedition and they only lead to one conclusion..... treason. A concentrated effort to bring citizens in those affected areas under subjugation while making a concerted effort to undermine law enforcement.

Politicians like Maxine Waters told these "mostly peaceful protestors" to “stay on the street” and “get more confrontational” while Lori Lightfoot told the police to stand down..... and you know what.... that is exactly what they did. Yet somehow TRUMP is the master of inciting violence..... KCFlyer you are a f*cking clown.

SEDITION-conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state
TREASON- the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Go ahead, justify them you two faced hypocrite. Try to convince me they're "victims".

In your sick mind Jan 6th is far worse than BLM, ANTIFA, and CHOP. Whatever fits the narrative right?

As bad as BLM and ANTIFA and the DEEP STATE and the pedophile pizza makers are - NONE of them declared war on the US and no soldier has been killed in a battle with them. Should I be allowed to carry a flag with a swastika in the Capitol? How about the Japanese rising sun? They were also our enemies, but we accept them today. The funny thing is, a lot of "patriots" seem to also like the swastika.

I'm usually the verbose one, but please help me out here. Does the confederate flag represent a "country" (CSA) that went to war with the United States? And here comes the challenge - if it's okay to take the confederate flag....the flag of an enemy that 380,000 American soldiers died fighting against...into our nations Capitol - please explain why and ....here is the hard part...WITHOUT mentioning BLM, ANTIFA, radical leftists or Marxists...why is it acceptable to carry that flag into our nation's Capitol. And I use the word "our" because that Capitol belongs to ALL Americans.
As bad as BLM and ANTIFA and the DEEP STATE and the pedophile pizza makers are - NONE of them declared war on the US and no soldier has been killed in a battle with them. Should I be allowed to carry a flag with a swastika in the Capitol? How about the Japanese rising sun? They were also our enemies, but we accept them today. The funny thing is, a lot of "patriots" seem to also like the swastika.

I'm usually the verbose one, but please help me out here. Does the confederate flag represent a "country" (CSA) that went to war with the United States? And here comes the challenge - if it's okay to take the confederate flag....the flag of an enemy that 380,000 American soldiers died fighting against...into our nations Capitol - please explain why and ....here is the hard part...WITHOUT mentioning BLM, ANTIFA, radical leftists or Marxists...why is it acceptable to carry that flag into our nation's Capitol. And I use the word "our" because that Capitol belongs to ALL Americans.
Let him go to Germany and carry the Swastika or do a Sieg Hiel and see what happens to him.

“The German penal code prohibits publicly denying the Holocaust and disseminating Nazi propaganda, both off- and online. This includes sharing images such as swastikas, wearing an SS uniform and making statements in support of Hitler.

It also places strict rules on how social media companies must moderate and report hate speech and threats. These hate-speech laws were tightened last year, after three far-right terror attacks in 2019 and early 2020 prompted German authorities to warn of increasing extremism.”

You seem to be avoiding the questions about whether or not it is patriotic to carry the flag of an enemy into our nations capitol under the guise of being a "patriot'
I think you replied to the wrong poster.

I agree with you.

My post said let “him”. Meaning Fa la la.