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Ste Mobile Aerospace , Strike-two !

Where are we making tons of money?

No it isn't right that the company and it's management to have lied to it's employees.

You seem to be missing my point in all this......I am not supporting the outsourcing of work to STS. I am not defending STS. I am saying that until anyone has the facts, don't ASSUME that this problem is a direct result of work performed by STS.

Make that assumption and it is just as easy for me to make the same assumption about and in-house worked airplane and the problems it encountered.
ITRADE said:
Ahh, but I thought that outsourcing per se was an invitation for instant death. Clearly, not the case.
And I clearly never said such a thing Mr.Hamilton Burger, ask Paul Drake.
MarkMyWords said:
Where are we making tons of money?

No it isn't right that the company and it's management to have lied to it's employees.

You seem to be missing my point in all this......I am not supporting the outsourcing of work to STS. I am not defending STS. I am saying that until wnyone has the facts, don't ASSUME that this problem is a direct result of work performed by STS.

Make that assumption and it is just as easy for me to make the same assumption about and in-house worked airplane and the problems it encountered.
MMW...sorry old boy...you're missing my entire point...

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
Obviously I must be. I know what you are saying about the company using lies and deceit to promote their agenda.....and no that is not right either. Why stoop to their level?
MarkMyWords said:
Obviously I must be. I know what you are saying about the company using lies and deceit to promote their agenda.....and no that is not right either. Why stoop to their level?
Survival maybe?
Honestly, I think that you and the IAM are much smarter then that and don't have to stoop to their tactics to get results.
MarkMyWords said:
Honestly, I think that you and the IAM are much smarter then that and don't have to stoop to their tactics to get results.
Look at what playing fair gets you with this shifty crew!

I wonder when we meet our maker if he will say…forgiven, it was only business.

Let me go on record as having posted "Tainted Information" regarding the number of flights that 707UW operated prior to it's "Hard Failure". My source on that was askew...and my apologies are extended for elaborating on that ONE point only.

The history un-folding does not change the magnitude of the problem..or the recurrence of the same problem. Recurrent Problems are the one and only issue that should be disturbing anyone from a safety standpoint , but when you are operating in a need to generate revenue , such as we are , the need for reliabilty only compounds itself. We are in fact under-writing this work and extended downtime with out own money if you will recall? Check your 2004 W2's Vs. 2002 for clarification if you need too?

To many , its clear that STE Mobile Aerospace is not capable of providing reliablty or safety. a two for two rate of failure speaks volumes. The violation of the IAM CBA (or my Agenda as you called it)...is but another sad aspect added to this entire mess , this is also creating a yield negative enviroment when the acft in question makes emergency landings , scares passengers...and then has to be ultimatley repaired by the real intrusted party with added delay and expense. So from a money standpoint....How are we doing now?

Due to the nature of this repeat failure within such a narrow timeline..it does not take the heat of the source of the failure. Had this been an in-house related work/repair with such a history un-folding? I can assure you the heat would be turned up to levels beyond anyones comprehension.

Regarding acft 767 in GCM over the weekend. That problem was a failure of the "HMU" installed on the Acft. We have had a couple of noted HMU failures of late...all requiring having another HMU being robbed from spare engines within the system..then installed on the Acft in question...and returnng to normal scheduled service without further delay. HMU's are not an in-house repaired item BTW.

I'm sure that U's QA and Engineering departments will be persuing this issue with the HMU's vendor. We do have an excellent track record on recovering lost money due to outside vendor failures , both past and present. Usually the persuit of the vendor on these matters leads to upgrades of the part or system in question...and tends to benefit not only U's performance levels...but provides added safety and reliabilty levels for all customers of this vendor and particular product. A case where history builds a case to force change on parties with integrity involved. We can only hope for an alike change in this outsorcing issue.

Is there any proof that the problem with 707 is directly related to the work done at STS or are you speculating that because there was a problem with 700, this problem must have the same cause?
ITRADE said:

However, Southwest is reported to have a draconian quality control regmine in place with Goodrich. It's Goodrich's largest contract by far, and one which they simply could not afford to live without. Southwest has all sorts of leverage against Goodrich to do go work--and apparently they exercise it in a prudent fashion.

