I dont think so.
Historically most drives for reform started off with simple public expressions such as this. Lets not forget that working people always sought a peaceful solution, the baseball bats only came out when it became clear that the other side was not hesitant to use violence in order to suppress the workers. While its not as forceful of a statement as carrying baseball bats its is certainly better than anything else that has been done so far. AMFA members who can should join in and show up displaying their AMFA gear at the vigil. I would be there myself if not for family obligations.
This vigil is not in place of a strike but rather a warning to all that they are not just talking, they will act.
Actually this is not an AFL-CIO thing, the APFA is participating also and they split off from the TWU thirty years ago. The TWU International has told us in the past not to support anything the APFA was involved in as they are not affiliated.
We can continue our drive for AMFA but also show all that need to know that we as a group are ready and willing to join the fight and support other workers in this industry. While we may be at each others throats at times we can a will join together to fight a common foe.
I do agree on one point, the first step back will have to be with a widespread work stoppage.
Candlelight vigils, work to rule, lobbying, begging and pleading will not work.
The airline industry could lose money forever as long as it can keep going to the employees. Lets face it, everyone that is connected with or dependant on the airlines is still raking in the money. The lessors are still collecting on their leases, the airports are still collecting their fees, the fuel companies are really raking it in not to mention all the other industries (Hotels, tourism etc) that are both directly or indirectly affected by the airlines. Many of these other benifactors of the airline industry dont have to worry that if they show a profit their employees will be demanding their share like we see in the airline industry.
We need to shut it all down, then all of that other airline industry created money flow will slow down to a trickle. Then we can really get this thing fixed. We need to send the message and show that we are needed and we will no longer subsidize the profits of others. All we are doing is now funneling monies that are rightfully ours into other peoples pockets.
We need a General Strike!