Let me show you the errors of your ways. First WN is using ACARS and has been for the last 6 months. In Sept 2006 (using ACARS) the % of WN's on time flights increased by 0.1% over the % for Sept of 2005 (not using ACARS). So using ACARS the % of on time arrivals basically stayed the same as when ACARS wasn't used.WN has been lying about times for years. I don't blame them.
The most profitable airline in the industry can't afford ACARS. Please. Call a spade a spade.
If WN started paying crews basde on over-under as apposed to the leg, WN's times would take a hit.
Secondly while the crews do get paid by the leg if we block over the scheduled time we do get paid extra. Granted the 1st 11 minutes are for free, but starting at 12 minutes over block we get .1 TFP and then every 5 minutes we get another .1 TFP.
So get your facts correct before you try to call a spade a spade.