SJU lays off 400

AA will likely file sometime in the future, meaning you guys will finally be right (just a few years early in your prediction).

BK can't come sooner enough.

AA needs to get rid of those pensions. They are a burden and the unions don't obviously appreciate the sacrifices AA made to keep them. I'm excited for the unions to get a taste of their own medicine when AA finally files for BK later this year.
When AA completes the SJU decimation, JETBLUE will gladly beef up their presence there .....

But with respect to the AA's cutbacks, Let's keep this simple.....SHRINK TO PROFITABILITY..
BK can't come sooner enough.

AA needs to get rid of those pensions. They are a burden and the unions don't obviously appreciate the sacrifices AA made to keep them. I'm excited for the unions to get a taste of their own medicine when AA finally files for BK later this year.

Bring it on! Since the greedy executive pay is "performance" based, I say drive the stock to worthless value......
Bring it on! Since the greedy executive pay is "performance" based, I say drive the stock to worthless value......

That is about the assinine comment I have ever read. You would want to hurt your pension, your wages, and probably your health care, just to see harm on someone else, yet the only one you are harming is yourself. In BK you do not get to negotiate, but your wage is set by the judge,as is the pensions. So you can go on thinking this way. You are probably an AMT(the prima donas) of this airline. :rolleyes:
Bring it on! Since the greedy executive pay is "performance" based, I say drive the stock to worthless value......
Haven't you learned anything yet? If AA goes bankrupt, you will lose it all and the executives will become even richer when new stock is issued at bankruptcy exit along with retention bonuses to keep management from leaving. "Let them go" you say; but AA will have to pay a lot more than what the current executives make and will more than likely get someone like Tilton at UA because no executive in his right mind would want to run an airline due to all the BS involved. All one has to do is look at UA, DL, NW, etc. The employees at those airlines lost it all and their executives made out like bandits; especially Tilton at UA where the retention bonuses and stock grants never seem to end, not to mention the fortune that was initially paid to him to entice him to run UA where the only thing he has done is continually rape the employees. So go ahead and wish bankruptcy for AA if it gives you the mental high of "getting even" with Arpey and Co. In the end, they will only get richer and you will only get screwed harder.
That is about the assinine comment I have ever read. You would want to hurt your pension, your wages, and probably your health care, just to see harm on someone else, yet the only one you are harming is yourself. In BK you do not get to negotiate, but your wage is set by the judge,as is the pensions. So you can go on thinking this way. You are probably an AMT(the prima donas) of this airline. :rolleyes:

So maybe I should take another $20,000.00 a year paycut again so the executives can break their arms patting themselves on their own backs gloating in the fact that they raped the employees again?

If we go bankrupt, the company hands the pension over to the PBGC...My accrued benefit right now is under the PBGC maximum.

Health care? I'm covered with or without this job.

Wages hurt? I don't need a judge to set my wage when I have a company and a company union to do that for me...

I guess all you pro company cheerleaders here never watched or read the bankruptcy proceedings for USAir, UAL, NWA and Delta. Everyone of the the airline lawyers and CEO's pleaded with the judge to abrogate their labor agreements and terminate the pensions and then went back to the same judge to ask to have the executives wage and compensation packages protected and in some cases increased in order to keep the "key" talent...

And you blame the greedy unions for the airline predicament.
Haven't you learned anything yet? If AA goes bankrupt, you will lose it all and the executives will become even richer when new stock is issued at bankruptcy exit along with retention bonuses to keep management from leaving. "Let them go" you say; but AA will have to pay a lot more than what the current executives make and will more than likely get someone like Tilton at UA because no executive in his right mind would want to run an airline due to all the BS involved. All one has to do is look at UA, DL, NW, etc. The employees at those airlines lost it all and their executives made out like bandits; especially Tilton at UA where the retention bonuses and stock grants never seem to end, not to mention the fortune that was initially paid to him to entice him to run UA where the only thing he has done is continually rape the employees. So go ahead and wish bankruptcy for AA if it gives you the mental high of "getting even" with Arpey and Co. In the end, they will only get richer and you will only get screwed harder.
<_< ------- Hey aa! How does it feel to be on the receiving end of things again? EAL all over again? Let's hope not!!! :shock:
<_< ------- Hey aa! How does it feel to be on the receiving end of things again? EAL all over again? Let's hope not!!! :shock:

It is truly amazing how executives are defended here.. absolutely astounding..

The pro-company, anti-unionists like to say that compared to other industries. our executives make SQUAT, and how we need to pay them to keep them on board, and how we need to pay the CEO like other CEO's because no one wants to run an airline, and how airline workers need to sacrifice more to keep the airline alive while the executives are exempt for any pain sharing and how as airline workers, we need to lower our expectations and how, in the midst of all this, keep our morale high. We should not expect any rewards or increases in pay and benefits like the executives,,, we should just be happy to have jobs....

Have you ever wondered why we are referred to as "workers? and not management?
<_< ------- Hopeful, just got word today that they're going to put 40 MD80 "B" checks into here (MCI)! Along with everything else, does it sound like they plan on closing this place? :huh: :bleh:
Uh, after 22 years I would say "yes". Now if they were setting up for more heavy overhaul I would feel that would make any closure less likely, maybe.

There isnt a whole lot involved in moving a "B" check.

When I first transfered to JFK they were doing 767 B-checks and JFK was consistanly praised for how reliably the "B" check was on schedule. LAX had terrible reliability so what did they do? They took the 767 "B" check out of JFK and sent them to LAX.

Miami is the only station the company has no plans on cutting. Work as hard as you like, it doesnt influence what they choose to do.
<_< ------- Hopeful, just got word today that they're going to put 40 MD80 "B" checks into here (MCI)! Along with everything else, does it sound like they plan on closing this place? :huh: :bleh:
I'm hearing these are B-checks that were suppose to go to LGA, but have been routed to MCI due to the sleeping terminations, but somehow I bet your local forgot to tell you. <_<
I'm hearing these are B-checks that were suppose to go to LGA, but have been routed to MCI due to the sleeping terminations, but somehow I bet your local forgot to tell you. <_<
Lets hope that the B checks last awhile. But after putting my time in at LAX, I can personally tell you B checks come and go with the wind, be it 767 or MD-80's.
Lets hope that the B checks last awhile. But after putting my time in at LAX, I can personally tell you B checks come and go with the wind, be it 767 or MD-80's.
So you want the B-checks that were yanked out of LGA because of the safety letter posted by that local to remain in MCI for awhile? I would prefer they stay at their rightful home of LGA.
So you want the B-checks that were yanked out of LGA because of the safety letter posted by that local to remain in MCI for awhile? I would prefer they stay at their rightful home of LGA.
I agree. I'm just saying that when the Line Maint. VP gets PO'd at a station, this is the crap he pulls. He did it to LAX in 2002, and I ended up in the bay area because of it. I certainly was not happy about it at the time. On the flip side, it was the best thing that ever happend to me.
I agree. I'm just saying that when the Line Maint. VP gets PO'd at a station, this is the crap he pulls. He did it to LAX in 2002, and I ended up in the bay area because of it. I certainly was not happy about it at the time. On the flip side, it was the best thing that ever happend to me.

Because of the accelerated A300 retirements this year, JFK will be doing only 5 B Checks per month. We expect layoffs as a result of that.

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