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Shots fired by Sky Marshal on Flt 924 MIA-MCO prior to departure

Look at all the money the marshals saved the tax payers. 25¢ bullet........done. Vs going to court to prosecute and then having to pay for this idiot in jail if convicted. :down: This will send a message to anyone thinking of pulling off something on an airliner. Aim to kill, good job Air Marshall's :up:
Crazy nut says he has a bomb. Crazy nut gets shot dead. Idiot got what he deserved. I get so tired of hearing "He was bipolar","He didn't take his medicine",or "They didn't have to shoot him",etc. Good job by the Air Marshalls!

Half the world is bi-polar..That is the latest and greatest diagnosis for any and all mental illness. If you know you're going to run through a plane in 2005, shouting "bomb", you will be shot by someone..EL AL would have done the same as would any other country "serious" about security. Should the officer have waited to see WHAT he was reaching for? I don't think anyone is paid enough for that possible surprise.
I used work for Legal Aid in domestic violence..Many defendants used to say, "But I was drunk"..My comment back was, "If you know you're going to beat your spouse when you're drinking, don't you think you'd think twice before taking that first sip. No excuse, next step jail."
Just curious, I wonder what AA would have done if the f/as had whacked him over the head with a wine bottle?
Hey hopeful, Your "waffles" are ready..... 😛

Whatever that means? :wacko:

I believe the marshall(s) acted accordingly. It was a split decision action and that's that. Who the hell has time to research one's medical condition when they state they have a bomb.

All I said is that some lawyer somewhere will see $$$$$$ signs. That's all I said and I get responses that I am somehow speaking from another planet.

Look at all the bullS### lawsuits that have been filed.
This will be one of those bull### lawsuits should it come to that.
If your husband is bipolar and requires meds why in the hell are you taking him to the airport knowing he's OFF his meds?

The grief stricken widow will disavow any personal responsibility, retain counsel and seek millions in "Emotional Distress" compensation from Metro Dade Airport Authority, American Airlines, Boeing, the Federal Government and anyone else they can name in a suit.
I don't think they can sue. Isn't it a folony to even use the word bomb from the x-ray macine throughout SIDA? He broke the law and threatened the public by reaching in the bag. He disobeyed law officers with their guns trained on him. Lawsuit? Nah. It'll get thrown out.
There's always a vulture/lawyer willing to file a lawsuit.. Johnnie Cochran is already dead, but perhaps Wesley Clark will be free once Saddam hangs?
Crazy nut says he has a bomb. Crazy nut gets shot dead. Idiot got what he deserved. I get so tired of hearing "He was bipolar","He didn't take his medicine",or "They didn't have to shoot him",etc. Good job by the Air Marshalls!
I hate to say this but the excuses of being Bi polar and not taking meds is silly. If his wife knew he wasnt taking his meds she should have done something about it. It is sad but I feel the Marshalls did what they were supposed to do. Protect passengers, crew and country and they did so.
There's always a vulture/lawyer willing to file a lawsuit.. Johnnie Cochran is already dead, but perhaps Wesley Clark will be free once Saddam hangs?
And from the AA press release that follows, it is obvious that they are thinking the same thing.

There was an incident on the jetbridge at the Miami International Airport of Flight 924 scheduled to depart Miami to Orlando. The incident involved a Federal Air Marshal who had been on the aircraft. American will not have any additional comment at this time. Any further details should come from either the Miami Dade Metro Police or the Federal Air Marshal office which have jurisdiction over the matter.

You can't distance yourself anymore than that.
Crazy nut says he has a bomb. Crazy nut gets shot dead. Idiot got what he deserved. I get so tired of hearing "He was bipolar","He didn't take his medicine",or "They didn't have to shoot him",etc. Good job by the Air Marshalls!

Princess this is by far the best post I have ever read of yours. It fully represents my thoughts exactly.
Who invited SuperScab? :angry:

Come on - fess up!
I think what happened to him was everything he asked for.

If I'd have been carrying and had been there, he'd have gotten a few rounds from me too.

I just want to know who will get his frequent flyer miles?
"Crazy nut got what he deserved."

Hmm, Hitler felt the same way about crazy people.

Being insane was a Capital crime under Hitlers Germany. The Nazis felt that these people were a burden and a threat to their pure Aryan society so killing them was considered justified. As time went by they included many other categories of "undesirables" to the list of those that should be killed because of what they are.

Is our fear of terrorists making us like the Nazis?

Apparently they found no weapons, no explosives and the person, who although he was mentally ill actually posed no real threat to anybody, however he is now dead and some say "He got what he deserved".

He deserved to die??? For being mentally ill?

Some say he should have taken his meds, sure thats what a rational person should do, but then again a rational person probably is not ill and would not need the pills in the first place.

The fact is this was a tragedy and I have no doubt that when they found out the man was unarmed that those who fired the fatal shots were sickened and distraught over the whole thing. Our prayers should go out to all involved.
I really love all the Monday morning quarterbacking 'round here, especially the folks who think they're qualified to question someone called to make a difficult split second judgement call, and all the others who say the victim got what he deserved.

If the guy says he has a bomb, the FAM has no reason to think otherwise. Hesistating could mean the difference between disarming him or letting him set the bomb off. Kneecapping him still leaves his arms free to pull the firing trigger. It's the same response that I'd expect from a soldier confronting a potential suicide bomber in the Middle East.

God forbid that the next FAM faced with this doesn't hesistate in dropping someone who fails to stop, because they just might be a real bad guy.
Agree with FM. Easy to second guess today. The FAM like any other law enforcement official must react to the situation as it is happening.

If the man actually had a bomb and the FAM didn't react and it was detonated there on the jetbridge. What would it be then? Same discussion except over why he didn't respond in time or in the right manner. After all he was an FAM and there for a reason to protected the traveling public.
There's always a vulture/lawyer willing to file a lawsuit.. Johnnie Cochran is already dead, but perhaps Wesley Clark will be free once Saddam hangs?

WESLEY Clark: Ex-general who ran for Prez in '04 but bowed out when it became apparent that nobody cared.

RAMSEY Clark: Looney-lefty lawyer and former AG under LBJ (how'd he EVER get that job?) who is now Saddam's best buddy and defender.

...a slight difference!

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