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No Ticket Agent - Only Kiosk

Kev3188 said:
This sounds like something straight out of Joseph Goebbels' playbook. Hawk, surely even you could have come up with a stronger rationale that that. :down:

Admittedly, the kiosks can't do everything
for everybody, BUT, they are capable of
checking in about 70% of the customers
and they are FASTER than an agent if the
customer knows what they are doing.

This leads to reduced wait times at the
check in counter, and does indeed give
the customer more time to relax after
they have checked in.

ATM's took a few years for customers
to learn how to use them. The banks
made continuous improvements to make
them idiot proof and US is doing the same
with the kiosks with each new software

Kiosks are the way of the future, just
as ATM's have taken over 80% of all
banking transactions. GET USED TO IT
and stop whining.
Thanks Longing, for voicing your opinion and understanding the importance of Customer service business that is evaporating and turning into what "machines" can offer you...and that is only on a good day.

We all know in this industry..."#### happens" everyday.

As you will note, HAWK is basing his bonus on turning the airline into a "virtual airline with no employees.

Passengers now are making concessions and giving concessions to this managment. The co. thinks its the pax turn to help out with their bonus money.
Hey Spin Doc,

I have never used an ATM card in my whole, entire life. I don't know the first thing to plug in those machines, and have no interest.

I use a checking acct and pay my bills OFF line. I write out checks, and put a stamp on the envelope to support the federal postal workers.

When I need cash...I write out a check for "cash" and go to the Drive thru...doesn't cost me anything but checks.

Well worth it!

And I like having the "choice" to do business this way. THat will always be the bank that gets my business, my loans, my CDs, my savings....and its not the Federal Credit Union either, even though I do my business with them as well.
Hawk -

While I agree that the Kiosk serves a purpose and is a valuable check-in tool (when it works), I do not agree with FORCING customer so use it. You and I both know that the higher the Kiosk usage, the lower the number of employees, which leads to a system melt down during irregular ops. I have no problem with directing the line queue to the kiosk, but if a Customer prefers to deal with a live person, then that should be their choice. I have heard over and over how we must FORCE the customer to use the kiosk first and if they fail THEN they can be assisted by an Agent. This is NOT Customer Service, it is a cattle car operation.

The kiosks do serve a great purpose in processing SIMPLE and EASY transactions. This does help to speed up processing times and reduce costs. I completely agree with that. What I don't agree with is Al's (or Suha's) theory that you must FORCE someone to use the kiosk first.

That being said, I recently flew NW from one of their hub stations. Having a ZED ticket I had to check-in at their ticket counter. When I arrived, there was a queue that lead to a section of ticket counter, but there were no agents. There was a free for all walk up for the kiosks and there was one agent for every 3-4 kiosks. Again, they were forcing you to use the kiosk first and if you failed check-in, then an agent would assist you. So we are not the only airline forcing customers to use the kiosk first, but it still doesn't make it right.

Lastly Hawk, If Al was doing his job and saving us money, then please explain the money we LOST over the holidays and every Sunday since Sept due to staffing shortages and operational meltdowns in PHL. Please explain to our customers why they can not get the service levels they have come to expect. Explain to employees why they do not have the tools they need to get the job done correctly. If recent events are any indication of Al doing his job and saving the company anything, then we are doomed to fail. Who is ultimately responsible for setting the staffing levels in PHL? Who is ultimately responsible for the operation of the airline? Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that we hae policies in place that are customer friendly? Who is ultimately responsible for our corporate response to customers for service failures? We have bigger problems then FORCING our customers to use the kiosks!
Hawk said:
Kiosks are a win-win situation for both the customers and airlines. The processing of a number of passengers can be de-centralized, leading to a better use of staff resources and reduced bottlenecks.
This is what technology marketing departments say. I know; I used to work in one. The reality is that the kiosks are still borderline ready for prime time at US. If you want to see a better implementation, take a look at Alaska's sometime.

But where the whole thing breaks down is during irregular ops. The passengers who found more time to relax after checking in suddenly find themselves flying into a rage because there aren't enough humans to take care of rerouting them. Why can't the kiosks handle that? And, OBTW, with the operation you have in PHL, irregular ops aren't so irregular. In other words, the kiosks work well for other airlines because there's less need for the humans.

