"Crazy nut got what he deserved."
Hmm, Hitler felt the same way about crazy people.
Being insane was a Capital crime under Hitlers Germany. The Nazis felt that these people were a burden and a threat to their pure Aryan society so killing them was considered justified. As time went by they included many other categories of "undesirables" to the list of those that should be killed because of what they are.
Is our fear of terrorists making us like the Nazis?
Apparently they found no weapons, no explosives and the person, who although he was mentally ill actually posed no real threat to anybody, however he is now dead and some say "He got what he deserved".
He deserved to die??? For being mentally ill?
Some say he should have taken his meds, sure thats what a rational person should do, but then again a rational person probably is not ill and would not need the pills in the first place.
The fact is this was a tragedy and I have no doubt that when they found out the man was unarmed that those who fired the fatal shots were sickened and distraught over the whole thing. Our prayers should go out to all involved.