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28 Base work will be performed in both CLT and PIT. The Company
29 will continue to utilize the PHX hangar facility for aircraft maintenance.

Line maintenance stations will include at a minimum
33 BOS, CLT, DCA, LGA, PHL, PHX, LAS, LAX and at least seven
34 (7) other stations as determined by the Company.

(J) Company base maintenance employees will perform fifty
17 (50%) percent or greater of all aircraft base maintenance work,
18 inclusive of narrow and wide-body aircraft, as follows: On an
19 annualized basis, for every billable hour of work from aircraft base
20 maintenance vendors performing Company base maintenance
21 work; modification work; scheduled drop in maintenance; and any
22 drop-in maintenance relating to fuselage damage or any other
23 damage, there will be an equal or greater number of paid hours to
24 Company base maintenance employees. This includes Company
25 Lead Mechanics, Mechanics, Inspectors, Utility and Lead Utility
26 (combined) assigned to base maintenance.

to the union and/or the union’s advisor, documentation
3 necessary to verify the Company’s compliance with outsourcing
4 provisions including a summary of the previous calendar year’s
5 base maintenance paid hours and vendor airframe base
6 maintenance billed hours. On an ongoing basis the Company will
7 provide to the Union no later than the end of the following month a
8 summary of the previous month’s base maintenance vendor’s
9 billable hours including tail numbers of the aircraft.
11 In any year where the vendor billed hours are more than
12 fifty (50%) percent of the total combined vendor billed hours and
13 the Company base maintenance paid hours, such deficit hours will
14 be added to the current calendar year required company base
15 maintenance paid hours.
17 The Company will not furlough to the street any Base
18 Mechanic who is active as of the effective date of this agreement
19 provided such employee exercises their seniority to the fullest
20 extent. (Subject to force majeure provisions as described in Article
21 5.F and 20.D.2)
22 The Company shall maintain a minimum headcount of six
23 hundred seventy-five (675) active Base Maintenance Lead
24 Mechanics, Mechanics, Inspectors, Lead Utility and Utility
25 employees combined. (Subject to force majeure provisions as
26 described in Article 5.F and 20.D.2.)
You sure you aren't one of Buffy's minions? I mean seriously the topic isn't M&R yet you keep pushing that BS agreement to no end. AMFAinMIAMI is right about you. Who is this dell dude guy that shows up once a blue moon to defend your BS? A 14 year old tea partyer (it would seem) based on his posts and profile. Most everyone on the AA forum is sick of your BS, you are a union stooge and company apologist.

as much as you want to keep copying and pasting the same section of the CBA, it doesn't change that US outsources more of its maintenance than any other legacy airline and at a level on par with WN who built its maintenance model from the beginning based on outsourcing.

To add, it is precisely people like you who repeatedly and unashamedly misstate and distort the facts that do so much damage to the labor movement.
If you gave a rat's backside about giving the DL FAs a chance to unionize, you'd shut your trap and let people speak who actually can provide the necessary balance that DL employees have consistently demonstrated they consider in labor representation decisions.

When DL employees read the garbage that you post, completely devoid of any objectivity or even connection with present reality, you poison the chances others might have to make a positive impression about the labor movement.

You are the best thing DL mgmt. could hope for.
He doesn't even post attribution or a link to the CBA language. Seriously. I think very few true unionists would take the amount of pride in their involvement on a bankruptcy negotiating committee that didn't each reach a consensual agreement. But then again, he worked to put this agreement in place and then bounced because he is too good to live under it.

as much as is said about DL's "culture" it is precisely the very aggressive, hostile attitude that 700 shows toward DL mgmt. that is an enormous turnoff to DL people about the labor movement.

DL people don't want hostility, manipulation, deceit, and aggression with mgmt. If they choose unions, it will be based on economic reasons.

There have been repeated unionization attempts at DL that have been based on the model that is typical of labor relations at legacy carriers and they have all failed.

If the labor movement wants to succeed at DL, it has to look to models of what works and not what is broken.

If DL people have any desired model for a unionized environment, it would be what WN has with its labor unions. The model that 700 pushes is based on the failed labor-mgmt. relations at other legacy airlines which DL employees want nothing to do with.

700 has no idea how much damage that he and others that espouse his same philosophy do to labor's reputation in the eyes of the vast majority of DL employees.

He is management's dream come true when it comes to convincing DL people to stay away from unions.
DL people don't want hostility, manipulation, deceit, and aggression with mgmt. If they choose unions, it will be based on economic reasons.

What they want is an equal partnership between capital & labor.

Like I keep saying (and see more below), this isn't economics per se, but rather about QOL issues. Sure, you can bring it around to economics in a broader sense, but for discussion/contextual purposes, it's not.

There have been repeated unionization attempts at DL that have been based on the model that is typical of labor relations at legacy carriers and they have all failed.

Indeed. That's what's so refreshing about these current drives; both are atypical in that sense.