But here's what's worse. You push your agents to push your customers to the machines even if they have a strong preference for human interaction. You can sell them as a convenience to your customers, but for those who don't want to use kiosks they are anything but convenient. I know you're not the only airline to do this (NW does it, too), but it's a really bad move. If it's important that your customers use the machines, give them free drink coupons for using it. Or give them free miles. Give them a reason to use it, other than the Guido version of "becuz I asks youse nicely."

Maybe your employees will buy the techmarketing language, but you're sure not going to get that past me. <_<
PITbull said:
Hey Spin Doc,

I have never used an ATM card in my whole, entire life. I don't know the first thing to plug in those machines, and have no interest.

I use a checking acct and pay my bills OFF line. I write out checks, and put a stamp on the envelope to support the federal postal workers.

When I need cash...I write out a check for "cash" and go to the Drive thru...doesn't cost me anything but checks.

Well worth it!

And I like having the "choice" to do business this way. THat will always be the bank that gets my business, my loans, my CDs, my savings....and its not the Federal Credit Union either, even though I do my business with them as well.

And I thought I was the only one who doesn't know how to use these things.
justaumechanic said:
She told me her flight took a
3 hour delay in PHL the other day due to baggage not being loaded.

That's because PHL is going with the "agentless ramp."
CCY says it will save millions! B)
longing4piedmont said:
"The only line that resembled a preferred line was one with a sign saying first class Kiosk".

"management has made a decision to go 100% kiosk and that they will assist you only with checking in via kiosk".

" I fly this airline because of the service and the way I'm treated as a preferred member. A benefit promised to me is a preferred/first class check in line, not a first class kiosk".

" Many of us have been concerned that when the got finished getting all they could from the employees of this airline, they were going to start cutting back on the benefits".

"Think twice before you continue down this path".

I agree you should be able to upgrade a companion. 😀 But I'm LMAO at the rest of your post. :lol:

Why shouldn't you get everything promised by management? <_< Have you and other FF's been off the planet for a while? :blink: :unsure:

Like makin' a deal with the devil ain't it? B)

Next time I say screw your companion :down: and try and get checked in and on the plane :up: without a artery going splat! 😛h34r:

The new USAirways. Or Bust!! 😱
Oh one more thing. The next time you're hangin' out with Bruce 😛h34r: , Dave 😛h34r: , Bonner 😛h34r: , whoever discussing marketing ideas for US. Word going around is that all the shift swaps between ticket agents and kiosk aren't being logged. :shock: They might want to check into that. :lol:
In Newark, we have 6 kiosks.The 2 that are nearest to first class always seem to go into error. I mean every day.One of the things that really irks me is when a passenger comes up to the counter, I call them over to check them in and the run to the kiosk. Heaven forbid the lose the 50 extra miles for tapping on the screen. So what if it takes them 10 mins to finish the transaction and now I have to tag the bag. If they would have come to me they would have been half way down the concourse by now.What we really need are management kiosks.
Actually most of the cities are run by the clerks and agents. Why not just have a manager kiosk for the agents to go to for disipline.You know, INCERT HAND HERE for slapping. :lol: :shock: 😉
If the kiosks had the same flexibility as the native US Airways reservation system, that would be great. When a flight is delayed and causes a misconnect or a flight is canceled, the customer hits "other options", and selects a flight with available seats (US or OAL; automatically display all options). If the customer selects US, a Y seat is pulled and that's it (or if no Y seats are available, pull an F seat). For OAL re-routings, the kiosk automatically generates an electronic $$$ transaction from US to OAL for payment of the Y or F seat. No need for agents at all! Think of all the money saved (minus a few bucks in 120.20 or full fare depending on the OAL in question)! 😉
ClueByFour said:
I bought a $69 fare on LUV once, and there was an agent to help me if the kiosk failed.

Hey, for $69 at Southwest you get a real person to answer the phone by the second ring (and English is the persons native language!)

They dude on the phone will talk to you long enough for you to figure out what ticket you want to buy and they will sell it to you right then and there. (No need to go to the website if you would rather talk to a friendly person.).

The angents are friendly when you get to the airport.

The FA tell stupid jokes, but come through once in a great while.

Your flight usually arrives early and as yet they have been lucky to avoid any fatal accidents.

And you can get two bags of pretzels if you smile when you say please!

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