NewHampshire Black Bears
- Aug 20, 2002
- 10,154
- 681
The final schedules have not been loaded, but here is the full (I believe full, I might have missed something) A300 schedules for 17DEC08 as of now:
Bogotá 2x
Guayaquil 1x
Guatemala City 1x
JFK 3x
Lima 2x
Managua 1x
Panama City 1x
Punta Cana 1x
Port Au Prince 2x
San Jose 3x
Santo Domingo 2x
Miami 3x
Port Au Prince 2x
San Juan 3x
Santiago 1x
I have a suspicion they might put more A300s on Central America flights to counter Spirit.
If the 787 or domestic 777 don't arrive soon, I can see the A-300 being around "almost" as long as NW's DC9's.
We know the passenger loads to C/S America are money makers, but only the A-300's can as they say................"Haul the Freight" !
(Now if AA was to say, get their "paws" on some A-330's/757's in a relatively soon BK/Fire sale, from one of the big six , then that would permit replacing all the 76-2's, and some of the A-300's, which in turn, free's up the 76-3's for JFK/LAX-SFO/and ORD/JFK to europe on some routes.