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Jan 5, 2003
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I don't WalMart shop and I won't fly USAirways unless I am stuck some where because of a cancellation and then use my passes. I won't finance or support a company who treats employees the way USAirways continues to do.

Yet you have flown NW this year, despite an ongoing strike?

Certainly can't say you let those principles of yours get in the way.

I'm not even in a union yet I wouldn't be caught dead flying ScabAir.
I won't finance or support a company who treats employees the way USAirways continues to do.

Those of us left behind appreciate your support. In fact, I'm pretty sure Dougie and company are probably shaking in their shoes over the loss of you as a customer. :down:

Best wishes Stormchaser. Someone beat me to it, but I remember the program if you are already in treatment. It might be a pain to complete the paperwork, etc, but its worth the effort if you really like the doctors you currently have.
Those of us left behind appreciate your support. In fact, I'm pretty sure Dougie and company are probably shaking in their shoes over the loss of you as a customer. :down:

I don't believe Dougie gives a damn about you, any employee (as evidenced by "cost neutral proposals), or what customers fly U. He stated U is making money inspite of themselves...so what's that tell ya? B)
I don't believe Dougie gives a damn about you, any employee (as evidenced by "cost neutral proposals), or what customers fly U. He stated U is making money inspite of themselves...so what's that tell ya? B)

Oh no doubt about it, but then again I knew he never did in the first place. Thats not what I'm surprised at. Thanks for your time here, move on now then. :down:
Oh no doubt about it, but then again I knew he never did in the first place. Thats not what I'm surprised at. Thanks for your time here, move on now then. :down:

I spent 25 years at U. You don't like what I say....YOU move on!
I spent 25 years at U. You don't like what I say....YOU move on!
Dont even know what this means... you're gone I'm still here. You wont spend your money on US, so why hang around?
I just find it ironic that you spent ALL that time fighting the "company" to take care of your fellow workers and now that you've moved on, you seem to be willing to throw those who are left under the bus (by not spending money on US to keep the paychecks coming no matter how meager they may be). I just cant understand how someone can be so passionate about their job and coworkers and then all of a sudden not give a darn as to their survival by spending your money on other carriers (even some on strike) because you dont approve of management treatment of those left behind. Do you approve of NW treatment of their employees?
If it were strictly a matter of getting the cheapest fare, then go for it, but thats not the reason stated. While I applaud your actions during your time with the company in the fight for your fellow coworkers, I can also express my regret in your actions toward your previous coworkers now that you have moved on.
Dont even know what this means... you're gone I'm still here. You wont spend your money on US, so why hang around?
I just find it ironic that you spent ALL that time fighting the "company" to take care of your fellow workers and now that you've moved on, you seem to be willing to throw those who are left under the bus (by not spending money on US to keep the paychecks coming no matter how meager they may be). I just cant understand how someone can be so passionate about their job and coworkers and then all of a sudden not give a darn as to their survival by spending your money on other carriers (even some on strike) because you dont approve of management treatment of those left behind. Do you approve of NW treatment of their employees?
If it were strictly a matter of getting the cheapest fare, then go for it, but thats not the reason stated. While I applaud your actions during your time with the company in the fight for your fellow coworkers, I can also express my regret in your actions toward your previous coworkers now that you have moved on.

Your aceptance of the concessionary contracts and working under the concessionary contracts, proves more evident that its those like you who threw 22,000 employees under the bus.

And its your lack of protest and acquiescense that continues to foster the current management and those same airline management types at NW, DL and United that see that airline employees are willing to work for next to nothing for the job...cause your still there working for even much less, and there is no BK to make excuses.

It is quite evident that you obviously need the job, or want the job...no matter what the employee conditions. Since you think to critisize my loyalty to the employees of U..those who live in glass houses should make an attempt not to throw stones...
Your aceptance of the concessionary contracts and working under the concessionary contracts, proves more evident that its those like you who threw 22,000 employees under the bus.

And its your lack of protest and acquiescense that continues to foster the current management and those same airline management types at NW, DL and United that see that airline employees are willing to work for next to nothing for the job...cause your still there working for even much less, and there is no BK to make excuses.

FYI, I voted no on every contract offered during concessions. I cant help that my fellow coworkers voted to accept (especially those who just wanted the early out part). How would I have been any less at fault if I had voted yes, took the EO and moved on like so many have done? Would that have helped prove a point to the evil airline managers and how would things be different now for the 22000 who have been let go? Then they would have had 1 more EO position to fill instead offering lower wages to whomever replaced me.
Its my choice to still be working here yes and I am still comfortable with what I make. I wish it were what it once was, but that isnt going to happen. I still am doing better here than a lot of my fellow agents who left for greener pastures. When it gets to the point that I'm not doing ok, then I'll leave. In the meantime, I'm not going to quit here just to go find another job making the same (or less) working for another management team that is only looking out for themselves. If you've managed to find one that is different good for you, but from what I've heard from many of those who have left, even with the paycuts and working conditions, they are regretting ever leaving.
Edited since I see you've edited as well. Yes I do like the job. No, I dont have to have it, there are quite a few jobs that I could have taken during the BK's. I've enjoyed it for most of the 21 years I've been here. Why is it so hard for some to believe that some of us are still making a decent living and actually still enjoy working here?
Give her some slack please?? She's a good person. I've broke bread with her and she is decent, true and kind. I'm honored to know her.

It's really really hard to continue to fund US Airways given all that has happened. She has run out of patience before I have is the ony difference.

Thanks, Bob.

Edited since I see you've edited as well. Yes I do like the job. No, I dont have to have it, there are quite a few jobs that I could have taken during the BK's. I've enjoyed it for most of the 21 years I've been here. Why is it so hard for some to believe that some of us are still making a decent living and actually still enjoy working here?

That's fine. And obviously from what you posted above, it doesn't really matter what you make, your satisfied.

That doesn't mean that I have to support the "fat cats" in senior management who are the only group obtaining increases and instant wealth from customer loyalty which they really don't appreciate by their inaction in improving customer service and experience.
Give her some slack please?? She's a good person.
I broke bread and more with her and disagree, big time.

She must have cast a spell over you. Ever hear the song by the Eagles?
FYI, I voted no on every contract offered during concessions. I cant help that my fellow coworkers voted to accept
Unless YOU are willing to carry a sing out in front of TPA and help organize a strike and a picket line a NO VOTE is useless. You're talking (PittBull)to the wrong person about solidarity

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