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So Long Usairways, Hello Southwest!

KCFlyer said:
Thank you for fly US sir...you're in seat 15B sir...center seat, in front of the exit row. It was assigned to you. Enjoy your flight. Moo baby.
Welcome Back. We've missed you. How was the cornfield?
jimcfs said:
The first TA should have helped you on the spot... not put you into queue after queue. That sounds like a bad operating system. Any time I've ever had that happen, the first individual I saw has been able to help. Then again, isn't DCA really a mini-PHL? :down:

The agent in front of the kiosk was probably a CAR agent and they are not allowed or know how to do any ticketing/error correction. Not sure what the second agent in the queue was or why they couldnt correct the problem unless the CAR sent them to the wrong line. This is another reason why the CARS should have a uniform different than an agent uniform. People do not know there is a difference in agents, we all look the same to them.

We are getting CARS in our station and I dont see why. We are limited in the number of flights and now the number of agents so bringing in CARS to stand in front of the counter to queue and show people how to use the machine is a waste when there is a problem (either kiosk related or flight related). Why is the company taking away options by adding another workgroup with limited abilities in a small city (19 flights in Aug) instead of giving those agents already there a couple more hours and better utilitzing the experienced agents in station and not having to pay benefits for the 12 CARS being hired? Arent the benefits expensive? How are they going to be getting their monies worth out of these people?
longing4piedmont said:
Welcome Back. We've missed you. How was the cornfield?

Not in a cornfield....Tortola and St Thomas.
Chuck said:
After 25 plus years as a loyal USAir customer, they finally did it today and lost all of my future business. ............. Chuck
So this is what 8 bux an hour gets ya? Only gonna get worse folks!!
SpinDoc said:
SpinDco replies:

What's with this superiority complex that
everyone seems to have here? WN has a right
to exist just as much as any other airline that
is certificated by the FAA and DOT.

WN, plain and simple, under promises and
over delivers. When was the last time a
legacy carrier did somthing like that?

Everyone has a right to fly on whomever
they please. It's a free country after all.
Some prefer basic service and a reasonable
price, while others, like the extra service
provided by a legacy carrier. But they only
want to pay for the basic service. So how
is WN equated with being something bad
when they actually do what they say they
will most of the time?

Get over it people. Fly on the carrier that
gives you what you expect, and don't trash
WN and the other LCC's just because they
get it right most of the time.

Here, here. I know these US folks love their company - but they sure don't hesitate to attack their customers. Whew! It's like covering your ears and hollering "La, La, La, La, La.....". You get the point.
[Cheap fares and a great website which allows me to print my "A" boarding pass makes the process very smooth and effortless. The little interface needed between the customer and the agent is made easy by a very professional staff. The caliber of employee at Southwest is far superior to the "gansta' wanna be's" at USAirways.

Sky high states: Try getting into Terminal ONE in LAX. The LINE can STRETCHHHHHHHHHHHHH from Terminal ONE to Terminal TWO. Several HUNDRED YARDS of--------> passengers. Now, go inside, a typical Southwest passengers is laying on the floor. It's a zoo inside with NO place to sit.
Southwest is the Epitome of STANDING IN LINE.....and MASS TRANSPORTATION.
SKY HIGH said:
[Cheap fares and a great website which allows me to print my "A" boarding pass makes the process very smooth and effortless. The little interface needed between the customer and the agent is made easy by a very professional staff. The caliber of employee at Southwest is far superior to the "gansta' wanna be's" at USAirways.

Sky high states: Try getting into Terminal ONE in LAX. The LINE can STRETCHHHHHHHHHHHHH from Terminal ONE to Terminal TWO. Several HUNDRED YARDS of--------> passengers. Now, go inside, a typical Southwest passengers is laying on the floor. It's a zoo inside with NO place to sit.
Southwest is the Epitome of STANDING IN LINE.....and MASS TRANSPORTATION.

Oh come on, are there any LAX terminals that aren't busy? Even the spacious DEN can get crowded when a flight is boarding, since the morons who designed the place decided they needed more moving sidewalks than seats. ORD -- ugh, you're lucky to find a place to sit on the floor at times.

Also, the line to get in to Terminal 1 isn't really Southwest's fault; it's the Terrorist Support Agency you can thank for that. :down:
Stop whinning and just leave then. See you in a few months. You will be back when you realize every airline, including Southwest has their problems. Just don't bring the attitude of "entitlement" back with you.
longing4piedmont said:
Whoa there just a minute. If you go back and read the EXACT quote the OP says "After 25 plus years as a loyal USAir customer, they finally did it today and lost all of my future business" What do you not understand. The OP has simply grown tired of the crap one has to put up with on US that one simply does not have to endure on any other carrier.

I've been a CP for many years and Gold before that. I've flown this airline for almost 25 years as well, but at some point in the early spring I decided that the filthy planes, the lack of staff, lack of ice on plane, etc, was simply not going to happen any more. The last week I flew US my ticket was over $1,800. The straw that broke the camel's back.....three straight days of utter chaos at the counter at BWI (with kiosks that did not work) and the absolute filth called PHL. You have no idea how hard that decison to leave was.

