Southwest And Others Have Pit In Their Sights

This makes me sick. Yea, tell the world that we are downsizing Pit and that only have 25% of our traffic connecting out of PIT. Do away with this hub and make us a focus city. U is history. Southwest took over BWI, PHL and now PIT. Look out CLT.
This can't be a surprise to anyone here. Sheesh, we discussed this back in November!

And WN will make money hand over fist at PIT.
it will be interesting to see where jetblue flies to out of pit and if they can make money out of pit
Just more reasons why workers DO NOT TRUST managements decisions, and will not go along with more paycuts to further Subsidize failure!!!!! :angry:
Of course, PIT will offer SWA and JBLU heavily discounted leases to get them to serve the airport. PIT airport charges U anywhere from $7-$10 per connecting passenger to cover its huge debt; I'll bet SWA and JBLU get the exact same service for $0.50 a head and the airport lets the taxpayers make up the difference. Of course, that little fact will be buried on page 18 of the "Business Section," while "SWA and JBLU to Serve PIT" will be the headline for a week or two.
I thought the PAA is required to offer leases to all carriers on the same term; the only difference being whether a carrier wanted to sign on for long-term leases, or month-to month at higher rates.
Regarding the cost-per-passenger in Pittsburgh: Is this a direct charge per passenger; or, as I suspect, the result of total costs divided by total passengers?
If the latter is true, it is no surprise that the cost per passenger in PIT has escalated when you see an entire concourse that was designed to handle 100-200 passenger jets used instead to operate 30-50 passenger turboprops and RJs.
You also can not expect the airport to lower the lease rate on these gates just because the tenant decides to use them inefficiently. It would be like renting a 100 square foot storage space, selling half of your belongings and expecting the storage facility to lower your rate to a 50sf space.
X-U said:
Regarding the cost-per-passenger in Pittsburgh: Is this a direct charge per passenger; or, as I suspect, the result of total costs divided by total passengers?
You suspect correctly. Total costs / Total Passengers. Its not anywhere close to real time, but that's the general jist of it.

And there will be no "sweetheart" deals. $0.50 is not anywhere close to realistic. Costs will be close to US Airways, but will be slightly lower. (U afterall is going month-to-month on gates)
It's also worth noting that the new terminal was built to spec for US, who basically threatened to bail without said new terminal 14 years ago.

This is a fact which is often overlooked: US demanded and got what they wanted at PIT, and then used the 11th hour of Chapter 11 to walk away from it.

While PIT might wait for LUV until after they finish US at PHL, the LCCs will come--the O&D is not as bad as some here would lead you to believe (better than CLT, for instance) and would probably go up by 250k boardings/year if people had an incentive not to drive to CAK or CLE.
Yes, airports must offer the same lease rates, landing fees, etc, to all airlines as long as they accept Federal dollars, this is true.

However, airports also have ways around this... Like "service development" grants, airport paid marketing, or tie ins to the local business community (aka AirTran's travel bank system). Not saying PIT has or will do this...

I beleive they have changed their website, but the FLL airport website used to have a banner ad encouraging airlines to start new service... The offer was to any airlines willing to serve FLL-Caracas, they would get certain airport rebates, marketing help, etc. It looks like they have redeveloped their website and removed those ads, but I am sure the airports still have the opportunity to create such offers. Bottom line is that a level playing field is not always guaranteed.
funguy2 said:
Yes, airports must offer the same lease rates, landing fees, etc, to all airlines as long as they accept Federal dollars, this is true.

However, airports also have ways around this... Like "service development" grants, airport paid marketing, or tie ins to the local business community (aka AirTran's travel bank system). Not saying PIT has or will do this...

I beleive they have changed their website, but the FLL airport website used to have a banner ad encouraging airlines to start new service... The offer was to any airlines willing to serve FLL-Caracas, they would get certain airport rebates, marketing help, etc. It looks like they have redeveloped their website and removed those ads, but I am sure the airports still have the opportunity to create such offers. Bottom line is that a level playing field is not always guaranteed.
As a matter of fact, US took advantage of FLL's wanting to attract new service, and was given reduced landing fees for the FLL-BDA service for the first year. The route proved successful, and returned this year with more frequency.
I think its great for the city of Pittsburgh that some LCC's have their eye on adding flights out of PIT after US scales back, but their level of service WILL NEVER replace what US has had at PIT. It's just not financially possible for any other established carrier to make PIT a hub in todays economy. I think the goal of LCC is to come into a market and steal pax from the major carriers, would that really happen at PIT after US scales back? Is it really possible for that many LCC's to enter the PIT market to compete with each other?
nycbusdriver said:
Of course, PIT will offer SWA and JBLU heavily discounted leases to get them to serve the airport. PIT airport charges U anywhere from $7-$10 per connecting passenger to cover its huge debt; I'll bet SWA and JBLU get the exact same service for $0.50 a head and the airport lets the taxpayers make up the difference. Of course, that little fact will be buried on page 18 of the "Business Section," while "SWA and JBLU to Serve PIT" will be the headline for a week or two.
That's illegal... or against ACAA's Federal promises. There are limited allowances for marketing and promotional activities for a limited time. But they have to be available to all.

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