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Strike Over

groundcontrol, you don't get it you no longer have a choice. Your lawyers are making all the decision.

Northwest Airlines mechanics have been on strike for seven months, but in a carefully parsed argument Thursday before a Minnesota unemployment law judge, a union attorney said that the labor dispute is "no longer in active progress.

Also stated by the Judge "what is the difference who he agrees with either side will appeal anyway".

The "active progress" is a term used by the Minnesota Unemployment Department to determine eligibility of benefits to workers involved in a labor dispute. One example of a strike not being in active progress is that the company has folded and there are no jobs remaining for the workers to return to. Therefore, the strike is no longer in "active progress" as far as the State of Minnesota is concerned. Because there are no jobs left at NWA, they have asked that the case be reviewed to determine if the State thinks the strike is no longer in "active progress". This is only what the State of Minnesota decides about the strike here, not what NWA says or what AMFA says. They maintain that we are still on strike, but it should not matter to the State under their guidelines to determine if the strike is active or not.


You've been a scab for about 7 months, and your airline is on the brink of another strike, which will mean your back to your hole. If I were you, I'd would shut my large and ignorant scab pie hole, open my eyes, and retreat to the nearest corner of my worthless scab life. 😛h34r:
No union in its right mind will strike Northwest at this point. If they were interested in striking they would have dons so already. The unions, IAM, ALPA and PFAA, are walking a fine line here and they know it as is Northwest. The difference between the two is Northwest has jobs to offer and there are people out there willing to take those jobs. All the unions have to offer is accepting concessions and unemployment for its members plus they have their union dues to worry about.

The AMFA Boys walked away from gainful employment and then they turned down gainful employment on three or four different occasions. They were not terminated nor were they laid-off or furloughed as you guys like to call it. They willingly walked off their jobs under the guidance of AMFA who screwed this whole ordeal up and now is asking the State to pick up the tab. AMFA is trying to say that if they had not struck they would have received unemployment benefits anyway. I call BS. Had AMFA accepted the 2300 AMT jobs then all the state would have done was taken care of the 1200 that were laid-off. Now AMFA wants the state to pick up the tab for the entire 4500 and remain on strike status with Northwest. This is an insane and pitiful request from AMFA.
Also stated by the Judge "what is the difference who he agrees with either side will appeal anyway".

The "active progress" is a term used by the Minnesota Unemployment Department to determine eligibility of benefits to workers involved in a labor dispute. One example of a strike not being in active progress is that the company has folded and there are no jobs remaining for the workers to return to. Therefore, the strike is no longer in "active progress" as far as the State of Minnesota is concerned. Because there are no jobs left at NWA, they have asked that the case be reviewed to determine if the State thinks the strike is no longer in "active progress". This is only what the State of Minnesota decides about the strike here, not what NWA says or what AMFA says. They maintain that we are still on strike, but it should not matter to the State under their guidelines to determine if the strike is active or not.


Are thier even any protestors left in Detroit? I think I've seen one or two in the last 2 months....kinda sad looking, with thier heads hung low. I waved and told them to keepup the good fight. One actually kinda smiled at that. I am no fan of organised labor, but I do admire tenacity
No union in its right mind will strike Northwest at this point. If they were interested in striking they would have dons so already. The unions, IAM, ALPA and PFAA, are walking a fine line here and they know it as is Northwest. The difference between the two is Northwest has jobs to offer and there are people out there willing to take those jobs. All the unions have to offer is accepting concessions and unemployment for its members plus they have their union dues to worry about.

The AMFA Boys walked away from gainful employment and then they turned down gainful employment on three or four different occasions. They were not terminated nor were they laid-off or furloughed as you guys like to call it. They willingly walked off their jobs under the guidance of AMFA who screwed this whole ordeal up and now is asking the State to pick up the tab. AMFA is trying to say that if they had not struck they would have received unemployment benefits anyway. I call BS. Had AMFA accepted the 2300 AMT jobs then all the state would have done was taken care of the 1200 that were laid-off. Now AMFA wants the state to pick up the tab for the entire 4500 and remain on strike status with Northwest. This is an insane and pitiful request from AMFA.
Let me tell you right now once and for all you low life scab, if PILOTS and/or FAs or even the IAM walks out on strike, KISS NWA and your SCAB CAREER with it GOODBYE. NWA has even admited it is not prepared for another strike by another union. AMFA did not fail their membership. NWA failed their employees and continue to do so to this day.NWA and their crooked a** mgmt has screwed them over and over and over. I would love to see another strike just to put you out of business. the contract that NWA offered was far worse than you will ever imagine. I dont see how any of them AMFA could have made a living on the POS contract all the while the dirty mgmt are making a huge living.
No union in its right mind will strike Northwest at this point. If they were interested in striking they would have dons so already. The unions, IAM, ALPA and PFAA, are walking a fine line here and they know it as is Northwest. The difference between the two is Northwest has jobs to offer and there are people out there willing to take those jobs. All the unions have to offer is accepting concessions and unemployment for its members plus they have their union dues to worry about.

There you go ranting again about something you know nothing about.

The AMFA Boys walked away from gainful employment and then they turned down gainful employment on three or four different occasions. They were not terminated nor were they laid-off or furloughed as you guys like to call it. They willingly walked off their jobs under the guidance of AMFA who screwed this whole ordeal up and now is asking the State to pick up the tab. AMFA is trying to say that if they had not struck they would have received unemployment benefits anyway. I call BS. Had AMFA accepted the 2300 AMT jobs then all the state would have done was taken care of the 1200 that were laid-off. Now AMFA wants the state to pick up the tab for the entire 4500 and remain on strike status with Northwest. This is an insane and pitiful request from AMFA.

