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I Guess They're Trying

Honey you have way too much time on your hands and need to get another job or more importantly, a life.
Actually flying around the country for free sounds like a damn good life to me. Some people arent happy unless their making every one else around them as miserable as they are. :blink:
Colby you keep doing what your doing, as long as your happy thats all that matters. Good luck with the book.
I'm right there with Colby. Take advantage of the opportunity to go while you can! We will back at (some job) soon enough, but until then, appreciate the time off catching up on friends and family.

I've been doing the same thing, and I sure hope no one would dare tell me to get a life. It really isn't very nice to pick at those of us unlucky enough to be furloughed. It sucks enough without having being made to feel guilty.

Colby, perhaps I will have the pleasure of meeting you one day while out there trying to make the best of things. Good for you! 🙂

Do you wish it were back like it was in 1974, where in order to purchase a ticket three people were required? Where a customer had to check in twice?

I'm all for saving jobs, but not for the sake of saving jobs. The point isn't to take a WPA approach and make work just so there's work to be done; the point is to give people a chance to add value.



I agree with the last sentence in your post. Also, check out Poohbear's post on page 2; it echoes my sentiments exactly.

P.S. I think we're stealing Colby's thunder by getting off topic. :lol: :lol:
Legacy,Colorado and Air Conditioned.....

Wow, Thanks for the Backing..... Damn now Im Really gonna have to sit down and start Writing that Book !!!!!!!!! :lol:

As far as the Kiosks go.... I've noticed that there are Plenty of Agents around to help pax to use the Kiosks... Unfortantely I can't since I don't have a Travel Card.. Ill tell you one thing though.... I sure would use it in a Heart Beat if I could !!!!!

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