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Reason To Cutback Flights In PIT?

As a former PIT passenger you DON'T know what we want. But what else would I expect from in uninformed new poster who has probably skulked around these message boards before finding a post to reply to.

Didn't everyone "skulk" around here before signing up?

From your profile you live in CLT. I'd love to see CLT take the hits that PIT did but it won't because of it's geographic location.

It appears CLT remains profitable as a hub, unlike PIT was able to do. But, this is the airline industry, so who knows..

Just remember, what goes around, comes around and someday CLT will be raped by US I'm sure.

Raped?! Dramatic... It's business, plain and simple.... (oh yah, it's "personal", right? :lol: )

I am happy PIT finally brought in more service. Now I can get home on BETTER airlines.

That's what PIT people have been asking for for YEARS. Release the USAir stranglehold on PIT. You got it!

And where is this so called "good customer service"? I had better customer service during the bankruptcies.....BOTH OF THEM!

Agree 100%. We are the worst.

LOW FARES? Are you serious? The only "low fares" US provided were on routes they had direct competition on from WN mainly.

And now US still competes on a majority of the routes that WN flies, and dropped/ is going to drop the money losing routes from PIT.

And what's the "good inflight entertainment"? A new inflight magazine that pushes condos in LAS and PHX? Or maybe it's the addition of Cranium? OOOO How Entertaining after seeing that same video and you can answer the questions because you've been on a flight every damn day of the week. Now that's what I call entertainment.

Your right. WN entertainment is much more advanced. Bring a book. Remember when humans used to be able to entertain themselves, before being mesmerized by an idiot box 8 inches from their faces? Ahh, those were the days....

You really don't know much about the situation in PIT at all. Or about US in general I think.

Deep down, you know more than you want to admit. I know it hurts....
You need to read and comprehend posts better. The poster you are ranting at was saying you got what you wanted- you lost US Airways megahub and 'hostage-holding', and instead got a little bit more service from other airlines with all you complained US didn't provide. The good customer service, low fares, IFE etc is in reference to the handful of flights WN, B6 and others added.

I read and comprehend quite well thank you. And how do you "know" what PIT passengers wanted? Being a F/A I guess you know exactly what this once HIGH YIELD customer wanted? HUH?

Maybe you should re-read what I wrote and examine it closer. WE got less service, even higher fares on routes without competition and there's no IFE on all the RJ's that are left to fly out of PIT

Once again EMBFA you show your ignorance to the issues that affect the customer
hey ITESTWELL........have you ever had to purchase a ticket to fly to LGA or BOS? Probably not.

Let me just say, that until B6 came into PIT, US did rape me constantly on those flights. So much so, that I had to fly into MHT on WN because my company at that time refused to let me fly US because the airfare was over $1000.

Right now I could care less what US does in PIT. After 11 years of weekly travel, hoping this craphole of an airline would survive to be a fantastic airline to do business with, I finally gave it all up and don't step foot on a plane unless it's absolutely necessary.

US should have shuttered it's doors. Too bad it didn't.
I read and comprehend quite well thank you. And how do you "know" what PIT passengers wanted? Being a F/A I guess you know exactly what this once HIGH YIELD customer wanted? HUH?

Maybe you should re-read what I wrote and examine it closer. WE got less service, even higher fares on routes without competition and there's no IFE on all the RJ's that are left to fly out of PIT

Once again EMBFA you show your ignorance to the issues that affect the customer

No, you clearly have either very low reading comprehension, or you are simply in too much of a rush to respond.

What several posters are telling you is that you got what you wanted FROM OTHER CARRIERS. You wanted US Airways gone- which it essentially is- to make space for all of those other carriers lining up to get into PIT. Well there ya go- Southwest is there, JetBlue, and maybe someone else has plans for all of those empty gates too, who knows. I think three of us have clarified that the low fares and IFE are on the carriers that replaced a small percentage of US Airways service.

O&D enplanements from PIT are up since US Airways departure, likely due to the low fares other carriers are able to offer along with the right-sizing of the market from all of the carriers. So again, didn't you get what you want?

You are angry at a company's decision to discontinue it's unprofitable business in your area. So much so you wish they would "shutter thier doors". Well, they pretty much did shutter thier doors on Pittsburgh... so again, didn't you get what you want?

