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I Guess They're Trying


Take a break from here and go smell the flowers (and jet fuel). Its really not that hard to get most places, I'm sure your broke but with 28 years in the airline industry you must have some friends in other cities? Go somewhere nice and enjoy the sun, while its still free. I promise you you'll feel a little bit better.
Hey, this is a thread that does not need to be depressesed....28years No job. Please go somewhere else to cry upon. We have all heard it. i am sorry about your situation and the baby. I wish you all the best and I wish things in your life were different and better. I doubt any one of us could change it for the better.

Do you need a babysitter? Bring him/her on down to W.Va. I will be glad to help out. 🙂
I think what 28yearsnojob was saying is that as a furloughed employee, you are UNDER the active employees (with even just one day seniority!) on the standby list.

I believe furloughees board as an S5 priority code, as compared to active employees of the mainline and the wholly owneds who board as an S4.

That means they go all the way down the list of active employees and THEN start with the furloughed employees when handing out the seats. This can sometimes be quite frustrating. I guess for a 28 year veteran like him traveling with a baby it has to be a sure thing.
F70pilot said:
Colby said:
I am NOT A GAY MAN !!!!
Are you at least a "happy camper?" 🙂

Im about the Happiest Person you'll ever meet !!! I may have a down day here and there but over all I pull myself out of slumps with my Wonderful Out Going Personality.... HA HA HA ....

As far as 28yearsnojob... Remember...A frown is Just a Smile Turned UpsideDown...

I choose to nonrev to Places that actually have Seats Available !!!!!! Even though it was a close one getting here through DCA... But I did have seniority over 2 other people...AND, I have been listed as an S4 many times.... 😉
The boarding priority codes for space available, non-revenue travel are as follows:

Boarding Code
Type of Travel
Type of Employee

Company Business
Boarded by order of check in US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned, US Airways Express Non-Wholly Owned
Emergency Travel
Boarded by order of check in
US Airways, US Airways Wholly Owned
Other Airline (Emergency Travel Only)

Boarded by seniority
US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned active employees and retirees with 20 or more years of service
Registered Guest/Companion Pass Traveler when traveling with employee and/or eligible family members

Boarded by seniority
US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned employees on leave and retirees with less than 20 years of service

Personal/Vacation Boarded by seniority
US Airways Express Non-Wholly Owned active employees, retired employees, and employees on leave
US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned Registered Guest traveling without employee and/or eligible family members
SABRE/VSIP employee

Company Business Boarded by order of check in
Other airline

Personal/Vacation Boarded by order of check in
Other airline, Companion Pass Traveler traveling without employee and/or eligible family members.

Boarded by order of check in
US Airways Express Non-Wholly Owned

When non-revenue travel is space available the traveler:

May not make reservations, however, they are required to list for meals in the class of service they intend to fly.

When given a boarding pass, board the flight as soon as asked and quickly take your assigned seat.

Boarding priority for US Airways and US Airways Express employees on vacation level travel, within each boarding code classification, is by date of hire for both full and part-time employees.

NOTE: On non-wholly owned US Airways Express flights employees traveling on their own airline are boarded first.
Colby said:
I've called myself more than once the "Queen of NON-REVING"...because I do it so much..... I actually have been keeping notes about my NON REV experience and am thinking about Writing a book about it.... It has been VERY INTERSTING....... In a way its "Work Related" because I am keeping track of what happens at various airports !!!
Wow... I can see the publishers beating down your door already to get a piece of that action. <_< Keeping notes on non-rev'ing? Honey you have way too much time on your hands and need to get another job or more importantly, a life. <_< <_<
Jaded said:
Colby said:
I've called myself more than once the "Queen of NON-REVING"...because I do it so much..... I actually have been keeping notes about my NON REV experience and am thinking about Writing a book about it.... It has been VERY INTERSTING....... In a way its "Work Related" because I am keeping track of what happens at various airports !!! 
Wow... I can see the publishers beating down your door already to get a piece of that action. <_< Keeping notes on non-rev'ing? Honey you have way too much time on your hands and need to get another job or more importantly, a life. <_< <_<

I'm so sorry that your life has been so "JADED" as your name describes...

Honey...Lighten up and GET A LIFE !!! It really isn't that bad out there !!!!

