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Ste Mobile Aerospace , Strike-two !

MarkMyWords said:
Trust me.....I know of what I speak. There was no 24 hour down time on A/C 707 and there has not been an issue with the airplane since it left MSY.
records since it left MSY are very scant to be to the point...someone is messing with the mchd function...as a matter of fact,lets say they are missing....
access denied
delldude said:
sounds like bogus manufacturer spec's to me guy...we only do what the book says.
i believe in both cases you mention,mech was absolved....
doesnt apply to quote, but that attached pic sure looks familiar
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
delldude said:
sounds like bogus manufacturer spec's to me guy...we only do what the book says.
i believe in both cases you mention,mech was absolved....
doesnt apply to quote, but that attached pic sure looks familiar
duh 😉
Dell -

I can tell you that that aircraft flew 3 revenue legs after the ferry from MSY on the 9th. 6 revenue legs on the 10th, 6 legs on the 11th - including a red-eye flight and 5 legs on the 12th. There was no extended downtime.
A320 Driver said:
delldude said:
i see your point...funny i thought united had a nose gear turn 90 degrees on landing from the same outfit.
isn't US Airways maintenance thats at fault here..i think its management trying to squeeze bucks at the flying public's expense.
hows that saying ...you get what you pay for??
Don't know anything about that, but I know when people take pride in their work, something sadly lacking around here lately. These people are professionals and should be regarded accordingly. Your beef is with the management and the IAM, not the people working at Mobile Aerospace Engineering.

I'm sure the Flight Attendant whose father was passing away while our people held the airplane hostage for an hour doing paperwork Sunday morning is REALLY impressed with the quality of your work. That's when you guys lost me. I was a supporter up until that point, but you guys did me in.

A320 Driver <_<
A320 driver TISK.....TISK!!! Nice try with the flt att father dying! Your kidding, right?? Pride in there work?? You fly them! They are 0 for 2! They are professionals who take pride in there work?? Do you realize the EXPERIENCE level of AMT's at US?? With recent layoffs, we are up to 13-14 year people(not including previous experience) "They take pride in their work, something sadly lacking around here". AGAIN, are you THAT clueless?? AMTs at US are professionals! Sad to see that a driver doesn't have as much faith in his own AMTs and has the guzumbas to come on here and bad mouth those same AMTs who make your daily,or should i say,10 days a month of flying, SAFE!!!! Thats the real problem here driver! You say our beef is with management and IAM. I say, your beef is with US AMTs good day! More Later!! :angry:
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
A320 Driver <_<
A320 driver TISK.....TISK!!! Nice try with the flt att father dying! Your kidding, right?? Pride in there work?? You fly them! They are 0 for 2! They are professionals who take pride in there work?? Do you realize the EXPERIENCE level of AMT's at US?? With recent layoffs, we are up to 13-14 year people(not including previous experience) "They take pride in their work, something sadly lacking around here". AGAIN, are you THAT clueless?? AMTs at US are professionals! Sad to see that a driver doesn't have as much faith in his own AMTs and has the guzumbas to come on here and bad mouth those same AMTs who make your daily,or should i say,10 days a month of flying, SAFE!!!! Thats the real problem here driver! You say our beef is with management and IAM. I say, your beef is with US AMTs good day! More Later!! :angry: [/QUOTE]

You would have to be pretty sick to make up something like that. Flt 952 on March 7th. CLT PIT. Comes out of BOS late with APU inop. Delayed on arrival in CLT for ????? Delayed twice in the gate. Finally board and are told by the crew that APU is NOT inop, but we are waiting on the logbook. We waited at least another half hour.

Now, let's deal with these other issues:

NeedForSpeedNFS wrote:
Do you realize the EXPERIENCE level of AMT's at US??


NeedForSpeedNFS wrote:
With recent layoffs, we are up to 13-14 year people(not including previous experience)

So are we and everyone else.

NeedForSpeedNFS wrote:
Sad to see that a driver doesn't have as much faith in his own AMTs and has the guzumbas to come on here and bad mouth those same AMTs who make your daily,or should i say,10 days a month of flying, SAFE!!!!

I have complete faith in the quality of our AMT's work. I'd prefer that the S checks were done in house by our people. But this thread implies that MAE is a sub-standard outfit with sub-standard people and I do not believe that to be the case. I met their people, observed the work going on AC 706 and I am satisfied that they are professionals that know what they are doing. Oh, and I fly 16 to 17 days a month.

NeedForSpeedNFS wrote:
I say, your beef is with US AMTs good day! More Later!!

I do have a problem when A/C are held up for paperwork without explaination for extended periods of time. I have a problem when our passengers are inconvenienced ANYTIME and I REALLY have a problem with someone thinking I'd make up a story about the Flt Attendant and her father. If I am wrong about this Flt, then show me I'm wrong and I will apologize immediately. But, impropriety doesn't have to exist for me or anyone else to get the wrong idea. The APPEARANCE of impropriety is enough, especially with the current situatiuon at U.

A320 Driver B)
Driver Didnt mean to imply you made up story of flt att father! My point on the experience level was that we now have people with anywhere from 15-35+ years. MUCH experience maintaining acft. Not that we are the only group suffering! Nice to see you have faith in Us AMTs My only point here is the experience level, period. The situation at U is bad for all. GOOD DAY!! MORE LATER
ponder this to all who say out source maint is bad, one night I recived my work assignment the long departed ac 808 I was given a check a one man a check. not to #### i took my assingment and off I went during the night I found the nose gear strut had some chrome plating missing and according to the mm no temp repairs can be made so I reported it to my senior lead on shift his comment was dont write it up I will call pit and sched a gear change and if you did i will sign it off.The aircraft went on its daily schedule. three months later the same ac showed up again and the same chrome was missing guess what no change so much for I will take care of it again a junior guy got the ac and reported the same damage again the senior lead he said blah blah blah, the aircraft departed boston and declared a emergency nose gear wold not retract or stuck I left my shift as I was not called for the overtime for it finally the gear got changed only after a declared emergency 3rd party in house it all about the flight sked and whoever signs the book burns
Hate to tell you but a know problem and you let it depart the station......you are as guilty as the rest!! Many times when we find something suspect it goes in the book or on the discrep sheet, that way it must be addressed or signed off.
700UW said:
Your facts dont seem to be in order tonight, I dont know where you live but in CLT it was on all four tv stations and in the Charlotte Observer.
I don't care if it's a few million. It's still a winning argument and another opportunity you're wasting. You're telling me a two minute report on four tv stations and an article in the paper is the best the IAM can do? If it is you deserve their leader(less)ship. The kind of coverage I'm talking about requires thinking outside the box. That's something that's beyond the capability of the IAM.
cavalier said:
You sound like piney now.

But, maybe it would work, maybe not, personally I doubt it because who cares beside the employees? Someone working three jobs trying to survive doesn’t give a whit and would be crying, "join the crowd".
I'll take that as a compliment! :up:

The ones you want to hear you are at CCY and Wall Street. Believe me, if they saw a newpaper ad in USA Today telling Seigel you've got a plan to save him millions of dollars but he won't answer the phone. Remind him you're waiting to hear from him to discuss saving him a lot of money. If he still doesn't respond then you can have an argument that they're not really serious about saving money.

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