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Stockholders Meeting in PHL Today ?


Jan 21, 2003
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I am very surprised to see no coments from the Stockholders meeting this morning in PHL. I have not had the time to listen to the webcast and was hoping maybe someone who did could summarize it? I was sort of hoping some disgruntled stockholders might have stood up and screamed about the downward spiral of the company and it's stock price. Perhaps a disgruntled former Sabre user employee or two ? Looking forward to hearing ?

I am very surprised to see no coments from the Stockholders meeting this morning in PHL. I have not had the time to listen to the webcast and was hoping maybe someone who did could summarize it? I was sort of hoping some disgruntled stockholders might have stood up and screamed about the downward spiral of the company and it's stock price. Perhaps a disgruntled former Sabre user employee or two ? Looking forward to hearing ?

He is holding a town hall meeting right now,accordeing to our web sight,first Ive heard of it or i would have gone.Huhhh.Maybe someone will ask the tufffies. :up:

Ohhh doug faces the PHL ramp...wow. :shock:
I listened to the webcast as my background noise for grading final exams this afternoon.

Direct quote from Mr Obvious, DP: "If we don't start running a good airline, we will drive customers away and that's nothing any of us can tolerate."

Another interesting one... "Equitors refused to take our plan, and now their stake is trading less than what we offered." This almost sounded like a brag to me than a statement.

There was some gal there from DCA who definitely said more than her share (she got at least two shots at the mic IIRC). If you listen to the webcast, it's obvious who I'm talking about as she has a unique accent. I found it funny that she complained a lot about US underserving IAD to international destinations (at least that was what I thought I was hearing through the accent).

I expected more of a grilling of DP... but I'm sure that was to come this afternoon in the PHL town halls.
Another interesting one... "Equitors refused to take our plan, and now their stake is trading less than what we offered." This almost sounded like a brag to me than a statement.
"I would note that today (DL's) Equity is trading at something less than $8B, well less than what we offered...."
I had a friend that went to the phl townhal...and the agents were literally yelling at DP about shares and he was on the 5pm news here in philly. He looked nervous :unsure:
"I would note that today (DL's) Equity is trading at something less than $8B, well less than what we offered...."

Maybe someone a little more savvy (Boeing Boy!) could answer this....Since LCC stock is basically at 30 and was near 60...does that put our equity at 50% of what it was 2 months ago? Must be more to equity that just the stock price.

Thanks in advance,

"I would note that today (DL's) Equity is trading at something less than $8B, well less than what we offered...."

Since LCC stock is basically at 30 and was near 60...does that put our equity at 50% of what it was 2 months ago? Must be more to equity that just the stock price.

Yes, however, US has 3B in Cash.

Here is an article that just appeared in the Philadelphia Press, regarding the meeting:

Did anyone see one of our Flight Attendants dressed outside as the Grim Reaper!? :lol: :lol: Talk about balls I love it. She was great and the media ate it up. She has signs on her costume like stolen pensions, starving reserves, executive greed, now is your turn. I know the newspapers were there. Doug would not come out and hid the whole morning. :shock:

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Did he say anything about the article in the Inquirer today that said only cable companies treat their customers more poorly than airlines. Since US is at the bottom of the barrel in the airline rankings, Comcast may actually treat me better than US.
I realize few of any of our employees watch News pertaining to the world events.
Mrs. Davis is very possibly a shareholder of hers or her husbands years of dedicated investments. She is at the age where no company attorney (addresser of this event) would distract her comments. She, Ms. Davis doesn't believe Board members should hold 3 years without votes (yearly). She addressed attorney fees at 14 million. They will "suck you dry". She addressed contributions to "What Party" in the elections that money is given. Only, 3.4% of shareholders voted for the members re-elected. And of the 3billion the company holds the shareholders only earned 45% of their interests.
I would suggest everyone listens closely to old money and new ways to run companies. Not, too many people listen to industries changing as a result to economies and world changes.
EWWWWWW, they had the meeting at the Radisson Warwick--how LCC indeed--they should have just had it at the Holiday Inn Express on 13th and Walnut....
Only 20-50 people showed up total. Probably out of disgust. I find it thankful they didn't rent out the Ritz for 20 people. Shows me they know how crappy they are running things. Can someone take the cane and yank Doug and Scott off the stage?

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