Shots fired by Sky Marshal on Flt 924 MIA-MCO prior to departure

There is a big difference between being mentally ill and being "psyhcotic". Once this guy said "I have a bomb", he crossed that line and became a danger to society. The Air Marshalls did the right thing.
"Crazy nut got what he deserved."
Hmm, Hitler felt the same way about crazy people.

Let me guess Bob, you're one of those bleeding heart liberals that thinks everything can be handled without violence. You are the type that likes to count innocent bodies and then try to find a peaceful means of preventing it from happening again. The Marshals executed their duties in a very appropriate manner given the circumstances. No Nazis needed here.
I have anti-terror training and the air marshals executed their jobs perfectly 2 in the chest and 1 in the head then ask questions.

Sure thing Odds
WESLEY Clark: Ex-general who ran for Prez in '04 but bowed out when it became apparent that nobody cared.

RAMSEY Clark: Looney-lefty lawyer and former AG under LBJ (how'd he EVER get that job?) who is now Saddam's best buddy and defender.

...a slight difference!

Sorry, got my whackko nutjobs mixed up!...
A guy on his way back from doing missionary work helping a relative who is a dentist provide care to poor people.

If someone has explosives what do you suppose would happen if you shot the explosives?

Seems to me that the last thing you would want to do is shoot them if you were in close proximity to them.

Now simply saying "I have a bomb" makes you a danger? OK, kind of like yelling "fire" in a movie theater I guess so that makes it a crime, but not a capitol offense.

For all we know the guy may have said that he thinks there's a bomb on the plane, seems reasonable since he was running off the plane, but so far we havent haerd from anyone other than the people who shot him that he said anything about a bomb.

The fact is an unarmed man is dead. He was attempting to run off the aircraft, from one secure area to another and apparently he was not acting aggressively or threatening towards anybody. Something obviously went very wrong. Its not a question of hanging the guys who shot him but trying to make sure that it doesnt happen again.
A guy on his way back from doing missionary work helping a relative who is a dentist provide care to poor people.

If someone has explosives what do you suppose would happen if you shot the explosives?

Seems to me that the last thing you would want to do is shoot them if you were in close proximity to them.

Now simply saying "I have a bomb" makes you a danger? OK, kind of like yelling "fire" in a movie theater I guess so that makes it a crime, but not a capitol offense.

For all we know the guy may have said that he thinks there's a bomb on the plane, seems reasonable since he was running off the plane, but so far we havent haerd from anyone other than the people who shot him that he said anything about a bomb.

The fact is an unarmed man is dead. He was attempting to run off the aircraft, from one secure area to another and apparently he was not acting aggressively or threatening towards anybody. Something obviously went very wrong. Its not a question of hanging the guys who shot him but trying to make sure that it doesnt happen again.

I wonder, Mr. Owens, if the Air Marshalls had hesitated, and the man made good on his threat and detonated a bomb and killed your family, if you'd feel differently.
Sometimes bad things happen. Wanna blame someone? How about the one person who started all of this... Bin Laden. Sorry, but the world has changed and yes, there will be a lawsuit but so be it. The bad guys could use ANY ruse to try and create a diversion to perpetrate an attack anywhere. The price of freedom is vigilance, and sometimes, hopefully never but sometimes innocent lives are lost. He may have been shot on the jetway but truthfully he is a casualty of 9/11.
The only thing that worries me is that over the years I've witnessed too many seemingly normal people lose it over missing a flight or whatever. It seems the police are much better trained to diffuse situations, but then again they may have the luxury of time. I was on a flight and a guy was caught smoking in the lav., I swear the group mentality took over, people would have pummeled him but cooler heads prevailed. Not saying they are the same degree, but there is something about being cooped up with others that has people ready to act out on anyone.The FAM did what he had to do. But anyone enjoying it is a moron.
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This is one of the rare instances where I completely agree with Mr Owens. Hats off to you, sir, for taking what is a very unpopular view.

The deceased didn't have a bomb. Logical thought leads a rational person to conclude that it was highly unlikely that he had a bomb. Very unlikely. So unlikely that defending his summary execution on the grounds that "he might have had a real bomb" makes those who say it sound downright silly.

Despite the popular notion that the TSA screeners are bumbling oafs who couldn't get hired by a police department and prefer the higher TSA pay to that of mall cop, the reality is that if he had brought a bomb to the checkpoint, the bumbling oaf screeners probably would have found it.

How do I know? The absence of exploding airplanes in the USA over the past several years. No bombs. Since September 11, 2001, almost 3 Billion USA passengers, and no exploding airplanes. Think of the odds, Americans. Or at least THINK.

Another indicator is that he was obviously mentally unbalanced. History shows us that real bombers don't usually act like such lunatics prior to detonation. Not in London. Not in Madrid. Not in Israel. Not in Iraq. Real bombers simply detonate their bombs. Hysterical theatrics are not a hallmark of real bomb-toting terrorists.

Statistically, the guy was just as likely to be able to flap his arms and fly to MCO all by himself as have a real bomb. Everyone knows that. But still we cling to a childish notion that everyone who says the word "bomb" in an airport is to be taken at face value and even executed by a sky marshal if the marshal deems it necessary. Or severely punished (like the dolts who joke about bombs at the checkpoint "Hang 'em High," say many people. "He joked about a bomb. Lock him away forever").