How stupid are you…I know this has all been discussed before on this forum. I guess your trailer park mentality and inability to comprehend go hand in hand.

If anyone bilked the State of Minnesota, it was NWA to the tune of millions….(since you like to dredge up old posts, I’m sure you will have no problem finding previous posts covering this issue)

I didn't say anything about resigning, I said they quit, as in walked off the job and never returned to work.
I am not laid off, furloughed and neither did I resign, quit or walk away from my job.


I will return to my job when NW decides to negotiate a fair and equitable contract, one that AMFA as a whole agrees to and votes in.

The only BS you are hearing is from who you call AMFA SCABS. Low life cry babies who twist the truth to suit themselves and their low life way of thinking.
Scabs… good god, what are they good for?….absolutely NOTHING.

I am on Strike,
I am a proud NWA A & P mechanic.
I am on Strike,
I am a proud NWA A & P mechanic.
Under the current circumstances what do you expect to get out of this strike? The initial goal is now an unobtainable dream so what is the next step? Do you honestly expect to go back to work at NWA when the strike is over? If so are you prepared to work with to me?
No union in its right mind will strike Northwest at this point. If they were interested in striking they would have dons so already. The unions, IAM, ALPA and PFAA, are walking a fine line here and they know it as is Northwest.

...And yet all three unions voted to authorize strikes should it come to that....


I'm sure any AMFA member on strike would LOVE to work with you on the top level of a tail dock 😛h34r: .
You state that "they quit their jobs"....
I guess you have seen resignation letters from over 4,000 workers stating that "they" quit?

I stay committed....strike, strike, strike....

you must be one of them smart ones, not! like you really need a resignation letter to quit.your actions proved that. 😛
you must be one of them smart ones, not! like you really need a resignation letter to quit.your actions proved that. 😛
God help us another know it all SCAB
and a newbie at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Under the current circumstances what do you expect to get out of this strike? The initial goal is now an unobtainable dream so what is the next step? Do you honestly expect to go back to work at NWA when the strike is over? If so are you prepared to work with to me?
Let me answer this PTO style....
Under the current circumstances what do you expect to get out of this strike? The initial goal is now an unobtainable dream so what is the next step? Do you honestly expect to work at NWA when the strike is over? If so are you prepared to work with to me?
Let me answer this PTO style....
That’s really nice groundcontrol, do you mind if I give that a shot? Let me try it groundcontrol style...

Under the current circumstances what do you expect to get out of this strike?
Absolutely nothing AMFA put the screws to us and now I am screwed. I still support AMFA though because I must justify my ignorance in following them to my own demise while my leaders retire with grand pensions made up of my money.

The initial goal is now an unobtainable dream so what is the next step?
After my unemployment benefits expire I am going to dive into the nearest pit at the local JiffyLube for ten dollars an hour and actually learn what it is like to work for a living.

Do you honestly expect to work at NWA when the strike is over?
No I do not because you Scabs have taken all the jobs and left me stuck out in the cold on the other side of the fence. I understand that it was my and AMFA's ignorance that allowed this to happen but I would rather blame you.

If so are you prepared to work with to me?
There are one too many "to's" in that question but that's ok I'll let it slide. The answer to your question is no because I hate Scabs and would rather have my family live in poverty than work with the likes of you.
This is getting out of control.

The reason why there are no people manning the picket lines is because they probably all realized that this will never get settled and probably just settled into getting another job. No one can be off for what, 7 months now, on a pauper's wage from the union. Unemployment is probably running out now and people are now forced to leave the picket lines and find work.

It is funny to see everyone so angry with PTO. I come to this board to get a good laugh and believe me it truly cracks me up. Think about it.....

Thousands of people making huge money say, I want a little bit more, and I dont want to pay more for benefits. The company says "NO", Then there is a vote. The union, not realizing that they are not as prepared as NWA, go on strike. All the people making huge money and great benefits walk and laugh and point fingers, hold signs and tell everyone not to fly. They tell all their friends not to fly because it is severly dangerous to have school dropouts who read manuals on how to fix planes, etc, putting their planes back in service. Months and Months and Months go by. And somehow the union still puts a spin on this entire thing.

Bottom line people. Stop being jealous and trying to beat up on an individual who looked at a heap load of money and benefits as a plus and not a negative.

Move on. The topic of this thread is correct in saying "The strike is over" Everyone has to face it.
Thousands of people making huge money say, I want a little bit more, and I dont want to pay more for benefits. The company says "NO", Then there is a vote. The union, not realizing that they are not as prepared as NWA, go on strike.

This part of your post says all that need be said.

Thats N-O-T what happened.

You don't know what your talking about.
Thats N-O-T what happened.
Ramblingray, ThirdSeat is correct when he says, "Thats is not what happened". But you are correct when you say that this strike is over and you do have the jest of the matter down. When the argument is being brought forth that the strike is "no longer in an active progress." that says it all. AMFA is down for the count and all parties involved know it. There is a slight chance for a rebound but I doubt that it will ever materialize. As posted on another thread, "NWA Losing Scabs", they are at a serious rate. I believe it is getting out of hand and I do hope that NWA realizes this before it becomes a major problem. Any ground NWA loses during the rest of this strike is going to be internal, AMFA can do nothing but stand on the sidelines and wait to see what happens. As far as the few picketers that pop up here and there, it is a futile effort that consumes energy that should be more wisely used.