Many of us already view the TWU as a "lame duck" union anyway. There is nothing the TWU could do to change how most of us feel about the organization. Time for the TWU to move on, and let a AMT union represent AMTs at AA - it's AMFA time!
While I am a staunch TWU supporter you do make valid points. If these new officers back democracy then where is the leadership by example? All I heard when I asked reps in DFW is that they deserve a the money because they are representing so many members. Don't disagree with that but if their argument for the raise is valid then why do they fear the membership voting on their new salaries.
We can propose new bylaws to get voted on including their salaries? I suggest we all submit changes to the bylaws that reflect what we want and is within the TWU Constitution and DOL rules.
Monthly meetings are needed and we don't need the entire Exec Board their to run them. What are these new officers doing? I have called around and many of them never show up on the floor. As you say, what deal was cut with management to allow them to be out of the operation and get paid by AA? These guys were crying months ago that the UBB removal was a scam by Don V to break the locals. Then it sounds like either the TWU is paying them or AA is in contradiction to the new contract that was passed. AA not following through? Shocking! The current local 591 officers lying? Now that is even more SHOCKING!!!
This membership has got to hold these guys accountable. Only 25% of the nearly 4,000 members voted in the local 591 election. They local 591 officers know that and because we aren't bombarding their cell phones and emails with questions of what the hell are they doing and where do they get off being some kind of high cabal.
Contact them
It is also apparent you dont understand the concept of a message board.
You dont make the rules or the terms of service, when you do, then you can tell people not to post, but as far as it goes now you dont, so if you dont like it, dont read it, leave the board or put a user on ignore.
You wont be able to separate the class and craft, as all those jobs are related.
Once again, you try to attack the poster because you cant debate the facts.
Grow up.
Since you think you know it all, why dont you go read the NMB decision regarding that, as it was the UA M&R election when AFMA replaced the IAM.
So I suggest you use the ignore feature if you dont like it.
It is also apparent you dont understand the concept of a message board.
You dont make the rules or the terms of service, when you do, then you can tell people not to post, but as far as it goes now you dont, so if you dont like it, dont read it, leave the board or put a user on ignore.
You wont be able to separate the class and craft, as all those jobs are related.
Once again, you try to attack the poster because you cant debate the facts.
Grow up.
Since you think you know it all, why dont you go read the NMB decision regarding that, as it was the UA M&R election when AFMA replaced the IAM.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Do we sign or resign AMFA cards come January?