As a former PIT passenger you DON'T know what we want. But what else would I expect from in uninformed new poster who has probably skulked around these message boards before finding a post to reply to.
Didn't everyone "skulk" around here before signing up?
From your profile you live in CLT. I'd love to see CLT take the hits that PIT did but it won't because of it's geographic location.
It appears CLT remains profitable as a hub, unlike PIT was able to do. But, this is the airline industry, so who knows..
Just remember, what goes around, comes around and someday CLT will be raped by US I'm sure.
Raped?! Dramatic... It's business, plain and simple.... (oh yah, it's "personal", right? 
I am happy PIT finally brought in more service. Now I can get home on BETTER airlines.
That's what PIT people have been asking for for YEARS. Release the USAir stranglehold on PIT. You got it!
And where is this so called "good customer service"? I had better customer service during the bankruptcies.....BOTH OF THEM!
Agree 100%. We are the worst.
LOW FARES? Are you serious? The only "low fares" US provided were on routes they had direct competition on from WN mainly.
And now US still competes on a majority of the routes that WN flies, and dropped/ is going to drop the money losing routes from PIT.
And what's the "good inflight entertainment"? A new inflight magazine that pushes condos in LAS and PHX? Or maybe it's the addition of Cranium? OOOO How Entertaining after seeing that same video and you can answer the questions because you've been on a flight every damn day of the week. Now that's what I call entertainment.
Your right. WN entertainment is much more advanced. Bring a book. Remember when humans used to be able to entertain themselves, before being mesmerized by an idiot box 8 inches from their faces? Ahh, those were the days....
You really don't know much about the situation in PIT at all. Or about US in general I think.
Deep down, you know more than you want to admit. I know it hurts....