Sick policy Fleet Service

Harry Callahan

Sep 16, 2002
Your rearview mirror
Well as I type this fever 100.5 so needless to say not feeling real well. However I'm scheduled to work tonight. While I should be in bed trying to get well I'm getting ready to get ready for work. If I didn't go in today(even though I have many sick days) I wouldn't be paid. Thanks to all the paycuts & heartaches due to them I have no choice but to try to make it. This just seems so unfair. If anyone reading this has any clout to try to get this changed please do so as it is so unfair.
Also last night one of my coworkers was so sick he couldn't stand up & was there for the same reason. Now it's just starting to pass down.
For those who pray, please say alittle prayer for me today & that some way this policy gets changed so no one is subjected to this..Thanks in advance...
Your thoughts?
Sorry you feel bad, but I'm even more sorry that your union agreed with the company that you should'nt be paid for your sick days even though you have earned them. I beleive all blame should be placed at the iam for agreeing with this policy. I hope you feel better, and I really hope you will get a union who will represent the members.
I wish you well my friend. I know how it is to be sick and not get paid. I was out for 3 days last feb with the flu and needless to say the pay was horrible. no pay first day. The whole thing should have never been agreed to but the IAM wanted it and slept with old us mgmt for it. I hope it is changed very soon
The union did not agree, it was a final offer and your fellow fleet brothers and sisters ratified it.

But when are you going to finally understand that concept?
I say stay home tonight, and for the next few days..even for a full week if you need to...At least that way you will collect some of the sick days that you have banked up. This along with many of the other goofy sick policies do nothing more than encourage people to use MORE sick days rather than less. :down:

The union did not agree, it was a final offer and your fellow fleet brothers and sisters ratified it.

But when are you going to finally understand that concept?
And this line continues just like a friggen broken record...
You may as well just make it your permanent signature at the bottom of all of your repetitive Pro-IAM posts already.
Are you people that :censored:?

Judge Mitchell abrogated the CBA in Jan of of 05.

The IAM and the company never reached an agreement.

The company put forward a final offer to the fleet service employees.

You as fleet service had the democratic choice to ratify, reject or strike.

You chose to ratify, now you have to live with it, but I guess it makes you sleep better at night to blame the IAM instead of your coworkers who voted in the CBA.

And if things are so bad why are you still here?

Once again, don't let reality and the facts get in your way.

**Edited by Moderator**
Well as I type this fever 100.5 so needless to say not feeling real well. However I'm scheduled to work tonight. While I should be in bed trying to get well I'm getting ready to get ready for work. If I didn't go in today(even though I have many sick days) I wouldn't be paid. Thanks to all the paycuts & heartaches due to them I have no choice but to try to make it. This just seems so unfair. If anyone reading this has any clout to try to get this changed please do so as it is so unfair.
Also last night one of my coworkers was so sick he couldn't stand up & was there for the same reason. Now it's just starting to pass down.
For those who pray, please say alittle prayer for me today & that some way this policy gets changed so no one is subjected to this..Thanks in advance...
Your thoughts?

Coach mabe you and 700 could meet person to person before you get better and pass along the way you feel!

That guy will never get it or understand why we are all so pissed at the IAM. He is bought and sold blinded unemployable and still wishes the IAM will give him an AGC job.

Hope you feel better bud I've been there and had to go in to work just as sick.
Are you people that immature and ignorant?

Judge Mitchell abrogated the CBA in Jan of of 05.

The IAM and the company never reached an agreement.

The company put forward a final offer to the fleet service employees.

You as fleet service had the democratic choice to ratify, reject or strike.

You chose to ratify, now you have to live with it, but I guess it makes you sleep better at night to blame the IAM instead of your coworkers who voted in the CBA.

And if things are so bad why are you still here?

Once again, don't let reality and the facts get in your way.
Brocken record!!If your IAM had any ba--s they wouldn't have brought to fleet to vote on. How is that union job?????
The union did not agree, it was a final offer and your fellow fleet brothers and sisters ratified it.

But when are you going to finally understand that concept?

Fact: It is a binding Agreement, signed by DL141 officers who sat by and did nothing to prevent this agreement. They said, "We have a knife to our back and a gun to our head"

Fact: The IAM is a business and anything less than a 'yes' vote would have put the dues checkoff agreement at risk.

700, i'm starting to wonder if what you mean by fact and what the world means by fact is really two entirely different words.

The Dues. It's the Dues.

Hey Coach-I know money is tight but what is your health worth? If you go to work and not get some rest you may get even more sick and still have to call in. I say find some way to make up the lost wages and call in sick and then stay out a couple of extra days just to make sure your well and to let the company know their sick policy stinks. If you do go to work anyway I pray your fever will go down.
The union did not agree, it was a final offer and your fellow fleet brothers and sisters ratified it.

But when are you going to finally understand that concept?
it WAS the UNION BROTHERS and SISTERS in the HUBS and the FOCUS CITIES that AGREED to the trash. They knew they would not be affected by the outsource. It was a sold out thing for all as far as I am concerned and the sick policy is the sickest of them all
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Coach mabe you and 700 could meet person to person before you get better and pass along the way you feel!

That guy will never get it or understand why we are all so pissed at the IAM. He is bought and sold blinded unemployable and still wishes the IAM will give him an AGC job.

Hope you feel better bud I've been there and had to go in to work just as sick.
700 & I know each other & we are friends.
I'm not mad at the union. I understand the situation they were in. I'm mad at the company for putting that in there it just is not right & I hope we can get rid of that.
With alot of help from above & prayer I made it last night & no fever this morn good to go. Thank you all.
P.S. on the sick days & using them I understand what you are saying but I have never used then unless I had to. None of us knows when you will need every day you have, I know many now who wish they hadn't "burned' theirs.
The union did not agree, it was a final offer and your fellow fleet brothers and sisters ratified it.

But when are you going to finally understand that concept?

When are you going to stop hiding behind that ratification crap...?

The IAM did have a final offer, as the IAM failed to properly negotiate {the concession stand is closed}. So, what is before Fleet Service are one sided proposals.

Many people voted to keep a job, with limited benefits, as unemployment was not a good option. I'm hoping you will finally understand the concept of what type of forced ratification it really was.

Can you ever admit the IAM stategy was "flawed" at the last BK concessions..!