Sick policy Fleet Service

I know too many people who retired with "Hundreds" left on the books, and got NOTHING for them. I also know a few that made sure they burned every last one before they retired....Who made out better in the end???
As I have said many times, the former and current policies beg to be abused by the employees due to their design. There should be something done to enable you to collect something for your unused days upon retirement. The company would come out better in the long run as they would have to pay less O.T. to cover those who are out sick. The stupid system of charging people with an occurence if they are out for a single day or a week is absurd in itself...You may as well stay home for multiple days instead of just one since you will be charged equally.
I knew of many that stayed home sick for one day, and returned the next only to have a relapse later. They had to call-off again within the same week, and got nailed with another occurence... :shock:
Fact: It is a binding Agreement, signed by DL141 officers who sat by and did nothing to prevent this agreement. They said, "We have a knife to our back and a gun to our head"

another fact:The final proposal was given to the union around 9 at night and the struggled to get all the cover sheets done and have the final wording of it done so it could get back from the union printer it was sent to for distribution by 3 oclock the next after noon..ready for all of us to see...did the company already have it formatted for you or did you guys slave all night.... :angry:
[There should be something done to enable you to collect something for your unused days upon retirement.
There is........isn't there
The IAM can't have it both ways.

On the one hand, they give us the gun to head argument.

That would fly if what the company initially offered was the same thing we voted on.

However, at the meeting where the IAM explained this BS to the station reps, Canale and Armideo blew most of the meeting explaining how they had 'convinced' the company to improve the 'final' offer.

I know one of the things that got thrown overboard at the last minute - recall rights.

EVERY other unit on the property, including IAM mech and related, kept their recall rights. ONLY IAM fleet's got bargained away. More to the point, that was never even hinted at until that station rep meeting - most of the other stuff had leaked out. Cananle and Armedio played that card VERY close to the vest.
Someone close to me has been out since Sept 05 due to an OJI that required arthroscopic and open shoulder surgery (detached bicep & torn rotator cuff). The doctor sends this person back after 4 months of a supposedly 6-7 month recup with restrictions not to lift more than 5lbs higher than the hip. Admin sends this person from ramp to catering knowing this person only had 8 days of limited duty time left and then this person would have to go back out again. Well, first day back and this person trips over a rubber mat and lands on the repaired side of the shoulder, report made to admin, admin informs employee that if there is a need to go home or call in the next day this person would go on a level!!! Nice isn't it....It gets even more bizaar with the doctor, but I dont want to bore ya'll....
Well as I type this fever 100.5 so needless to say not feeling real well. However I'm scheduled to work tonight. While I should be in bed trying to get well I'm getting ready to get ready for work. If I didn't go in today(even though I have many sick days) I wouldn't be paid. Thanks to all the paycuts & heartaches due to them I have no choice but to try to make it. This just seems so unfair. If anyone reading this has any clout to try to get this changed please do so as it is so unfair.
Also last night one of my coworkers was so sick he couldn't stand up & was there for the same reason. Now it's just starting to pass down.
For those who pray, please say alittle prayer for me today & that some way this policy gets changed so no one is subjected to this..Thanks in advance...
Your thoughts?

the only way the uppers will understand this crappy IAM contract is to go into Parkers office and throw up all over his desk and them tell him sorry you made me come into work sick because this cheep crappy IAM contract they are trying to force on all awa employees!!!!
The compassion on this thread toward sick workers is heartwarming.

There used to be a manager in PIT who was an expert at intimidating sick employees. One had a heart attack (returning from a heart attack) in his office. Another died at work rather than make a visit to 'mean Gene'.

The manager is gone in one of the several purges in PIT. Unfortunately his spirit lives on.

Make a million, kill a couple employees. It's all good.