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Support The Flight Attendants

Unfortunately I cant make this one. Prior committments.I'm sure some friends of mine from DC will be there, look them up.

Well Booby, as expected...you're not willing to change plans to assist our profession...I suspected as much. All type, no action...
Drippy Quill said:
Well Booby, as expected...you're not willing to change plans to assist our profession...I suspected as much. All type, no action...

Well why dont you change it to the 15th and I will be there? Thats just about as reasonable a request as telling my duaghters school to change their schedule. I've done what I could to encourage support for this. In fact I was even contacted by Thom McDaniel, President of TWU Local 556, one of the first to support the AFA. However I had to make a choice between living up a promise I made to my Daughter and attending a candlelight vigil in DC. I would have liked to do both, there are thousands of airline workers, hundreds on union payroll that my dues support, they can be there in my place, my daughter only has one father.
Must have been some success at the vigil.

I have searched long and hard and cannot seem to locate any media coverage of this event.

Did George W. show his "fear" of the solidarity and candles?

I think this was a waste of union dues and time. Of course, I bet Drippy and the boys got some free dinner, some free drinks, and some suck up time next to the big dicators. So I guess all is not lost, because as we all know now, dinner, alcohol, and suck-up is vital to the survival of the industrial unionist you know.

Thank GOD for the powerful AFL-CIO, for without that family of unions, this event would not have been such a success.

BTW, I want to personally thank Drippy and the boys for having a good time on the backs of the membership, industry leading concessions are not enough, you must spend more of the members dues money on worthy gatherings of the punks, drunks, and cowards.
Here are two articles from the Washington Post (very similar, but slightly different) about the wildly successful rally of 200 people across from the White House yesterday:



Sorry about the registration requirements - I just give them a throwaway email address. Great country where you can read most major newspapers for free in exchange for some worthless marketing misinfo. B)

Protests in Lafayette Park are not exactly newsworthy - since every day groups (often many groups) are there protesting something.

Protests in DC of a million people tend to get headlines and often, results. Protests featuring 200 people get yawns and get ignored.
Calvin said:
Was Drippy a bad boy?

It is rather interesting how when Drippy gets in trouble, these other normally unseen alias' show up to post.

At least we don't have to have multiple personalities to feel secure in our beliefs.

There is an asylum for the mentally ill you know?

US Air in Deal With Flight Attendants

US Airways (UAIRQ:OTC BB - commentary - research) said it has reached a tentative agreement with its flight attendants that would save the company $94 million, helping it emerge from bankruptcy protection.

The agreement must be approved by the Master Executive Council of the airline's unit of the Association of Flight Attendants, which represents some 5,200 US Airways flight attendants. It would also need to be ratified by rank-and-file members, a process US Airways expects would be completed by year-end.

The airline declined to disclose terms of the agreement.

"Our flight attendant leaders have shown their willingness to make the tough decisions necessary to help keep our company flying and protect jobs for their members," said Bruce Ashby, a US Airways senior vice president who headed negotiations for the company. "US Airways' success depends on the cooperation of all employees, and with this agreement, we are much closer to becoming a stronger and more competitive airline."

The airline's pilots have ratified a new contract, as have three units of the Transport Workers Union. The airline also reached a tentative agreement earlier this month with the Communications Workers of America.

US Airways has asked the federal court overseeing its Chapter 11 restructuring to cancel previous labor agreements with unions that don't agree to new contracts.

The airline's agreement with its flight attendants appears to eliminate the potential for a strike. Earlier this week, US Airways' AFA members had voted to approve a strike should the bankruptcy court terminate labor contracts.

US Airways' stock was up 2 cents, or 1.9%, at $1.05.
Decision 2004 said:

I agree, it would be better to allow the BK judges to abrigate the contracts, than to bend to concessions.
Nightwatch said:
I agree, it would be better to allow the BK judges to abrigate the contracts, than to bend to concessions.

You forgot about the now apparent bluff to strike the industry.

When are the weak and timid of the Labor Movement finally going to stand and fight?

There is more than simpleton choices of accept concessions or have the court impose them. WE ARE NOT SLAVES, although you appear to want to make us be that submissive.
Apparent bluff? I believe the APFA stated that when the first contract is abrigated that they will strike. Did that pass?

I did not see you in DC on Tuesday...the Labor Movement was there and you were the "no show". I see, your "stand and fight" occurs after the fight is over. You are also "all hat and no cattle".

I now want to make you a slave? Listen man, be free!!! RUNNNNN!!!!...to the nearest Delle show and buy him a sandwich, after all, he is your hero.

Have a nice day!
It is rather interesting how when Drippy gets in trouble, these other normally unseen alias' show up to post.

careful...I hear that attempting to identify an individual here will result in suspension of privaledges....HAHAHA!!! We are here in support of a great man, one Drippy Quill.

...and I agree NW...Have a nice TWU day!!!
Nightwatch said:
Apparent bluff? I believe the APFA stated that when the first contract is abrigated that they will strike. Did that pass?

I did not see you in DC on Tuesday...the Labor Movement was there and you were the "no show". I see, your "stand and fight" occurs after the fight is over. You are also "all hat and no cattle".

I now want to make you a slave? Listen man, be free!!! RUNNNNN!!!!...to the nearest Delle show and buy him a sandwich, after all, he is your hero.
Have a nice day!

The labor movement?

There must be more than 200 people in the labor movement.

Are you saying that only those that were there are "the Labor Movement"?

The fight should have started last January when UAL was thretening to go to the Judge. Little said "let the courts handle it".

"Bend to concessions"? We did a lot more than bend.

I commend the FAs, if I could have I would have been there. I hope they dont back down and that we all support them. Lets shut it all down.

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