So before you go off half cocked on a customer who has had enough, try looking at why after 25 years they have decided to leave. Maybe, just maybe your attitude is/was a contributing factor. Could it be?

NO it isn't. When you come b!tching, be more specific. You listed 1 reason. Thank you for putting it out there. Have you written anyone? You see, we get alot of people who CLAIM to be US1's. How do I know you really ARE one? Anyone can come on here and mouth out a bunch of overexaggerated lies. It happens ALL the time. I don't know you. I'm to believe everthing you say when you speak behind a pc?

Now when you started actually listing the problems, yes, I believe you. Those are issues consistant with what ALL of us know.

You know, it gets old having people like you ALWAYS stating, "well with that attitude". Friend, I come on here to vent. I spend a week at a time doing a hell of a job for this poorly ran company and if I want to vent here, then you will have to get over it. You know NOTHING about me as a person...only as a computer screen name. This is a public forum. Maybe if you spent more time understanding WHY many of us feel the way we do, you would be a bit more sensitive. You better be glad I don't really take my frustrations out on the customer. It is the venting that allows me to let it go.

It would had been much better had you stated that you were sick and tired of the management engine that has run this airline into the ground. Put the blame where it belong. We peons didn't severly cut back on staff or ice. We peons didn't decide to pull cleaners off the aircraft. And btw, Mr CP, guess who has to "tidy up" that aircraft on 90% of flights? The f/'as. No extra pay. I am doing the job that 2-4 people get paid for with NO health protection. When the door opens, the hourly wage ends..SO I am cleaning the damn ac for free...THANKS to management holding a gun to our heads during concessions PartIII, you remember Capitulate or Liquidate? So do you get it now? Can you see where some of us get a little pissed off when people who cannot prove WHO they are come on here and write their displeasure.

I hope you will be happy with SWA. Just bring a walkman and ear plugs...also a good book for standing in line. The inflight experience is humorous at times and you may not feel like jokes after a while. Maybe by the time you get sick of the cattle car and getting NO substantial perks that you were accustomed to, Doug Parker will have things turned around.

Btw, I feel better now and can say after that, I do value our customers. I AM sorry you are leaving. I just want the same things for US Airways that you want. NOBODY is as sick about the cheapening of this company as much as the frontline employees. We have seen it all and have kept it in for our own sake. I will try to be more understanding to the plight of the FF. Just please know we are not the enemy. CCy IS. Wanna join us with a bottle of champagne when the CCY office closes?
Well, I think this guy has some valid points. He's been a loyal customer for a long time and has obviously kept flying us through some rough patches. But he was finally pushed over the limit of what he would/should tolerate. At some point, you have to say, "No, I will NOT continue to pay for bad service and be treated as though I don't matter." I do the same thing because I'm a consumer, myself. I simply will not spend my money with any company or business that consistently treats me with anything less than respect and gratitude for my patronage. Sound old-fashioned? Perhaps. Anyone can have a bad day and I'll cut them slack for the occasional screw-up or rudeness....much as it seems this customer has done for years with us. But if it happens consistently and becomes the norm, then buh-bye to me and my money.

However, it must also be said that this is the very sort of thing to be expected when a company slashes their staff to the bone and has so demoralized the employees to the point that they don't care anymore. (Of course, it could also be argued that in PHL, that sort of I-couldn't-care-less attitude has been the norm for years).

Thank you for 25 years of loyalty. I regret that you made the decision you did and wish you'd reconsider. But in all honesty, I probably would've done the same thing.
The think the poor guy was Alan-ized. You see Alan-ism is the way Al C. wants it to go. Why do we need to speak English...this is Al-america.

Force the customer to use the kisok, force the customer to try to understand the $8.52 hr worker....Force, force, force.............

The only hope we have is that their not Alan-ized at America West.

Not Alans West............
firstamendment said:
You know, it gets old having people like you ALWAYS stating, "well with that attitude". Friend, I come on here to vent. I spend a week at a time doing a hell of a job for this poorly ran company and if I want to vent here, then you will have to get over it. You know NOTHING about me as a person...only as a computer screen name. This is a public forum. Maybe if you spent more time understanding WHY many of us feel the way we do, you would be a bit more sensitive. You better be glad I don't really take my frustrations out on the customer. It is the venting that allows me to let it go.

Have ever read any of my post? Ever heard of lipstick? Just in case you have not.....

So if I understand correctly, one cannnot be a lowly US4 and expect to be treated like a valued customer. One really shouldn't even dare to ask for ANYTHING-(Clean airplane, ice, magazine, pillow,etc,etc.) unless one is Chairman's Preferred!

Add to that fares that are sometimes 10 times the fare offered by SW.

Buh-Bye US, it was nice knowing you.


You are now free to be treated like a human being.
Bear96 said:
It's amazing how 25 years of "loyalty," one bad experience leads to such a decision. Doesn't sound very loyal to me.

Fly ANY airline regularly for 25 years, and things will go wrong at some point. Even Southwest.
This guy is a typical #### ####. He most likely cries to his wife that the Mcdonald's french fries were cold and he can't eat them. Wish I knew what company he worked for, would do my best to have him fired and on the street. I know this type of idiot too well.

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