I actually would write about the things that I have seen walking through the various airports and not so much about what I have had to deal with with my non-reving experiences....Hello... People are so interesting to watch ...Maybe you need to get a life and sit in an airport and watch the various things that happen.... People that don't give themselves enough time and blame the Poor agent because they miss a flight...The people that show up at the Airport late and Blame the Poor agent because they now have to Run to Security and hope they make it through...But My Favorite is the Family Reunion.... I still get a Tear in my Eye when I see Kids visiting Grandparents they haven't seen in years or the U/M going to visit MOM or DAD.... Honey.... You really need to get over whatever is Bugging you and go to one of the other posts that are as Pathetic as YOU !!!!
Forgot to add... Thanks Light... I know that you Know what Im talking about...

I just re read this and can only say that Im So Sorry Jaded that Your Life SUCKS so bad that you have the Nerve to think that I don't have a life...What's the matter....JEALOUS ??? Hey, I will soon enough be back to work...not necessarily with UsAir but the Options are opening for me...And I still would like to write a book ...and my Friends (You do know what those are don't you) are backing me 100% to write the Book !!!! So, If anyone needs to GET A LIFE ...I do believe IT IS YOU !!!!!

Kev3188 said:
Over here at the Red Tail, the agents practically demand that you use the kiosk. When you explain that you'd rather not out of principle (or the fact that it's their own work they're giving away), they just stare at you blankly. 🙁 :angry:
FYI...Guiding through the kiosk is a mandatory job assignment. Agents have no choice.

Do you wish it were back like it was in 1974, where in order to purchase a ticket three people were required? Where a customer had to check in twice?

I'm all for saving jobs, but not for the sake of saving jobs. The point isn't to take a WPA approach and make work just so there's work to be done; the point is to give people a chance to add value.
mweiss said:

Do you wish it were back like it was in 1974, where in order to purchase a ticket three people were required? Where a customer had to check in twice?

I'm all for saving jobs, but not for the sake of saving jobs. The point isn't to take a WPA approach and make work just so there's work to be done; the point is to give people a chance to add value.
Is there any reason why U agents can't be trained to program, maintain and troublshoot the kiosks? Perhaps this is already happening. Journeyman agents could have those skills and make much more money, I'd guess.
Jaded said:
Colby said:
I've called myself more than once the "Queen of NON-REVING"...because I do it so much..... I actually have been keeping notes about my NON REV experience and am thinking about Writing a book about it.... It has been VERY INTERSTING....... In a way its "Work Related" because I am keeping track of what happens at various airports !!! 
Wow... I can see the publishers beating down your door already to get a piece of that action. <_< Keeping notes on non-rev'ing? Honey you have way too much time on your hands and need to get another job or more importantly, a life. <_< <_<
a surplus of time is not something you should be indicting other people of. for you to make the response you made to colby is deploreable! and, i resent it! colby is doing the best he/she can with the tools he/she has; and, more importantly, she is being innovative. insulting people's ideas is not innovation, my friend. there has been a surge in airline employee related literature; it is a profitable endevour! essentially, people are intrigued by airline employment, they are curious about the realities of making such a career choice. we should all be happy that this intrigue prevails despite the degradation of the industry towards low-cost sensibilities!
colby is, i understand, furloughed; she is trying to find alternative ways of earning money. and, more significantly, she is responding to the fundamental human need to tell his/her story. that is tremendous; that is admirable.
regrettably, you represent yet another voice in the chorus of "poor me; the industry is changing, and i don't want to change with it!" that is too bad...sad, really. consider taking a 101 course in economics. the classical economists, whose work continues to sustain contemporary fiscal policy, would benefit you a great deal! until then, stop being a baby and insulting other people's innovation!!!
We already have people to troubleshoot the kiosks.But you can't and should'nt shove choices down the passengers throats. Are problem is the people standing in the kiosk line with 3 kiosks available and waiting for us to call them to the manned position. I tried calling a passenger over one day with my stn mgr there, well. They are still trying to remove the spike marks from my hands and feet.For the business traveller the kiosks are great.If it takes an agent to walk leisure travellers through the whole process, it's a waste of time. They won't remember the next time and passenger process is slowed down extremely.

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