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Bankruptcy-aa's Best Solution

So now you're the bankruptcy cheerleader? 😛
Not at all. Just pointing out that the employees will not be the only ones who will lose if AA goes bankrupt.
LGA: The third big disadvantage I have read about is a very short, non-extendable 210 day period to accept or reject leases - some BK attorneys are saying that this is far too short in some cases. UAL took more than 3 times as much time to decide on which aircraft would be retained.

Of course, the Forbes writer seems to know about the "hundreds of aircraft" that AA "doesn't want" so maybe 210 days would be plenty of time for AA, since there's apparently already such a list prepared. B)

One other disadvantage of the new BK rules is that vendors who supply the debtor with goods/services in the 20 days prior to filing get priority and no longer get stiffed, so after Oct 17, bankrupt companies will have to pay a little more of their pre-petition bills.
mdarules said:
You go DALLAS DOLLY work that T-TOWN flower - I don't work for AMR - A year ago I would have wanted to but not today - with a forward looking picture they are not in the lead - after oct. and no BK they are at a large disadvantage - with fuel costs they could get what they gave to TWA - HMMMM that would be awful but you never know.. It is the airline industry afterall!!
Yeah, if AA went the way of TWA and was purchased by Southwest, maybe we could waive our scope and then when the deal was finalized we could demand to get our scope back by filing grievance after grievance and lawsuit after lawsuit. WAIT! Maybe we wouldn't waive our scope in the first place!
I can't help but notice that many of these so called "experts" were telling everyone to buy up Delta and NWA stock just before they filled chapter 11. If anyone was foolish enough to do so all they have now is very fancy toilet paper. Love that lin about people being "suprised" ove NWA's filling. You could have seen that coming a mile away.
As for BK being a "competitive advantage" you can see it's done wonders for US Air and UAL.
How come we all knew that and it took them so long to figure it out?

What everyone misses in the capacity reduction discussion is that while the INDUSTRY needs capacity reduction, it is in each AIRLINE's best interest to maximize their own flying. AA, Delta, Northwest, and the others can't just have a conference call and decide to reduce capacity together.
Oneflyer said:
AA, Delta, Northwest, and the others can't just have a conference call and decide to reduce capacity together.
Why not, it wouldn't be the first time. Besides, isn't that what AIRCON is for?
Wretched Wrench said:
When Bankruptcy Is The Best Solution

Richard Lehmann, Forbes.com, 09.23.05, 11:20 AM ET

The management at AMR’s American Airlines should be praying hard, since only an act of God can now save their company from an eventual bankruptcy filing.
He lost me at "The". We have already spent about $1 billion more on fuel than we did last year and have made a sizeable chunk of that up in yield (read: fare increases). Fuel price increases have certainly hobbled us, but they don't happen in a vaccuum.

Something tells me that this guy isn't much of a financial analyst.
So now you're the bankruptcy cheerleader? 😛

No, that's all you amfa supporters!!! BK is a better alternative. HMMM, now who was it that said that..............Delle maybe??????
Oneflyer said:
This question speaks volumes about your ignorance.
Obviously in your simple world, you are unable to decipher reality from sarcasm, but I'll help you out, afterall if we can pull together, we can win together. AIRCON gets together often to work out ways to screw airline workers, I'm sure capacity could slip out. :eye: :eye:
mdarules said:
You go DALLAS DOLLY work that T-TOWN flower - I don't work for AMR - A year ago I would have wanted to but not today -  with a forward looking picture they are not in the lead - after oct. and no BK they are at a large disadvantage -  with fuel costs they could get what they gave to TWA -  HMMMM that would be awful but you never know.. It is the airline industry afterall!!
<_< I still say:"What goes around, comes around!!!" :shock:
aafsc said:
Yeah, if AA went the way of TWA and was purchased by Southwest, maybe we could waive our scope and then when the deal was finalized we could demand to get our scope back by filing grievance after grievance and lawsuit after lawsuit. WAIT! Maybe we wouldn't waive our scope in the first place!
<_< aa---- Don't start that crap up again! :down:
Oneflyer said:
This question speaks volumes about your ignorance.
Actually your post speaks volumns about your naiveness!
MCI transplant said:
<_< aa---- Don't start that crap up again! :down:
Whenever you or anyone else cries about how the TWAers were screwed, I WILL post a reply.

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