"He got what's comin' to him" say some.

"Brought it on himself" say others.

Others ask, "What if he really had a bomb?" Well, he'd flown from Ecuador to MIA without detonating it. He passed thru CBP without detonating it. He then made his way thru the terminal to D42 without detonating it. And even when he was chased by sky marshals with guns drawn on the airplane during boarding, he still didn't detonate it. Yeah - he might have had a bomb. Sure. And he might have been Elvis. :rolleyes:

Seriously - you almost have to believe in fairy tales and Santa Claus to seriously believe there was a snowball's chance in hell that he actually had a bomb.

Better safe than sorry - the new motto of the Sheople.
This is one of the rare instances where I completely agree with Mr Owens. Hats off to you, sir, for taking what is a very unpopular view.

The deceased didn't have a bomb. Logical thought leads a rational person to conclude that it was highly unlikely that he had a bomb. Very unlikely. So unlikely that defending his summary execution on the grounds that "he might have had a real bomb" makes those who say it sound downright silly.

Despite the popular notion that the TSA screeners are bumbling oafs who couldn't get hired by a police department and prefer the higher TSA pay to that of mall cop, the reality is that if he had brought a bomb to the checkpoint, the bumbling oaf screeners probably would have found it.

How do I know? The absence of exploding airplanes in the USA over the past several years. No bombs. Since September 11, 2001, almost 3 Billion USA passengers, and no exploding airplanes. Think of the odds, Americans. Or at least THINK.

Another indicator is that he was obviously mentally unbalanced. History shows us that real bombers don't usually act like such lunatics prior to detonation. Not in London. Not in Madrid. Not in Israel. Not in Iraq. Real bombers simply detonate their bombs. Hysterical theatrics are not a hallmark of real bomb-toting terrorists.

Statistically, the guy was just as likely to be able to flap his arms and fly to MCO all by himself as have a real bomb. Everyone knows that. But still we cling to a childish notion that everyone who says the word "bomb" in an airport is to be taken at face value and even executed by a sky marshal if the marshal deems it necessary. Or severely punished (like the dolts who joke about bombs at the checkpoint "Hang 'em High," say many people. "He joked about a bomb. Lock him away forever").

"He got what's comin' to him" say some.

"Brought it on himself" say others.

Others ask, "What if he really had a bomb?" Well, he'd flown from Ecuador to MIA without detonating it. He passed thru CBP without detonating it. He then made his way thru the terminal to D42 without detonating it. And even when he was chased by sky marshals with guns drawn on the airplane during boarding, he still didn't detonate it. Yeah - he might have had a bomb. Sure. And he might have been Elvis. :rolleyes:

Seriously - you almost have to believe in fairy tales and Santa Claus to seriously believe there was a snowball's chance in hell that he actually had a bomb.

Better safe than sorry - the new motto of the Sheople.

Let me ask you this. Did the FAM have the time to go over all the points you brought up? Or did he have to make an instantanious decision based of the information he had at the time. Allwhile his heart is pounding and the stress he's under is something most of us cannot even conceive of.

With that said what would you have done in that sitaution?

What Bob said.

So many police shootings are of unarmed victims.

Why don't you provide some information that shows some sort of nation wide pattern of police guning down unarmed people.
Why don't you provide some information that shows some sort of nation wide pattern of police guning down unarmed people.

There is none, aside from the fact that the media goes apes#it over an unarmed shooting, and rarely gives more than a passing glance at clean shoots.

FWAAA said:
Seriously - you almost have to believe in fairy tales and Santa Claus to seriously believe there was a snowball's chance in hell that he actually had a bomb.

That's probably what people would have said on 9/10/2001 if you asked them about the likelyhood of terrorists flying airplanes into buildings. The fact of the matter is that -we- have the advantage of hindsight. The FAM's didn't.
Why don't you provide some information that shows some sort of nation wide pattern of police guning down unarmed people.

What, do you think I keep files of clippings on this?

No, I don't, because I have a life.

I stand by my statement that too many police shootings involve unarmed victims. How many is too many? You tell me. I purposely did not give any numbers because I don't have any. Who keeps this sort of stuff? Do your own research if you want to talk numbers.

I shall not respond to your hinting that I say there is "some sort of nation wide pattern of police guning down unarmed people".

And yes, the media goes ape over the shooting of an unarmed victim. As it should. And they do not go ape over an armed perp being shot. Nothing to go ape over, is there?

We get our information on such incidents from the media. Where else would we get them, from the police? Get real. We rely on a free press to provide the information that the government and its agencies do not want us to have. Without the media, we would never have the truth about anything. I discussed this with a neighbor, a retired newsman. He said that it would be almost impossible to get this information from police. He further stated that if he ever wrote an article on the subject, his sources within the department would dry up completely.


You're making alot of assumptions with witnesses who didn't see the actions near the door.

We haven't heard from a few more critical witnesses:

-The FA's, probably 2
-The pilots, maybe not visual, but certainly they heard something.
-The Cockpit voice recorder. Could record if the CP door was open.
-The Marshals.
Probably an agent on the jetbridge.

It is a terrible situation for all involved

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