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United's Pensions On Increasingly Shaky Ground

July 2, 2004

AMFA's Give-Away Artist Strikes Again

To All IAM Members at United Airlines:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

An article in today’s New York Times discusses the possible termination of United Airlines employee pension plans. This is not the first, nor will it be the last, article to speculate on the future of your pension plans.

Let me remind you that during negotiations for our 2002 agreements, the IAM proposed that our members participate in the IAM National Pension Plan. The Aircraft Mechanic’s Fraternal Association (AMFA) poisoned our efforts to provide you with a secure retirement by spreading lies about the soundness of the plan. If not for AMFA’s selfish efforts, there would be no question today about the funding or stability of your pension plan.

In today’s Times article, AMFA is advocating the demise of pension plans.

“You’ve got to gut the pension plans,†said O.V. Delle-Femine, AMFA’s National Director. “I don’t see any other way.â€

AMFA is suggesting a move that United Airlines has never proposed to any employee group.

How AMFA misrepresents its own members is their business. However, the IAM has members working under five agreements that share the same pension plan as AMFA’s Mechanic & Related members. AMFA’s zeal to destroy their members’ pensions has the potential to affect yours as well.

With his foolish statement, Delle-Femine is putting all UAL employee pensions at risk. It is the job of employee representatives to preserve benefits, not tee them up so management and/or the bankruptcy court can take a swing at them.

During retiree insurance benefit negotiations, AMFA eagerly reached a secret tentative agreement with the company that dramatically lowered the bar for all other employee groups. The Union Coalition was forced to regain what AMFA had already willingly given away.

Delle-Femine also said that the unions at United may form a coalition to address the pension issue. While any discussions regarding pensions are premature, I can assure you of one thing - any Union Coalition at United Airlines will not include representatives of the Mechanic & Related. They have chosen to isolate themselves from the rest of the employees and the labor movement, and in isolation they will stay.

Once again, AMFA is setting United’s employees down a dangerous path. I urge all IAM members to contact O.V. Delle-Femine at 603-527-9212 and tell him to keep his hands off our pensions.

Thank you for your continued solidarity and support.


S.R. (Randy) Canale
President and Directing General Chairman
IAM District 141
Buck, Third party Maintenance is a way of life for many of the Airlines today, With Sasco and Timco paying top wages of 15 dollars and no benifits its hard to oompete.

So this IS where you intend to take us, right CIO? $15/hr here I come. Southwest and Continental have been outsourcing major overhaul for 20 years. Why hasn't the almighty TWU organized at these facilities, Tramco and such?
Because even they don't want anything to do with your brand of sell-out unionism.
All we need is a vote, then its goodbye TWU.
any Union Coalition at United Airlines will not include representatives of the Mechanic & Related. They have chosen to isolate themselves from the rest of the employees and the labor movement, and in isolation they will stay.

Translation: they refuse to pay us (AFL-CIO) $4Million dollars a year to help elect John Kerry and Hillary Clinton so screw them. If they won't help us convert America to socialism we will not assist them in protecting their pensions.

As always, follow the money.
O. V. Delle-Femine, national director of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, said he now feared the worst.

"You've got to gut the pension plans," he said. "I don't see any other way."

Once again Delle is quoted out of context. Just like his "quote" on AA and bankruptcy. These statements don't even make sense in the theme of the so-called interview.
Anyone with a brain can figure out that the IAM, TWU and the ultra left wing New York Times HATE AMFA (and any other independent) because they refuse to pony up the millions of dollars to support Euro-socialist politicians, and are hitting the AFL-CIO where it hurts most, in the wallet.

Follow the money.
RUM@AA said:
Once again Delle is quoted out of context. Just like his "quote" on AA and bankruptcy. These statements don't even make sense in the theme of the so-called interview.
Anyone with a brain can figure out that the IAM, TWU and the ultra left wing New York Times HATE AMFA (and any other independent) because they refuse to pony up the millions of dollars to support Euro-socialist politicians, and are hitting the AFL-CIO where it hurts most, in the wallet.

Follow the money.
Received: 07/04/04 13:48:08 EDT
Name: Jerry Scaife
Employer: UAL
Location: ORDMM
To: Frontal Gate Worker
I hope like hell you ARE the only one missing "Scotty and the IAM." Scotty Ford sold us out at every turn. He and his scab toadies are directly responsible for our current plight and ANYONE who would look fondly back at his regime is no better. Scotty Ford allowed contractual language that allowed our inspectors to inspect the work of nonunion people. Unacceptable. Scotty Ford sold out receipt and dispatch to ramp who doesn't even want it. Unacceptable. Scotty Ford sold out ALL the mechanics at OAK and IMC devastating the lives of many, many mechanics and their families. Unacceptable. Scotty Ford stole our money, given back to the Company in concessions. Unacceptable. Scotty Ford was instrumental in implementing the ESOP. Each one of us lost over$100K in potential retirement funds. Scotty Ford never saw a concession he would not gleefully embrace. Scotty Ford is beneath contempt and I suggest you get off the dope, you IAM sycophant!
I apologize to TM for the hostility but this had to be said.

I copied this post because the writer apparently signed his name and seems to recall events at UAL a bit differently than the twu.

