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Bankruptcy-aa's Best Solution

TWU informer said:
If the ignorant airline management would have reduced capacity prior to and more so after 9/11 they could have saved themselves, and the employees a hell of alot of money, and attitude!

Same could be said had AA outsourced all of its MRO operation in 2003, although it would have made the discussion around here rather boring...
Former ModerAAtor said:
Same could be said had AA outsourced all of its MRO operation in 2003, although it would have made the discussion around here rather boring...

The fat lady has not been seen singing yet!

I feel pretty sure with the TWU leadership now running the maintenance base, it will not be long and the same could not only be said, but accurately commented.
Wretched Wrench said:
But wouldn't the TWU lose a lot of dues income if they consented to outsourcing?

your seniority under 1982? Or do I have to follow you around and turn the lights out 😉
No they just organise the contractor with the co's blessing 😉
j7915 said:
your seniority under 1982? Or do I have to follow you around and turn the lights out 😉

Hmmm..........an irrelevant question and an insult.

And you're making jokes about the mental capacity of OTHERS?

Wretched Wrench said:
Hmmm..........an irrelevant question and an insult.

And you're making jokes about the mental capacity of OTHERS?

If the shoe fits wear it. Obviously you don't know your seniority date. 🙂
Connected1 said:
Fuel price increases have certainly hobbled us, but they don't happen in a vaccuum.


Neither did our industry leading concessions.
Skymess said:

If the ignorant airline management would have reduced capacity prior to and more so after 9/11 they could have saved themselves, and the employees a hell of alot of money, and attitude!

How come we all knew that and it took them so long to figure it out?

What is there to figure out? Do you all not realize that they are bound by lease/purchase agreements? If you all-of-a-sudden realize you only need one car instead of two, you can't just drive it into a lake and stop paying for it (at least not legally). You have to sell it or just park it and keep paying. Same with the a/c or capacity as we call it. Except with the a/c's, you either can't find a buyer or in the rare exception where you can...it isn't fixing the problem b/c the eqpt gets thrown back into the industry network.

So what is there to figure out?? How to stop paying and get away with it? Yeah...they haven't figured that out outside of BK. That is the law of finance. Pretty simple if you ask me. But go ahead and use it as another reason to hate mgmt...something out of their control and that is common sense if you let your head speak rather than emotions.
I am told that twu local 514 president Dennis Burchette announced at the monthly union meeting this week that AA will file for bankruptcy and that the pensions will be frozen with a new plan taking over for the future. Not sure about a timetable.
I am told that twu local 514 president Dennis Burchette announced at the monthly union meeting this week that AA will file for bankruptcy and that the pensions will be frozen with a new plan taking over for the future. Not sure about a timetable.

So I take it that the Confidentiality agreement has expired?

Someone tell McDonald that he can sell his stock now!

From the TWU/ATD website:
Following is the list of the those 48 officers. All officers were elected by acclamation:
International President, Michael T. O'Brien
Executive Vice President, James C. Little
Secretary Treasurer John J. Kerrigan
Administrative Vice President Hubert Snead
Administrative Vice President Michael Bakalo

13 International Vice Presidents:
John Bland, Dennnis Burchette, Garry Drummond, Harry Lombardo, Thom McDaniel, Gary Maslanka, William Pelletier, Barry Roberts, Marsha Spinowitz, Ainsley Stewart, Roger Tauss, James Whalen, Gary Yingst

Now since he is an officer of the International as well as Local 514 his statements may carry more liability.

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