Nor do they care--about our "plight" or about being educated on the subject.
But, ask yourself. Do you think twice about shopping in a non-union store when the prices are 20% lower than at the unionized store? Do you refuse to shop at Wal-mart because of the almost total absence of employee benefits? Do you refuse to wear Levi brand jeans because they moved all their plants outside the U.S.? For that matter, do you refuse to wear jeans since none are actually made in the U.S. anymore?
The selfishness and self-centeredness of the American public is boundless. Case in point--people demanding Congressional action because the cost of gas has risen to
almost one third of what the rest of the world pays for gas. The outrage! It's my Constitutional right to have cheap gas! Destroy the environment; lay waste to the Alaskan wilderness. Do whatever is necessary to get the cost of filling up my Hummer down!
(But, don't get me started.
😛 )