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Ste Mobile Aerospace , Strike-two !

USA320Pilot said:
In addition, my second point is the IAM and the Company should seek ways to cost effectively keep the work in-house.
Sorry I have to disagree with you, if you use this philosophy you will be opening your contracts everytime the company feels like they want more, it will be a never ending cycle, they had two opportunities to ask for relief, they did not, shame on them, don't lie and steal from its own employees.

Since May of 2003 the IAM has provided the company with $100 million in cost saving ideas only to fall on deaf ears. You can't trust this management as far as you can throw them.
Does anybody know how many US QA guys/gals were/are at mobile for the checks?
USA320Pilot said:
Contract maintenance is not unsafe, is FAA certified, and in the case of US Airways, the QA is conducted by the airline.
Dynair was FAA certified, as was the MRO in Huntington, WV that worked on the Air Midwest plane, as were THY Airlines that overhauled the Valujet Engine that exploded in ATL due to sand being found in the bearings that gotten there during overhaul.

Oh by the way this is the same QA department that let a/c 700UW depart with seat cushions that had power lines wired thru them so you could not remove them and use them as a floatation device, I saw it with my own eyes. Don't even go there.

The FAA's oversight or lack of is well documented, just ask Mary Shiavo
MarkMyWords said:
cavalier said:
Seems like a good definition of our CEO, you know, the same guy who said he didn't want to farm out our work, wanted it to stay and said it would if we voted in concession number two it would indeed stay.

So MMW, don’t preach to some lowly U employee when you can go to the top and preach where it counts!!
Cav -

I do not disagree that Dave has been / is irresponsible when it comes to holding up the companies end of the CBA's.

I have a lot of respect for AOG and his ideas, but to come on here without having his facts straight is irresponsible.

Airplanes are pieces of machinery and they will break down. Is the problem with 707 directly related to the work done at STS? No one knows for sure. Is it suspect? Sure. Using an event, that may prove to be a coincidence, to better your cause is irresponsible. Wait for the facts to come in before you continue to run this up the flag pole.


a/C 707 should NOT be having any problems what so ever coming out of a S- check.

Be it 5 segments, 7 segments, or 10 segments. That plane whould be air worthy for many many flight hours!!!!
Pitbull: I thought the exact SAME thing when I first started reading this post. Thank you for articulating what I was thinking. It makes me sick that someone would say..."Well it flew 5-6 segments before it had a problem" Oh, Well!!!Duh. How stupid.

I for one, WILL NEVER, believe or even think about it for ONE MINUTE that anyone from this company would ever sabotage an airplain. How sick. Yes, I have to have blind faith in the Mechanics montoring each and every plane that takes off. If I didn't I could not do my job.

Aand you know what, for those of you reading this (our fellow Customers and all), I can truly say this. In all of my years, when I have ever encountered a Mechanic on board for ANY REASON, they were very lucid, very thorough and very forthright and I never once felt in danger of anything once they signed off the airplane. Thanks, Guys. :up:
from STS mobiles home page (www.vt-systems.com/aero_mobile.asp):
ST MAE maintains a work force of approximately 1,200 technical, engineering and administrative personnel, comprised mostly of licensed Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) aircraft mechanics.

from the FAA🙁http://av-info.faa.gov/repairstation.asp?certno=MZAR013L):
Certificated Mechanics: 532
Repairmen: 74
Non-Certificated Mechanics: 1173
Total Employees: 1776

Mostly hun? To me it looks like it should have read "comprised mostly of unlicensed, um, people."
PITbull said:
MarkMyWords said:
cavalier said:
Seems like a good definition of our CEO, you know, the same guy who said he didn't want to farm out our work, wanted it to stay and said it would if we voted in concession number two it would indeed stay.

So MMW, don’t preach to some lowly U employee when you can go to the top and preach where it counts!!
Cav -

I do not disagree that Dave has been / is irresponsible when it comes to holding up the companies end of the CBA's.

I have a lot of respect for AOG and his ideas, but to come on here without having his facts straight is irresponsible.

Airplanes are pieces of machinery and they will break down. Is the problem with 707 directly related to the work done at STS? No one knows for sure. Is it suspect? Sure. Using an event, that may prove to be a coincidence, to better your cause is irresponsible. Wait for the facts to come in before you continue to run this up the flag pole.


a/C 707 should NOT be having any problems what so ever coming out of a S- check.

Be it 5 segments, 7 segments, or 10 segments. That plane whould be air worthy for many many flight hours!!!!
My point was that there could have been a problem not directly related to any work done on the aircraft during it's S-check. As a simplistic example, let's say that an aircraft just came out of a check and returned to the line. Isn't it possible that after a couple of flights that a generator, a coffee maker or the weather radar could break? Perhaps a sensor went bad or a line ruptured.
My 2 cents worth...

In 24-1/2 years, I had exactly one problem with an airplane fresh from in-house maintenance - a circuit breaker popped during the first leg. Actually, the only reason it was even a minor problem was because the C/B was in the E&E compartment so not accessable in flight.

I suppose it is possible that 2 airplanes from STS could have problems after a few legs of revenue service and those problems not be related to the quality of work done there. It just seems an odd coincedence that the only two planes that have returned from there have had the same problem.

I have a question. How many mechanics will be called back to work if the checks are done inhouse?
MarkMyWords said:
PITbull said:
MarkMyWords said:
irresponsible when it comes to holding up the companies end of the CBA's. I have a lot of respect for AOG and his ideas said:

a/C 707 should NOT be having any problems what so ever coming out of a S- check.

Be it 5 segments, 7 segments, or 10 segments. That plane whould be air worthy for many many flight hours!!!!

My point was that there could have been a problem not directly related to any work done on the aircraft during it's S-check. As a simplistic example, let's say that an aircraft just came out of a check and returned to the line. Isn't it possible that after a couple of flights that a generator, a coffee maker or the weather radar could break? Perhaps a sensor went bad or a line ruptured.

Answer: NO.
i sure hope that they dont have a major crash and if they do then the truth about the poor 3rd maintaince safety comes into play and i dont think us will be around.

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