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Ste Mobile Aerospace , Strike-two !

Industry Observer:"I am willing to sacrifice the younger mechanics if it means saving this company. "

the younger mechanics like me are already gone. your next.
Remember this place hired Argentina mechanics to work on the planes in Alabama. You can thank Elizabeth Dole for allowing that.

I love these guys who claim not to be management yet they get so fired up over this issue. "Oh I am just a passenger or flight attendant, blah, blah, blah..."

I remember several months ago one pilot that is posting on this very thread bragging about his scab endeavors against the mechanics and related in 1992.

--The number given for STS's certified mechanics may not be ones that have both an A and a P. They might just have one.
The poster "Industry Observer" is the type of person you would never want to go to war with and be in a trench with. If he were caught by the enemy, he would sell your soul and rat on his batallion in a NY minute to save his butt.

The above poster has NO CLUE that it was a junior person that took his place in the furlough process, ONLY BECAUSE HIS UNION CONTRACT THAT HE REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE BELONGS TO THE IAM SAVED HIS BUTT BY SENIORITY!!!!

If the company had their way, and their was NO CONTRACT in place; no union, THE 30 YEAR MECHANIC ABOVE WOULD BE THE FIRST TO GO, BEING NOW ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN!!!!
I think some of you posters might regret the allegations that you are just insinuating if (and I'm an confident that that is a remote possibility) something bad happens and the finger doesn't point to Alabama. Sometimes the illusion of influence that posting on the internet gives some people lead them to dangerous games.

If you're SO interested in influencing people, you might want to thing twice about whom you might be reaching.

Are you really that desperate? Think about it.
Industry Observer said:
From what I have heard today at work there is not any proof that the problem is due to the work at STS. We do an excellent job here in PIT and I would love to see more work come into our station. I do not like to see the outsourcing work done by anyone other then our mechanics. I could care less how many a/c are sent to Bama if it will assist the company.

I am willing to sacrifice the younger mechanics if it means saving this company. I will get flammed for this comment but that is how I feel and most of the older mechanics feel the same way. This is why I agree with ALPA and their position in trying to save their own jobs. It is a nice idea to help out the furlough employees but what good does it do if there is not company. I have been here almost 30 years and will vote to save the company. It is not always about the IAM. What have they done for us lately? Nothing, that is why I would like to see change within this mechanic group.
I feel very sorry for you and others like you. You don't have a brother that flys an A320 do you? Savy :angry:
One thing I do find disturbing about the incident is that if the A/C flew revenue passengers than the A/C was accepted by a representative of U. If that was the case why was the maintenance roadtrip sent from ST Mobile?????

The last time I checked U mechanics were called for all field trips unless it was considered "minor" maintenance or it was out of the US. This is a flagrant violation of the contract!!!!!! :angry:
Industry Observer said:

I am willing to sacrifice the younger mechanics if it means saving this company.
Nice post!!!!!! Just maybe on this next give back we should reduce the monthly $$ Figure for retirement from say $66 to lets say $30 per yr of service. We have many 30+ yr guys getting ready to retire that would save a bunch!!! And while we are at it lets eliminate the medical insurance. I'll bring this up at the next union meeting for a GREAT cost saving idea. I have another 30+ years before I retire so it won't affect me!!!! People making statements like that....well I better stop before I get banished!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
AP Tech said:
People making statements like that....well I better stop before I get banished!
Remember there are palace dwellers afoot that love to agitate the peasants. Don't assume an IAM member said that.

They love to plant inflammatory posts to attempt to divide and conquer. Resist the dark side!

Be good to each other! Hopefully someday you'll be an old fart too. (JK 😀 )
Industry Observer said:
From what I have heard today at work there is not any proof that the problem is due to the work at STS. We do an excellent job here in PIT and I would love to see more work come into our station. I do not like to see the outsourcing work done by anyone other then our mechanics. I could care less how many a/c are sent to Bama if it will assist the company.