Or are you saying that you want both low fare competition, AND a fortress hub from a major carrier you don't care for anyhow? I think you're better off with what you've got. If you are a high yield customer, you are not the market segment the current US Airways is after. You should bring your business either to another major carrier that values the frequent traveler, or WN if they get you where you need to go.

Please don't post once again that US Airways offers no low fares or IFE out of PIT, because I think this has been clarified for you several times that they are talking about the other carriers you have the option of due to US's closure of the hub.

As for my understanding of the customer as a flight attendant, I'll be the judge of that through my real-life feedback from customers, which is very positive, rather than from an angry, poorly written internet forum poster. Still, I'd wager that I have a better understanding of what a high yield customer wants or expects than our current management does.

Hope your day gets better.
Call me whatever you want. You still have no idea what your customers require.

Enough said.
The Pittsburgh passengers are getting what they asked for: Low fares, good customer service, good inflight entertainment, ETC.

EMBFA is correct. tvlr64, I think you misinterpreted what Jayt0n was trying to convey: That the PIT passengers got what they asked for: Lower fares, good customer service, and good inflight entertainment...by way of Jet Blue, Air Tran, and Southwest entering the PIT market....NOT USAirways.
I agree that US Airways has no idea about customers, I think my opinion on that is pretty well known. As for me personally, not that it matters much to this discussion, but how would you know anything about me as a person from my postings on an anonomous message board? For all you know I could be Doug Parker, a college student, a journalist, or an aviation enthusiast from Kansas.

I'm glad you realize that US Airways could not provide you with what you wanted... hopefully someone else can. It's like a break-up, they can be very painful but you usually realize in the end you would never have been happy had you stayed together. It's a process, but you'll work through it.
O & D pax in millions, 2004

1. LAX 31.5
2. LAS 30.3
3. ORD 26.5
4. MCO 25.5
5. ATL 25.4
6. PHX 22.4
7. LGA 21.6
8. DFW 20.2
9. DEN 19.3
10. BOS 19.1
11. SEA 18.9
12. FLL 17.6
13. EWR 17.6
14. JFK 16.3
15. SFO 16.1
16. BWI 15.7
17. PHL 15.3
18. TPA 15.0
19. SAN 14.8
20. MSP 14.3
21. DTW 14.1
22. OAK 12.8
23. MDW 12.5
24. DCA 12.1
25. IAH 11.5
26. HNL 11.0
27. PDX 10.3
28. STL 9.6
29. SJC 9.5
30. SLC 9.4

If this is true than why isn't the West making more money than the East? Why aren't other Int'l carriers "AND" US flying T/A out of PHX? Hasn't DP said that PHX has no T/A O/D and would not be profitable? Just asking a question, not meaning to start an argument or anything. I can honestly see PHX downsizing in the event of another merger. IMO, this merger was set up to keep the original US alive because of it's East coast stronghold. Albeit in the past a very mismanaged airline, it was kept alive because of its liquidity and dominance in it's East Coast market. JMO
They did save our butts at a crucial time. It's been rumored that the West would be split off...dunnoView attachment 6462 It would be nice to hold on to a hub in the West since we dismantled LAX, SFO, and SAN.


You know as well as all of us know that "THEY" AWA did not save our butts......IT was a LOT of investors thast FINANCED this merger wasn't it?
hey ITESTWELL........have you ever had to purchase a ticket to fly to LGA or BOS? Probably not.
Let me just say, that until B6 came into PIT, US did rape me constantly on those flights.

No, I never have tried to book a ticket from PIT to LGA or BOS, but I have a close friend that has been raped. You weren't raped. I thought you were referring to being raped because US pulled out of PIT, not because of the prices. My misunderstanding.
Let's just say that for the sake of argument, that AWA and US combining brought the synergies necessary to keep both companies operating. The combination brought much-needed strategic balance to both companies' respective route networks. As for those O&D numbers: I am a bit skeptical because PHX and LAS both have low-fare high-frequency flights between those cities and California, which on a per-flight basis, may artificially inflate the O&D traffic numbers, but certainly do not paint a complete picture. Obviously, neither city has the population base to warrant a large international operation. I believe this is an example of where statistics can be very misleading.

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