Swing state election fraud

Yeah....those insurrections are so 2021. That's why we act as if it was nothing more that a bunch of tourists.

People who “obsess” over Politics have some of the “weakest” minds on the Planet. Real sheep are smarter than them. BTW I mean ALL of you and not just those who go literally off the deep end. A bunch of walking dumbasses.

I prefer Science News, Interesting (Non Political) Documentaries, TED Talks and the new Billy Joel song personally way more.
People who “obsess” over Politics have some of the “weakest” minds on the Planet. Real sheep are smarter than them. BTW I mean ALL of you and not just those who go literally off the deep end. A bunch of walking dumbasses.

I prefer Science News, Interesting (Non Political) Documentaries, TED Talks and the new Billy Joel song personally way more.
I don't obsess over politics. But there aren't many times in history that ones lives to see an actual insurrection that was caused by a sitting president. I actually spend a good part of my day on a bicycle with my cycling group. I only get on here when I feel the need to hear someone call me a libtard.
I don't obsess over politics. But there aren't many times in history that ones lives to see an actual insurrection that was caused by a sitting president. I actually spend a good part of my day on a bicycle with my cycling group. I only get on here when I feel the need to hear someone call me a libtard.

Reality of course is irrelevant to those who put their fingers in their ears and yell loudly because they don’t want to hear it.

Prove an insurrection occurred.

Those weren't tourists in the capitol and one has to wonder, had the secret service not take Pence to the basement, would he be alive today? The tourists were chanting "fight for Trump" and they were chanting "hang Mike Pence". Then they went looking for Pence. And Trump just smiled. Trump spent over an hour bitching about the election and claiming it was stolen and telling folks they had to fight like hell. And in that speech he used the word "peacefully" one time. Just one. Over an hour of fight and one mention of peaceful. When asked about it Trump reportedly said:

Oh....and before anybody else responds....allow me

But BLM!!!!
Prove an insurrection occurred.

I don’t believe anyone was criminally convicted with the crime of Insurrection much less even charged with that crime. Don’t think anyone was convicted or even charged with Treason either?

Many people were charged and convicted of crimes though which of course they should have been.

Some TV or Political pinhead used the word “Insurrection” and lots of little sheeple ran and continue to run with it.
Some TV or Political pinhead used the word “Insurrection” and lots of little sheeple ran and continue to run with it.
Some of us actually watched and listened (I know, we aren't supposed to listen to Trump). Before any TV or Political pinhead. After hearing him talk about Mike Pence again and again, then hearing him say :

And Mike Pence, I hope you're going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if you're not, I'm going to be very disappointed in you. I will tell you right now. I'm not hearing good stories.

At that point I felt that he had issued Pence's death warrant. Especially when the crowd was chanting "hang Mike Pence". And they built a gallows.

I know the righties and Trumpers will say the Trump never TOLD them to do that, but words are powerful and he should have been more careful about how many might interpret his words. Obviously a lot of them heard 'attack the capitol'.
Now there were a few people charged and convicted for this offense. And they themselves pled guilty so you can’t really argue with that. Did those pinheads want to cause a little Anarchy. Of course they did. Why would anyone argue about it.

Lots of people are so easily led. Just think of Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Moonies. So many many many radical groups. Now of course if you sympathize with any of them you aren’t going to consider them radicals. But they are. As for me. I can’t stand the Alt Right radicals any more than those Antifa slugs.

I don’t discriminate.

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Those weren't tourists in the capitol and one has to wonder, had the secret service not take Pence to the basement, would he be alive today? The tourists were chanting "fight for Trump" and they were chanting "hang Mike Pence". Then they went looking for Pence. And Trump just smiled. Trump spent over an hour bitching about the election and claiming it was stolen and telling folks they had to fight like hell. And in that speech he used the word "peacefully" one time. Just one. Over an hour of fight and one mention of peaceful. When asked about it Trump reportedly said:

So where's your evidence an insurrection occurred....as in indictments and/or charges filed.
It was an unsupprted democrat talking point about 10 seconds after the riot occurred.

That IS 100% true. Democrat Politicians did say that almost immediately

Anchors were saying they were rioting at the Capital and that’s also 100% true. There were many people rioting. Not all broke windows or assaulted Police but they all inside themselves knew going into the Capitol was not where they should be.

If your instincts are telling you not to do something or that something could get you into serious trouble and you continue to go, you’re an idiot.

I’m not the Judge of how much Jail and Prison time they all got but they did do it to themselves. And yes President Trump did encourage the idiocy. What he deserves for it I don’t know either.