If the labor movement wants to succeed at DL, it has to look to models of what works and not what is broken.

I'm not sure the company knows how to deal with that, as they are reacting as if it was a "traditional" campaign. I imagine it's giving them fits to see that the usual tricks don't seem to be stemming the tide.

He is management's dream come true when it comes to convincing DL people to stay away from unions.

Conversely, mgmt.'s actions are a dream come true for any labor activist.
Ideally, there should be a partnership between labor and mgmt.... but let's be honest that doesn't come close to existing at most network airlines.
DL pilots have a better relationship than their peers at other legacy airlines.
But WN has long had the best relationship with its employees and it is in part because they pay so well. It is a whole lot easier to get along with your employees when you pay them at or above average.

It is a huge mistake for the labor movement to try to use the same contentious type of relationship that labor has had with other legacy carriers in any models of what they propose for DL employees.

There have absolutely been contentious labor campaigns mounted at DL in the same vein as what has existed at other airliens - which is exactly why DL mgmt. has reacted the way they have.

DL people have had more peace than their peers elsewhere... when was the last labor related slowdown or strike at DL vs. at other carriers?

As much as you may perceive DL mgmt. as hostile, the majority of DL employees have "grown up" with DL's culture and the more time that passes after the merger, the more many PMNW employees begin to accept DL's model as at least viable - and perhaps superior to what existed at other airlines including NW.
You sure you aren't one of Buffy's minions? I mean seriously the topic isn't M&R yet you keep pushing that BS agreement to no end. AMFAinMIAMI is right about you. Who is this dell dude guy that shows up once a blue moon to defend your BS? A 14 year old tea partyer (it would seem) based on his posts and profile. Most everyone on the AA forum is sick of your BS, you are a union stooge and company apologist.

It's Dell Dude with caps, Pal.

Dell is just a long time friend who sees a bunch of whiney wonks making unsound accusations and childish slurs with someone who has done quite a bit for others including myself. During all the labor strife at UAir, 700 was there, out in front, doing the union work others didn't have time for. Looks like you got a lot of smacks who take the easy way out and let others do it for them....you know, gotta take the kid to piano lessons or little Suzie to dance practice.....nothing important as your livelihood to tell the little woman ' I got to go to the meeting, others are counting on my support.'

14 year old Tea Partier.....that's pretty good Josh.....I bet you couldn't recognize a Tea Partier if you tripped over one.

You do know Tea Partiers carry union cards don't you? Or would you rather have them thrown out of your union to help your cause?

United we stand, Josh.

As much as you may perceive DL mgmt. as hostile, the majority of DL employees have "grown up" with DL's culture and the more time that passes after the merger, the more many PMNW employees begin to accept DL's model as at least viable - and perhaps superior to what existed at other airlines including NW.

Weed them out during the interview process.....
It's Dell Dude with caps, Pal.

Dell is just a long time friend who sees a bunch of whiney wonks making unsound accusations and childish slurs with someone who has done quite a bit for others including myself. During all the labor strife at UAir, 700 was there, out in front, doing the union work others didn't have time for. Looks like you got a lot of smacks who take the easy way out and let others do it for them....you know, gotta take the kid to piano lessons or little Suzie to dance practice.....nothing important as your livelihood to tell the little woman ' I got to go to the meeting, others are counting on my support.'

14 year old Tea Partier.....that's pretty good Josh.....I bet you couldn't recognize a Tea Partier if you tripped over one.

You do know Tea Partiers carry union cards don't you? Or would you rather have them thrown out of your union to help your cause?

United we stand, Josh.


Not true, they are quite easily identified, they have that far away look in their eyes, and are usually foaming at the mouth...
It is a huge mistake for the labor movement to try to use the same contentious type of relationship that labor has had with other legacy carriers in any models of what they propose for DL employees.

There have absolutely been contentious labor campaigns mounted at DL in the same vein as what has existed at other airliens - which is exactly why DL mgmt. has reacted the way they have.

You didn't read what I wrote above, did you?
Looks like you got a lot of smacks who take the easy way out and let others do it for them....you know, gotta take the kid to piano lessons or little Suzie to dance practice.....nothing important as your livelihood to tell the little woman ' I got to go to the meeting, others are counting on my support.'

In my experience, those were also the people that cried the loudest when things didn't go their way...
You didn't read what I wrote above, did you?
In fact, I did read your post, Kev. Not only did I read what I wrote but I respect your position and perspective - it just doesn't happen to be mine. But it is exactly because of divergent opinions that boards like this have a place.

Whether you appreciate DL's culture, it is real and it is just as valid in the eyes of those to whom it is "theirs" as NW's culture was to them - or any other airline, family, or country has their own culture.

You can spoken about the conflict-avoidance nature of DL's culture... it shouldn't be difficult for you to connect that the same element that you don't like about conflict avoidance is exactly why the traditional labor model won't appeal to people who are immersed in the DL culture...

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