I am willing to sacrifice the younger mechanics if it means saving this company. I will get flammed for this comment but that is how I feel and most of the older mechanics feel the same way. This is why I agree with ALPA and their position in trying to save their own jobs. It is a nice idea to help out the furlough employees but what good does it do if there is not company. I have been here almost 30 years and will vote to save the company. It is not always about the IAM. What have they done for us lately? Nothing, that is why I would like to see change within this mechanic group.
no,no ,no...you want the old guys out to pasture.....move up on the list...ya got it all wrong....
hows about flap symmetry problems?? i believe 700 had similar problems after a few revenue flights and now 707 has virtually the same scenario.....
boy oh boy....a good hunch says we got a problem with rigging in MAE.
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,it must be a duck...
I believe some of these posters find enjoyment in the misery of others. Makes you wonder what kind of life they have.
You are correct Dilligas, HE ****** ME OFF!!!!! Next time I won't let it rile me up!!!!
ClueByFour said:
Don't compare this to what Southwest is doing

The comparison is made only insofar as IAM members continually make the claim "outsourced maintenance equals shoddy maintenance." That is only as true as saying "all fruit are oranges." Yes, many fruit are oranges, but that doesn't mean that if it's a fruit, it's an orange.

Just being outsourced maintenance doesn't make it shoddy maintenance.

Yes, the contract says it belongs to IAM, in spirit. It's up to the courts do decide if it belongs to IAM in a legal sense...it's their job to make that determination. But to tie this discussion to the safety one does, in fact, smack of sensationalism.

What's wrong with saying "the work belongs to us because we signed an agreement that says so!" Why go after the yellow journalism? It doesn't help the cause.
Industry Observer said:
I am willing to sacrifice the younger mechanics if it means saving this company.
Let's see how selfless you really are...are you willing to sacrifice yourself if it means saving this company?

If not, then you're really willing to sacrifice everyone else to save you. "This company" is only a means to save you.
AOG-N-IT said:
Aircraft 707UW was released from an S-1 Heavy Maintenance visit with ST Mobile Aerospace yesterday. The aircraft flew non-revenued from BFM to CLT where it re-joined the active fleet that day.

700UW made One (1) revenued flight from CLT to MSY (New Orleans La.) where emergency landing procedures were taken due to a drop in hydraulic pressure followed by only a partial extension of the flap system on appraoch to MSY.

700UW will be maintenance ferried out of MSY to CLT..where it will remain out of service until repairs can once again be performed by skilled maintenance technicians of the USAirways , IAM represented labor force.

Lets see here Naysayers....ST Mobile Aerospace is O for 2 on returning safe revenue ready aircraft to USAirways....how much have we saved now? What's wrong here? Has ST Mobile Aerospace been exposed enough as being sub-standard in their practices to suit all the outsource fans of this board?

Where's the FAA on this subject??? ...I think if I were Doc Bronner and Dave , I would really be taking another look on how and where I elect to spend my money (and the employees concessionary funds , I might add)...a bargain is not a bargain unless full value and safety are acheived in the same manner as was achieved by the previous maintenance provider...and the subsequent correcter of all thier flawed work in Alabama.

Lets review for the slow witted and stubborn of the group. 707UW has had the same failure as it's previous outsourced sister ship 700UW had months before , has ST Mobile Aerospace learned or improved from their previous mistakes and flawed maintenance practices? Clearly NOT !!

Yes folks..the results are clearly the same...2nd rate pay , nets second rate work and lack luster end results...it's time to return the work back to the rightfull and contractural owners of all USAirways Aircraft work...and that would be the IAM represented Mechanic and Related of USAirways...not Doc Bronners Singapore shadetree yahoo's in BFM.

In closing....WE Have Told You So Before. 😛
I wonder what the odds are that anyone could have messed with the airplane? That is a crime....

It is interesting that all other airlines outsource, however, when we do, each aircraft is zerod in on, and every little issue is raised up the flag pole.

You are losing me as a supporter of the IAM fight by this kind of atmosphere. I don't like RJ outsourcing of my job as a pilot; however, I would never say it was unsafe becuase I am angry about it...that is unprofessional and incorrect.

Out sourcing of our maint. is not unsafe. Unfair...maybe, unsafe no, and to promote this is wrong.

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