true dat.... and DL is giving out pay raises to its NON-UNION employees without a contract. AGAIN.Funny at US the FAs and Mechanic and Related just got raises, only one cutting pay was AA in chapter 11, every other unionized airline gets their contractual raises.
English is my second language, but I think what you are saying above and what eolesen said are more-or-less the same thing: DL reputation is that everyone must connect in ATL, and people everywhere are aware of it ... ... ...And it all still misses the whole basis of the report that was the focus of the study which was cited by the OP. The study showed that DL has a significant disconnect between DL’s reputation and its brand awareness.
You have decided to insert your own biases in the discussion which have NOTHING to do with what the survey studied. The attributes which you choose to attach to any brand is YOUR PERCEPTION and nothing more.
If you want to frame what you have to say in that regard, that is fine - but I am not going to allow you or anyone else to argue that DL's brand is X based on your untested perceptions that have nothing to do with what the survey said.
If the survey or any other of the branding characteristics which you have stated here are anything more than your own personal biases, then you should have no problem finding them.
And DL can take them away at anytime also.true dat.... and DL is giving out pay raises to its NON-UNION employees without a contract. AGAIN.
true dat.... and DL is giving out pay raises to its NON-UNION employees without a contract. AGAIN.
I have no problem if E or Kev or anyone else tells us what they think of anything - just frame it as THEIR opinion instead of trying to make it out to be something academic or accurate, which it is not.
And DL can take them away at anytime also.
Just wait till DL passes on the $100 million they say that their healthcare increases will cost next year, and those non-union employees cant do anything about it.
Let's see... an employee would have to have a salary of about $1000 per month for a 3% pay raise not to be larger than the increase in the cost of insurance. How many FT employees does DL have who have a monthly salary less than $1000/month?
And it also doesn't change that health care costs are going up for employers AND employees throughout the US regardless of union affiliation or not.
DL COULD take anything away...
And it is absolutely true that DL recognizes that it has to pay its employees better than its peers at union-represented airlines in order to ensure they choose to remain non-union.
It is precisely because I am right that so many people on here aren't happy about what I have to say.
Nice little exercise in intellectual honesty.
... and history repeatedly shows that airlines keep a running tab of how much their labor agreements have cost them in above-market costs and somehow manage to get it all back plus interest in the next agreement.Kev, you do understand that any promise the union makes needs to negotiated and the company ultimately has to agree to? The union is only as good as what they are able to negotiate. No union can escape that healthcare costs in the country are rising rapidly and employers are having employees bear an increasing portion of those costs. They maybe able to live under CBAs with overly generous coverage but eventually they will need to be renegotiated and costs passed on. You recognize this reality, don't you?
DL's employees know that they have received far better and faster increases in pay than their peers at other airlines.
And it is absolutely true that DL recognizes that it has to pay its employees better than its peers at union-represented airlines in order to ensure they choose to remain non-union.
DL employees are allowing their salaries to be set by the marketplace, the same marketplace that would also be used as the basis by union activists to argue whether a company is paying below average. DL just happens to be taking the wind out of their sails and DL employees gain without the fuss of a union. No one loses except the unions who can't seem to organize DL employees.