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Strike Over



I'm sure any AMFA member on strike would LOVE to work with you on the top level of a tail dock 😛h34r: .
I'm not sure what you mean here...are you insinuating that the good and honorable amfa members would (gasp) resort to some sort of chicanry way high up on a scaffold? NAAW, say it aint so Joe!
Why oh Why cant that ever happen to me? I'm so freakin bored I'm about to go nuts! :wacko:
The next time there is a union rally maybe you and 'Cods can put your full back scab panties on and come on down. No hiding this time. You can spew your scab logic then, I am sure we will all be very entertained. 😉
BUT PTO What part of "the Strike is not over" do you not understand?
As long as the strike is on, NO INVESTOR is willing to help NWA out of its CH 11 BANKRUPTCY CASE. And the longer they are in it, the more money is drained. Sooner or later, NWA crooked a** mgmt is and wil;l have to negogiate a settlement with AMFA if they ever want to exit CH11. Right now as it stands, Delta will be out of CH11 before either NWA gets out or LIQUIDATES
The next time there is a union rally maybe you and 'Cods can put your full back scab panties on and come on down. No hiding this time. You can spew your scab logic then, I am sure we will all be very entertained. 😉
If I were allowed to "spew my scab logic" as you so eloquently put it, Would anyone there REALLY listen open mindedly, or would they be as ideologically driven as many are here?
I enthusiastically enjoy spirited debate on a host of issues, ranging from economics, to gun control, to why in the world anyone would want to put pineapples on a pizza. I freely admit to having strong opinions on a host of ideas, and stand by to defend them. The free exchange of oppossing view points without fear of govt reprisal is a hallmark of a free society. I try to debate all such things using common sense and logic, occasional sarcasm, and a good dose of humor. Tell me again why this a bad thing? If you disagree with anything I have said, please, I welcome your input. I do ask, however, that you try to use fact over opinion, or at least properly state which is which, and that you remain civil. To do otherwise brings discredit to you and those who side with you.
Thank you, and I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your endeavors
<_< --- Take him up on it Scab! I'm sure the boys at the hall would love to hear what you have to say!!! 😛
<_< --- Take him up on it Scab! I'm sure the boys at the hall would love to hear what you have to say!!! 😛
I am not al that sure they would want to hear what I have to say, as MOST of it would be critical of modern unionism in its current form.
Acurately or not, I would opine that a plurality of Americans view modern labor as nothing more than corrupt lazy thugs with mob ties, that do nothing but siphon off innocent members dues to fill the coffers of the more socialist leaning of our political parties. While I am no fan of labor in its current form, I DONT believe That this is an accurate portrayal of most rank and file members of union halls.Remember, I grew up here in Detroit...Many of my friends are uaw, Steelworkers, and such. I know them to be decent, hardworking Americans. The IMAGE of most union members, however, is one of a fat lazy thug who vandalizes the personal property of any who doesnt toe the line, or worse yet, corrupt union boses with mob connections, that will firebomb houses and embezle millions from thier members. While Hollywood has done nothing to help change that unfair stereotype, niether, in all honesty, have the unions. Take a close OBJECTIVE look at all these posts, and pretend you knew nothing of unions, scabs, or strikes. Take note of which side most often resorts to vile insults, slurs, and hate filled vitriol. Which side uses vieled hints at damage to property or physical intimidation. You and I know full well that such posts come from the twenty percenters, but would someone else have the wisdom to draw such a conclusion?
Please give this post some thought. read it a couple of times through, and try and put your first emotional response aside. THINK your response...Dont FEEL it. I know thats tough to do, but when you are dealing with two such diametrically opposed sides to an issue, clear headed objective reasoning is the only way to get to the crux of the issue.
Thank you again for the oppertunity to state my side. I wish you all the best in your future.
I am not al that sure they would want to hear what I have to say, as MOST of it would be critical of modern unionism in its current form.
Acurately or not, I would opine that a plurality of Americans view modern labor as nothing more than corrupt lazy thugs with mob ties, that do nothing but siphon off innocent members dues to fill the coffers of the more socialist leaning of our political parties. While I am no fan of labor in its current form, I DONT believe That this is an accurate portrayal of most rank and file members of union halls.Remember, I grew up here in Detroit...Many of my friends are uaw, Steelworkers, and such. I know them to be decent, hardworking Americans. The IMAGE of most union members, however, is one of a fat lazy thug who vandalizes the personal property of any who doesnt toe the line, or worse yet, corrupt union boses with mob connections, that will firebomb houses and embezle millions from thier members. While Hollywood has done nothing to help change that unfair stereotype, niether, in all honesty, have the unions. Take a close OBJECTIVE look at all these posts, and pretend you knew nothing of unions, scabs, or strikes. Take note of which side most often resorts to vile insults, slurs, and hate filled vitriol. Which side uses vieled hints at damage to property or physical intimidation. You and I know full well that such posts come from the twenty percenters, but would someone else have the wisdom to draw such a conclusion?
Please give this post some thought. read it a couple of times through, and try and put your first emotional response aside. THINK your response...Dont FEEL it. I know thats tough to do, but when you are dealing with two such diametrically opposed sides to an issue, clear headed objective reasoning is the only way to get to the crux of the issue.
Thank you again for the oppertunity to state my side. I wish you all the best in your future.

And do you hold the same opinion of the 20% on the opposite side of the debate?

Those like PTO who make unsubstantiated claims about AMFA leadership as a whole,"Lining their pockets with members dues money", and union members in general as a whole. I.E. "all union members are fat, lazy, lemmings, etc etc etc"
And do you hold the same opinion of the 20% on the opposite side of the debate?

Those like PTO who make unsubstantiated claims about AMFA leadership as a whole,"Lining their pockets with members dues money", and union members in general as a whole. I.E. "all union members are fat, lazy, lemmings, etc etc etc"
uh oh. What about the perception of mechanics looking like dummies in numerous movies? Just like that scab that was hitting on me: you don't want to go out with me because I'm a MECHANIC! (no... what part of I HAVE A BF DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?)
(no... what part of I HAVE A BF DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?)

"Obstacles make you clever"

What? Okay, Kev gets some more Royalties.......

......now,about this boy friend.......is that like "serious" or what???

Flights to SFO are opening up,flash lite batteries are on sale, the Snap-On truck comes on Friday.....work with me here. 😀 😀 😀
"Obstacles make you clever"

What? Okay, Kev gets some more Royalties.......
......now,about this boy friend.......is that like "serious" or what???
Flights to SFO are opening up,flash lite batteries are on sale, the Snap-On truck comes on Friday.....work with me here. 😀 😀 😀
He has a nice assortment of tools in his tool box.... no lube necessary. um, thanks to the ONGOING strike he had never been happier. :up: :lol: Set hours and lots of sleep creates a very healthy man!

Seriousness................ well! B)