Swing state election fraud

You would think if it was an insurrection there would be a lot of armed people but the only one who got killed was an unarmed rioter.

Back in 1976 I worked at Neiman Marcus in downtown Dallas. Gerald Ford was attending a campaign function and his motorcade was to go down Commerce street. Every employee coming to work that morning was searched by Secret Service. And the president was only going to drive by. How close to you think they would let a rally attendee with a gun get to a president. It might be why they didn't have any guns.

As for that unarmed rioter who got killed. I seem to recall that she and a bunch of screaming Magaots were pounding on the door and glass and calling the lone security guard a traitor. When they glass broke - an idiot woman jumped in...and if she could do it, how many more could do it? I mean a few dozen rabid Trump supporters versus one security guard. You all seem to love the second amendment and say that if someone broke into your house - you blow their butt away. Well...they broke a window to the people's "house" and the guard did exactly what your side said he should do. But the presumptive candidate for the Republicans called him "a disgrace" and an "out of control dope" Turns out, Trump was looking in a mirror. And FWIW, if Trump were in that guys shoes and it was a bunch of Democrats breaking thru the windows., what would he do?
You would think if it was an insurrection there would be a lot of armed people but the only one who got killed was an unarmed rioter.

Exactly. There was no “Insurrection” period. If the Media told these people that the Russians were invading and came in from a Submarine off Rockaway Beach and people who lived on Rockaway Beach told them there was no invasion they would say they were lying.

They believe EVERYTHING the Media spoon feeds them.
Exactly. There was no “Insurrection” period. If the Media told these people that the Russians were invading and came in from a Submarine off Rockaway Beach and people who lived on Rockaway Beach told them there was no invasion they would say they were lying.

They believe EVERYTHING the Media spoon feeds them.
ONe more time.....if the president is giving a speech near you, grab your gun and go. See how far you get.
ONe more time.....if the president is giving a speech near you, grab your gun and go. See how far you get.

You’re babbling now. Try to focus. There was no “Insurrection”. No one has been charged or convicted of that crime. No one.

Try to say it now.

In the meantime this is one dangerous looking group of complete morons here. 🙄

Washington Post.

“The issue looms over both the case they will hear this month and the 2024 campaign. President Biden and other critics of the Republican presidential front-runner say that the attack was an insurrection under any definition and that Trump was the clear instigator. They note that more than 1,200 people have been charged with “””crimes””” (UNDERLINE CRIMES) related to the events of that day, with more than 850 of them convicted.

Trump himself faces 91 charges across four cases, two of which are related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. But insurrection is not among the charges, and he was acquitted by the Senate after the House impeached him on charges that included inciting an insurrection. Trump and his supporters say the lack of insurrection charges shows that the term does not apply”

Yes my good friend and I’m still looking for that charge and conviction with the word, “Insurrection” attached to it?

Here again is the Wiki that includes all the charges and convictions people (many deservedly) received. Longest sentence 22 years in prison.

(The “goofball” with the horns is free and running for Congress btw)

Did I say it was an insurrection?

The point of my posts was to show the violence. Not a deceitful pic of them standing around.

And Wiki isn’t a credible source.

I could go on their right now and add and say it was an insurrection.
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Did I say it was an insurrection?

The point of my posts was to show the violence. Not a deceitful pic of them standing around.

And Wiki isn’t a credible source.

O could go on their right now and add and say it was an insurrection.

I’m sorry but where did I allude that there wasn’t violence included in the happenings of the day? Of course there was violence and death that occurred. There were also people who took a walk over there, people who stood on a step, people who went up the stairs, people who climbed walls, people who broke windows and vandalized and people who walked in and just looked around. There were people who did a lot of things that day. There were also morons who got swept up in the idiocy because they’re weak minded. Goofballs like in the picture I posted.

Now if Wiki isn’t a credible source to list all the charges and convictions people got I’m fine if you want to post from a different source?

You and I can use any words we want but this Country has a Court system. And so far I don’t think anyone has been charged with Insurrection or worse Treason?

I don’t personally like any rioters no matter what cause they are rioting over. I think “most” (Not all) causes out there or more annoying than substantial. Meaning the causes that people feel they have to inconvenience other people for or worse cause acts of violence and destruction.