Delta Employee Profit Sharing Reinstatement Petition
On March 20, 2007, Delta announced a new comprehensive compensation package for employees that would take effect shortly after our emergence from bankruptcy in May 2007. One component of the new package was a profit sharing program. The announcement read: “Delta’s profit-sharing plan will pay out at least 15% of Delta’s annual pre-tax profit.” As of January 01, 2013, Delta reduced our profit sharing pool to 10% of annual pre-tax profit, and is no longer honoring the commitment made to Delta employees for the vigilant efforts and repeated sacrifices we made starting in 2002 and ending with our emergence from bankruptcy in 2007.
It has been repeatedly stated by Delta executive leadership that the reason for the one-third profit sharing pool reduction was “it was what you said you wanted in the 2012 Delta Employee Survey.” While the full survey results are not available for employees to view (as is a common business practice), a summary was released, which includes no mention of any desire by employees to have our profit sharing pool reduced. In fact, there is no mention of the employee profit sharing program anywhere in the summary.
One of the five core values of Richard's "Rules of the Road" is "Always keep your deals - Integrity." Delta as an organization is not following its own "Rules of the Road" set forth by our CEO in 2007 and updated as recently as February 2013. We employees have made countless sacrifices and worked vigilantly for years to return Delta to profitability. We’re not asking for anything extra or new. We’re only asking that Delta keep its deal with its employees and reinstate the profit sharing pool to 15% of Delta’s annual pre-tax profit.
For this petition to be successful, we will need broad support across all Delta employee workgroups, and we are counting on you to share this petition with as many colleagues as possible. Flight attendants, pilots, reservations & gate agents, ramp, maintenance & administrative personnel are all affected by this decision to reduce the profit sharing pool. This petition is a vehicle for you to personally tell Delta executive leadership what you want, as opposed to having them tell you what you want.
Thank you for your support.
Please take your DL hatefest to another thread. The topic here is "Survey shows Delta lags behind on brand respect", not the IAM, profit sharing or F/A pay at other airlines. You aren't an F/A, never have been, or never worked for DL.