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United's Pensions On Increasingly Shaky Ground

Checking it Out said:
Note: No post submitted by those industrial union scam artists who made outrageous accusations regarding Delle-Femine and UAL pensions will be added to the BB unless the comment begins with an apology. - TM

This is also a good indication that the truth hurts, Dennis at the-mechanic site has decided to censor any questions or concerns regarding this issue! Apparently he has been instructed to delete any comments he believes is an adversity to Delle!!!!
Delle has said he was misquoted and it is a ridiculous notion in the first place. Only an idiot would believe differently but, you are welcome to be one!!!
Truth speaks for it self!!!!!!

Delle lives in a world from 20 years ago. He still speaks of Airlines that are non-existence. He is a habitual liar and will tell you what you want to hear at the moment. His time has passed and the McCormick Group is running the show now!!! Amfa is just a subsidiary!!!
Checking it Out said:
Truth speaks for it self!!!!!!

Delle lives in a world from 20 years ago. He still speaks of Airlines that are non-existence. He is a habitual liar and will tell you what you want to hear at the moment. His time has passed and the McCormick Group is running the show now!!! Amfa is just a subsidiary!!!
AMFA is just an Internet scheme. ROTFLMAO
My point is, this is what happens when you are in BK! You have no control!!!! The creditors and the company dictate to you!!!!

Remember the comment has been made, and cannot be retracted!!!
Checking it Out said:
My point is, this is what happens when you are in BK! You have no control!!!! The creditors and the company dictate to you!!!!

Remember the comment has been made, and cannot be retracted!!!
Point is, you have no point and changing the subject will not help you make a point. 0 x 0 still equals 0.
July 8, 2004
Dear AMFA members and supporters:

Reference is made to the NYT article dated July 2, 2004. I have asked them to retract or make corrections to their article concerning some of my quotes. They have refused but they have submitted the letter to me which is below for your reading.

AMFA has a proud history of no concessions and we have been consistent since 1964. In 1983 all of the industrial unions gave the airlines concessions. Ozark Airlines had asked AMFA for the same concessions. The membership voted not to discuss concessions that was the end of concessions. In 1986 Ozark Airlines merged with TWA and our members inherited an inferior IAM contract. In 2002-03 NWA asked for concessions and our members refused, thus there were no talks to negotiate concessions on that carrier. AMFA members are the only ones that can authorize AMFA to discuss concessions.

No AMFA officer can unilaterally discuss any changes in the contract without membership approval. Our history proves that this is true - something that the industrial unions cannot prove.

I apologize that the article has caused panic and discontent. Because of the Fourth of July holiday it has taken five days for me to answer the many questions plus the fact that I was waiting for their statement. I thank you for your patience and consideration in this matter.

O. V. Delle-Femine
National Director


From: Mary Walsh [mailto:maryw@nytimes.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 3:19 PM

Mr. Delle-Femine:

Here's a copy of the recent article about United Airlines' pension funds. It's really very clear from my notes that when you spoke out about the pension funds, you were not in any way advocating that they be "gutted," but rather, giving a realistic appraisal of what could happen next, and how the unions might respond.

I should think that anyone concerned about their pension would appreciate your candor. If people would just take a few minutes and read the article to the end, they'd see that you are also thinking about possible joint action, and about the opportunity you and the others will have to test United's pension proposals in court.

I find it hard to believe that anyone would, in good faith, construe these remarks as an advocacy of givebacks. My notes (and, I thought, the story) make it clear that that wasn't what you were talking about.

Please let me know if we ought to discuss things further.

Mary Walsh
The New York Times
Union busters?

What do you call an organization that gives away in less than two weeks what workers have strived for years to achieve?

What do you call an organization that works hand and hand with the company to drive wages down for future generations?

What do you call an organization that profits by selling its membership overpriced insurance?

What do you call an organization that uses our money and trust against us in order strip us of our right to choose representation?

You don't know what a union is and your certainly not a good union man.

I am ashamed to be associated with something as corrupt and incompetent as what you call a union.
Pro amfa you can always go apply at NWA or United! Or better apply at AAR with all the others from these two companies.
Checking it Out said:
Pro amfa you can always go apply at NWA or United! Or better apply at AAR with all the others from these two companies.
Kevin, are you changing your stance from come help out to, if you don't like it leave? Of course if one were to got to work for AAR you might end up working on American Airlines aircraft doing overhaul maintanance. Did the twu alow AAR to do this work or did AA just decide to do it? Was there a greviance filed or is this one of those "they can do that brother" deals?
Checking it Out said:
Pro amfa you can always go apply at NWA or United! Or better apply at AAR with all the others from these two companies.
And that comes from someone who wants people to vote for him!!

Sounds more like management that union.

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