US Management has absolutely no leverage over S&T--if Bronner says that's where the work is going to go, that's where the work is going to go until a plane drops out of the sky. There is no incentive on S&T's part to good do work--thanks to Bronner in the role of sugar daddy, this work won't ever go anywhere else, and they (S&T) know it.

Well, if Bronner - the Chairman of US - is calling the shots as you so allege, then there is substantial leverage. At the drop of a hat, Bronner could move the work elsewhere - in Alabama or elsewhere. The incentive is very much there.
And clearly, as Bronner's track record and own statemetns indicate, he is all about bringing work/jobs to, and enhancing the economy of, the state of Alabama.

Unless one of the other major MROs has a location in Alabama, that work will be with S&T until a plane drops out of the sky (in an uncontrolled fashion, as opposed to "merely" a flaps-out landing).
MarkMyWords said:

Is there any proof that the problem with 707 is directly related to the work done at STS or are you speculating that because there was a problem with 700, this problem must have the same cause?
I'm no A&P, and my experience is generally limited to the mechanical systems of Cessna aircraft whose model starts with a "1", but let's be realistic--the plane comes out of it's "heavy" check (during which the hydraulic system is presumably worked on in a rather major way) and said system proceeds to have a failure a few days later.

I'm not a firm believer in coincidence. YMMV, if course.
MarkMyWords said:

Is there any proof that the problem with 707 is directly related to the work done at STS or are you speculating that because there was a problem with 700, this problem must have the same cause?
The troubleshooting performed and requested items to support the correction of the alike failure , linked to the results leading to this problem supports this as well.

Somewhere in the workload process...something is being missed , overlooked or is simply going un-addressed while in Mobile. Nothing was learned post action from 700UW.

The fact that the S-1 Check is nothing more than a combination of work already being performed during scheduled C-Checks by U itself , without any degree of alike failures that have led to any emergency landings , extended downtime and lost revenue involved says plenty.

Knit Pick the issues all you care too Marky...the end result is still the same times 2...and at a continued associated revenue decline that "The Dave's" continue to drum-beat about us not being able to sustain. This added fact looms ever harder and deeper for all involved.

This is a classic example of the old school house story. We have the time (and money) to do it twice....yet we do not seem to have the time and money to do it right the first time. Care to dispute the wisdom in that comment too?

I see no further reason to address this subject with you..or anyone else. The results are speaking for themselves most clearly. The willingness to accept the results for whatever reason or agenda is another story.
AOG-N-IT said:
I see no further reason to address this subject with you..or anyone else. The results are speaking for themselves most clearly. The willingness to accept the results for whatever reason or agenda is another story.
Amen on that AOG!

This is like justifying that your children who were kidnapped are better off with you than they are with the kidnapper. It's so ridiculous to be even discussing this because even addressing it seems to admit the kids were never yours to begin with.

The fact is whether the work is done in house or outsourced and if it’s any better or worse is not even relevant here. The fact is, it’s our work that was blatantly taken from us and now we are trying to justify our jobs to our own co-workers. Jerry and Dave are doing the Pee Wee Herman dancing in glee move on the tables they are so happy reading this crap.

I used to go the extra mile on the job, now I do what is required only and they will be glad I even do that much! And, I have a good attitude among the ranks. Thanks Dave for saving our airline and giving us a secure future while being forthright and honest with us!
From what I have heard today at work there is not any proof that the problem is due to the work at STS. We do an excellent job here in PIT and I would love to see more work come into our station. I do not like to see the outsourcing work done by anyone other then our mechanics. I could care less how many a/c are sent to Bama if it will assist the company.

I am willing to sacrifice the younger mechanics if it means saving this company. I will get flammed for this comment but that is how I feel and most of the older mechanics feel the same way. This is why I agree with ALPA and their position in trying to save their own jobs. It is a nice idea to help out the furlough employees but what good does it do if there is not company. I have been here almost 30 years and will vote to save the company. It is not always about the IAM. What have they done for us lately? Nothing, that is why I would like to see change within this mechanic group.
Industry Observer said:
I am willing to sacrifice the younger mechanics if it means saving this company.
That sentence speaks volumes of you, and your beliefs, while making Dave & Jerry jump for joy knowing they have you right where they want you. Your signature should be changed to read..."I lost faith in myself"

With a country full of people with your attitude, we as a nation are in for some tough times where people are no longer willing to fight for what is right, but instead lay down and die first, but then again, you are just about there already.

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