The boarding priority codes for space available, non-revenue travel are as follows:
Boarding Code
Type of Travel
Type of Employee
Company Business
Boarded by order of check in US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned, US Airways Express Non-Wholly Owned
Emergency Travel
Boarded by order of check in
US Airways, US Airways Wholly Owned
Other Airline (Emergency Travel Only)
Boarded by seniority
US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned active employees and retirees with 20 or more years of service
Registered Guest/Companion Pass Traveler when traveling with employee and/or eligible family members
Boarded by seniority
US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned employees on leave and retirees with less than 20 years of service
Personal/Vacation Boarded by seniority
US Airways Express Non-Wholly Owned active employees, retired employees, and employees on leave
US Airways, US Airways Express Wholly Owned Registered Guest traveling without employee and/or eligible family members
SABRE/VSIP employee
Company Business Boarded by order of check in
Other airline
Personal/Vacation Boarded by order of check in
Other airline, Companion Pass Traveler traveling without employee and/or eligible family members.
Boarded by order of check in
US Airways Express Non-Wholly Owned
When non-revenue travel is space available the traveler:
May not make reservations, however, they are required to list for meals in the class of service they intend to fly.
When given a boarding pass, board the flight as soon as asked and quickly take your assigned seat.
Boarding priority for US Airways and US Airways Express employees on vacation level travel, within each boarding code classification, is by date of hire for both full and part-time employees.
NOTE: On non-wholly owned US Airways Express flights employees traveling on their own airline are boarded first.