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Sinking Ship!

Mr. Camacho must gooooooooooooo!

He was in Boston. I was not impressed at all, I agree he must go.
I know that we all want USAirways to survive and we will need to respect ourselves and embrace the differences of the operations East and West. No one can deny the remarkable jobs that our employees strive for on a daily basis in spite of the insurmountable challenges. This summer will be a make it or break it event . My best to all the employees you are the one thing the company counts on and for 90% of the times you do not fail them
Oh Terry has been in the crew room in PHL for many moons Philly. She is a F/A and has been with the AFA for many moons.

I've met her in the crew room and remain unimpressed. She wouldn't/couldn't make a stain on Teddy Xidas's blouse. Much less an effective union leader. If there was/is a more self serving individual I've not met her.

Do you have Aunt Flo/monthly visitor Piney??

Why are you being soooo ignorant to the employees????
Sent last Week-

Dear Mr. Parker,

I met you at the first Philadelphia town-hall meeting during the summer of 2005. At the time I was the Vice-President of the local union. Since I am no longer in that position it is even more critical that I express to you the poor performance to integrate the West with East.

I have personally seen passengers toasted, roasted and busted. The amount of frustration over the weather events and Sabre to Shares was a horrible disaster. It was the perfect storm.

I will commend two of your brave managers, Tony Grantham and Mr. Camacho. They have both dug in and fought tirelessly to fill the void caused by years of neglect in Philadelphia.

Doug, you only have to view the 22 Mar, 2007, meeting in Charlotte to see the total disconnect amongst your leaders. Mr. Kirby was groveling and Ms. Shamblin did not take accountability for anything. I ask you, what did you expect? Mr. Kirby and Ms. Shamblin were clueless and her total lack of expertise and compassion has eroded flight operations.

These employees took a day out their lives to hear from the President of US Airways and the Vice-President of In-flight. Never in my forty years of flying, negotiating three contracts and dealing with the union for thirty six have I seen the emperor show up with no clothes. Mr. Kirby was trying to stay engaged as Mr. Shamblin attempted to disengage from the presentation. The lack of empathy and displayed arrogance has left a bitter taste in our mouths. It's as if you show up to hear ideas and no one knows there is a problem. What happened to the warm and cozy town-hall meetings? Those were supposed to be proactive on both sides.

At the Philadelphia town-hall meeting I personally referred to a news article that said you were the up and coming Herb Kelleher. At this time, you could not even fill one of his shoes. He had individuals that wanted and demanded to be informed of the issues. We are running ourselves into the ground and all the barbecues will not make up for your lack of respect.

Why is it that everyone operates in a vacuum? There has got to be some acknowledgment from management that negotiations are on-going, negotiations that are, for us, critical to our future. You must know the upheaval of relocation and the components in the East contracts. If your team is not willing to get an overview of the East Coast operation, just don't show up. Only a foolish leader thinks they can lead by arrogance and stupidity. Just as I have been held accountable for forty years. Your task is no way insurmountable. Stabilize your ship, it is sinking.

Were you all thinking the East would be throttled into submission? It will not happen. Your key players have not led by example.

There is still time, this summer will be critical to our further endeavors. I ask that you put people in place who have one and only one commandment. We will be better and the best and its my challenge to know the needs of the customers & employees. Saying you're sorry for the past is not good enough, pick yourself up and lead or rock the ship and put people in place that want to run an airline, not a trailer park.

Terry Graf-PHL
This is exactly the problem they have...these guys are PLAYING AIRLINE NOT RUNNING ONE. We on the east have for many many years been a part of a major player. These idiots on the west running the show, and badly, truly have no idea as to what they are doing for one major reason: THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE...NONE. They are trying to bamboozle us (not possible...the east has a great bullshit detector) along with our pax, who are much more savvy than they could ever be.
If I was hostile I certainly wasn't aware of it.


As for Ms Graf, I just think Teddy is a better leader and NOTHING will ever change that. This is also her most lucid well thought out letter I've ever seen from her, frankly makes me wonder if she even wrote it.

One thing I will say minus any opinion of Ms Graf is that I left with a much fuller appreciation of what it's like to be an hourly worker at US Airways and if you think back that's about the time I started speaking out and taking a much more supportive stance towards employees. The final straw being CCY attempting to blame employees for the Christmas Meltdown.

Honestly I've never really forgiven US Airways Management for that. It's part of a pattern continued to this very day and the primary reason the venon gets so strong and personal for me.

Who knows maybe I was giving off a hostile vibe that day. I do know that was furious over the conditions under which the ramp had to work and we went to Inflight next. Maybe that's what she picked up on because I was oh I don't know, flabbergasted, appalled, pissed off, heck pick one pick all of them but safe to say I was NOT a happy camper when I got there but NOT because of anything said to me.

It was frankly one of the sadder days of my life. That and speaking at Greentree have fueled the fire inside and the words and actions of the new management keep heaping fuel upon that fire.

Never in all of my years have I seen conditions like those that existed in PHL and I've been in steel mills and truck factories that are spotless by comparison.

I was going to delete a lot of what you said, but, perhaps, thought it might be applicable to what I must, again, say.

I did not witness your attack on Ms. Graf, but, a good friend of mine did, and he was quite direct with me that his initial motivation was to clean your clock. I arrived late and was talked out of following and doing what needed to be done. You really have no idea how close you came to being in the hospital that day as I guess even fools get a pass once in a while.

Let us see here. You shouted at Ms. Graf for ten minutes. You have been all but in bed with Ms. Xidas for two years and you pretend to know who of the two is the "leader" or not?

Methinks you are somewhat befuddled. Terry: works to raise people up, Teddy: works to drive people down.
Geez, not this crap again.

What is _your_ problem, little boy?

Afraid of a reality check?

The fact that you can let someone like Piney mince crap without comment is more a slur on your lack of self-respect than anything else.

I, and many others, give you permission to actually stand erect like Jesus and stand up for decency. It would be nice if you would do it, even just for yourself, once in a while.
Thanks Terri fr wrting that letter to Doug. Sherri needs to go away!
This is exactly the problem they have...these guys are PLAYING AIRLINE NOT RUNNING ONE. We on the east have for many many years been a part of a major player. These idiots on the west running the show, and badly, truly have no idea as to what they are doing for one major reason: THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE...NONE. They are trying to bamboozle us (not possible...the east has a great bullshit detector) along with our pax, who are much more savvy than they could ever be.

So you are saying AWA wasn't an airline? :down:

Poorly stated IMO. Your shot missed the target. Try again.
So you are saying AWA wasn't an airline? :down:

Poorly stated IMO. Your shot missed the target. Try again.
Oh, they have airplanes, but NEVER had a good reputation. As someone once posted on this site "a third rate regional airline". Those of us that have been a part of this company for 25, 30, 40 years where a part of a GREAT company until people with no major airline experience started running this company ie: investerors and kids. USAir at one time was the "darling of the industry" made TONS of money, was a Fortune 200 company, airline of the year twice and respected by its peers. Other airline employees would always tell you how much they loved your company. So yes, HP management IMO are just "playing" airline, not running an airline.

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