USAir has already had a hand at 3rd party work during the Seth Schoefield era.
During the mid 90's CLT Heavy performed work on B757-200's for both America West and Challenge Air Cargo prior to them being aquired by UPS.
During this same timeframe. B737-200 work was performed in CLT on behalf of Eastwind Airlines as well as the B737-200 that was owned by George Shinn and the NBA Charlotte Hornets.
I'm sure thier are other examples too..but this is just off the top of my head. I know we had an office for 3rd party work located in the upper level of the main terminal in CLT during that time too.
U could have made a great deal of money by continuing this program...yet it was easier to just fold up the tent as we have done in so many areas that have presented a challenge before.
Delta Airlines performs a degree of 3rd party work...and the annual yields range in the 180 to 200 million arena annually. Lufthansa Teknik does this as does a division of UA known as "United Services" UA's division even performs work on USAF Acft like the engines on the C-17 Globemaster III cargo plane...and even the B757-200 designated as Air Force 2 for the VP of the United States.
U is currently not in a position to perform outside heavy work for a number of reasons...and most of those reasons are the same limiting factors that hamper us as we stand at present.
(1) Leadership and Organization issues
(2) Shortage of space due to TPA's closure. (this does not support U's claim on space for our Airbus work , just we have no room for outside work.)
(3) Shortages of manpower...CLT and PIT both are crippled with manpower shortages...and it's abundantly clear when 1st and 2nd shift in CLT is being called for OT of late just to keep a minimum level of 18 people on each of 3 scheduled aircraft...keep in mind CLT will accomodate 5 in tail docks in it's current layout.
CLT would be an ideal location to build another facility for just such 3rd party work as we've chatted about...a facility like the new CLT line hangar can be built within 6 months at a cost of less than $6 million....and then leased from the city at a very attractive price. The lease fees and the costs of tooling would easily be recoverd if U gained only 1/3rd of the profit margin that DL is enjoying at present in one years time....and niether place , un-like Timco.... or even ST Mobile Aerospace would be a sweat shop that filters the profits to a foriegn country like Singapore.
The name of the game is profits...and keeping Americans employed and the money where it rightfully belongs. This would take some work of course...and you do have to spend money to make money...but if done properly? The yields could be the differnce in showing a profit...or making a big profit. Maybe Doc Bronner needs to find himself exactly that kind of leader?...the investment should be well worth the effort....even if it meant doing it in his place of interest Vs. CLT or even PIT?
During the mid 90's CLT Heavy performed work on B757-200's for both America West and Challenge Air Cargo prior to them being aquired by UPS.
During this same timeframe. B737-200 work was performed in CLT on behalf of Eastwind Airlines as well as the B737-200 that was owned by George Shinn and the NBA Charlotte Hornets.
I'm sure thier are other examples too..but this is just off the top of my head. I know we had an office for 3rd party work located in the upper level of the main terminal in CLT during that time too.
U could have made a great deal of money by continuing this program...yet it was easier to just fold up the tent as we have done in so many areas that have presented a challenge before.
Delta Airlines performs a degree of 3rd party work...and the annual yields range in the 180 to 200 million arena annually. Lufthansa Teknik does this as does a division of UA known as "United Services" UA's division even performs work on USAF Acft like the engines on the C-17 Globemaster III cargo plane...and even the B757-200 designated as Air Force 2 for the VP of the United States.
U is currently not in a position to perform outside heavy work for a number of reasons...and most of those reasons are the same limiting factors that hamper us as we stand at present.
(1) Leadership and Organization issues
(2) Shortage of space due to TPA's closure. (this does not support U's claim on space for our Airbus work , just we have no room for outside work.)
(3) Shortages of manpower...CLT and PIT both are crippled with manpower shortages...and it's abundantly clear when 1st and 2nd shift in CLT is being called for OT of late just to keep a minimum level of 18 people on each of 3 scheduled aircraft...keep in mind CLT will accomodate 5 in tail docks in it's current layout.
CLT would be an ideal location to build another facility for just such 3rd party work as we've chatted about...a facility like the new CLT line hangar can be built within 6 months at a cost of less than $6 million....and then leased from the city at a very attractive price. The lease fees and the costs of tooling would easily be recoverd if U gained only 1/3rd of the profit margin that DL is enjoying at present in one years time....and niether place , un-like Timco.... or even ST Mobile Aerospace would be a sweat shop that filters the profits to a foriegn country like Singapore.
The name of the game is profits...and keeping Americans employed and the money where it rightfully belongs. This would take some work of course...and you do have to spend money to make money...but if done properly? The yields could be the differnce in showing a profit...or making a big profit. Maybe Doc Bronner needs to find himself exactly that kind of leader?...the investment should be well worth the effort....even if it meant doing it in his place of interest Vs. CLT or even PIT?