As has been said by AMFA supporters all along at AA, scotchy ford and his sellout iam were responsible for selling the farm at UAL. The UAL esop was first. "We will be millionaires" I think it went? Instead, most lost about 100k. Devestation of lives by the iam, and iam alone.

Then wholesale sellout of IMC and OAK were the iam and its cronies, they are the ones that allowed the 100% outsourcing of maintenance. AMFA was not the bargaining agent at UAL like the twu cultists constantly claim.

The iam screwed its members one final time with the "scorched earth" policy before they got the boot in the ass by AMFA. The iam is solely responsible for the death spiral the mechanics and the retirees are suffering at UAL.

The worthless iam abandon its own retirees, and now AMFA is at fault for trying to represent them? I THINK NOT!!!!

Industrial unions are all the same: First, will sell you out at every turn. Then, when you rise up and demand changes, we will lie, cheat, and steal to stop you. Finally, like a good dictator does, when the mob finally rules, we will slash and burn at will. If we can't take your money, then nobody can.

Industrial Unions are finished in the AIRLINE INDUSTRY!!!!

So even when they quote the little dweeb you all simply blow it off by saying he was quoted out of context. You are a lonely bunch of losers. My buddy delle can do no wrong, My buddy delle can do no wrong......
Nightwatch said:
So even when they quote the little dweeb you all simply blow it off by saying he was quoted out of context. You are a lonely bunch of losers. My buddy delle can do no wrong, My buddy delle can do no wrong......
Take your Geritol tonite and call Sunny in the morning, maybe he'll make ya an honorary twu "newbe" pivot man. The iam seems to be running out of them with all the airlines they have soldout.

BTW, your president of twu local 530, is a complete dumbass.

NightWatch finally admits the truth:
My buddy delle can do no wrong, My buddy delle can do no wrong......

This is a direct quote from a former TWU fan. He now is a Delle-Femine fan. :up:

This is not taken out of context either so don't let NightWatch claim otherwise. 😀
RUM@AA said:
NightWatch finally admits the truth:

This is a direct quote from a former TWU fan. He now is a Delle-Femine fan. :up:

This is not taken out of context either so don't let NightWatch claim otherwise. 😀
Listen guy, I truly believe delle can do no wrong. By the way you guys follow this guru , to state otherwise would be total nonsense. So what if he hired his buddie as a secretary, no big deal, somebody has to run the daily ops of such a noble house. Why, he's so noble you even allow him to sign off on contracts even though he is not a member of amfa, but delle says it's all good, so it's all good, cause delle can do no wrong.

And listen, even if the only guy that has been in power longer than delle is Castro, no big deal, cause delle can do no wrong. So what if delle was the first to prove there is an "I" in the word union, no big deal, cause delle can do no wrong.

This is not taken out of context either so don't let NightWatch claim otherwise.
Don't let? You must be a real organizer of amfa. delle has taught you well, cause delle can do no wrong.
Nightwatch said:
So what if he hired his buddie as a secretary, no big deal, somebody has to run the daily ops of such a noble house.
Speaking of secretaries;

I've been to several Cope Conferences, one Convention and several other affairs where Sonny Hall was present. His much younger, and somewhat attractive $105,000 a year "secretary" has always appeared right at his side. You even see her in the TWUExpress all the time. I've never seen his wife though. Whats the deal? Does Sonny have a wife? What does his secretary do that warrants a salary thats over $40,000 a year more than a top paid mechanic?
Bob Owens said:
What does his secretary do that warrants a salary thats over $40,000 a year more than a top paid mechanic?
Lots of things!! :lol: (I'm thinking Monica-ish things) :shock:
Oh, that's good....go after the secretary. You guys prove your ignorance on a daily basis. Your ship is sinking fast boys!!!!!
twuer said:
Oh, that's good....go after the secretary. You guys prove your ignorance on a daily basis. Your ship is sinking fast boys!!!!!
Who are you talking about? Nightwatch, a TWU supporter who brought up the secretary thing, Fly- who I think is a female flight attendant for UAL -AFA/CWA, or me?

How come the TWU says that a mechanic in New York should be happy making the same $60,000 as a mechanic in Tulsa but the highest paid secretary in Tulsa makes $66,000, while the secretary in NY makes $105,000?

So what is the deal, does Sonny have a wife? If so how come he is always seen with his secretary? Its just a question based upon an observation. I'll admit its none of my business if Sonny messes around but if my dues are being misused for his jollies then it does become my business.
Bob Owens said:
If you were at TWA then how would you know what the TWU recommended?

The guys who were here in 1983 say that what you are claiming is wrong.
And I state you are wrong, so go figure. Ask them boys up there if it was a strike issue. BTW...how many boys are up there with you?
Bob, So What about the secretary! Who cares? If your worried so much I believe you would be screaming about Seham and McCormick with their outrages fees! Convince us about the 2 million they have collected in the last year?

It seems United has set the stage to spin off the maintenance and engineering section. They are going to go give the Mechanic's and related a choice in the near future! With delle caving in on the pension and the pending 12% wage reductions the Mechanic's may be going by the way of 3rd party maintenance. Separating from United all together!!

Will Greg Hall be in charge?

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