Shooting at UCLA

KCFlyer said:
How come the NRA lobbied so hard against a "gun control" measure that would have kept a gun out of this guys hands?   Yeah...if he really wanted one, the bad guys will always find a way to get one...but if he legally can't buy a gun and the FBI is watching this guy...when he tries to circumvent the laws and illegally obtain a gun, then they have something.  BUT...the beloved NRA, who used to watch out for the interest of hunters but now stands up for the rights of terror watch suspects to own an assault rifle.
yea we get it KC it's all the big bad NRA's fault. Isis and radical Islam had nothing to do with it.Before you ask that dumbass question again about where Isis is on the map.We know exactly where Isis is headquartered and operates from. I support whatever action our top military minds think is needed to get rid of them.If the head is cut off hopefully the snake spreading around the world will die.
You can hide your head in the sand and blame the NRA all you want but that won't make this ideology go away.
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delldude said:
I'd have to think about that. Children are directly influenced by parental actions and attitudes early on.
Seeds of bigotry are sown this way, for one. Daddy was a Taliban geek, who were responsible for many horrendous actions. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
What about the old mans anti gay video, you think Omar didn't see that?
I'm sure he did; and if he was gay, it would only serve to fuel his confusion, self hate, and anger.
Where does religious doctrine and hate against gays differ?
A whole lot easier for the right to package it (and rally against) "radical Islam" than anti gay violence.
KCFlyer said:
How many kids did we kill in Iraq?  How many weddings did we bomb in Afghanistan?   Let me ask you....If your kid was at school and Canada was trying to take out a dope dealer that was supplying Ontario with dope, and the bomb intended for the dope dealers house missed and hit your kids school..and the Canadians chalked up their death as "collateral damage". would that change your view of Canada at all?  
How did Spock put it?
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Kev3188 said:
I'm sure he did; and if he was gay, it would only serve to fuel his confusion, self hate, and anger.

A whole lot easier for the right to package it (and rally against) "radical Islam" than anti gay violence.
Just can't accept religion fueled violence against the gay crowd can we?
KCFlyer said:
How many kids did we kill in Iraq?  How many weddings did we bomb in Afghanistan?   Let me ask you....If your kid was at school and Canada was trying to take out a dope dealer that was supplying Ontario with dope, and the bomb intended for the dope dealers house missed and hit your kids school..and the Canadians chalked up their death as "collateral damage". would that change your view of Canada at all?  
Biggest mass murder happening daily to the tune of some 1400 a day is abortion.
Where's your moral outrage?
Kev3188 said:
I don't think we should accept /any/ violence, regardless of the target- and that's kind of the point.
Kev, your safe zones wouldn't  help you. There is a time and place to let people know your pissed, and won't take any more. The trick is  deciding what is the proper time to do that. I feel we as Americans have come to that point.
delldude said:
Biggest mass murder happening daily to the tune of some 1400 a day is abortion.
Where's your moral outrage?
Have you ever had a need for an abortion?  I can't think of a single need to shoot up a movie theatre or night club with a nonautomatic automatic weapon, but I can think of some situations where an abortion is needed. 
delldude said:
How did Spock put it?
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
So I take that to mean that you wouldn't be pissed off at all towards the Canadians for killing your kid and dismissing it as "collateral damage".  After all...the needs of the many...
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Insp4 said:
Kev, your safe zones wouldn't  help you. There is a time and place to let people know your pissed, and won't take any more. The trick is  deciding what is the proper time to do that. I feel we as Americans have come to that point.
We've been at the point for quite awhile now. The problem is that the second anyone dare talk about anything even remotely resembling gun control, people think it's a sign of the apocalypse. Talk about mental health, and it gets dismissed. So we wade through a bunch of "thoughts and prayers" nonsense, and then go right back to fighting with each other.
KCFlyer said:
Have you ever had a need for an abortion?  I can't think of a single need to shoot up a movie theatre or night club with a nonautomatic automatic weapon, but I can think of some situations where an abortion is needed. 
1400 a day are needed?
KCFlyer said:
So I take that to mean that you wouldn't be pissed off at all towards the Canadians for killing your kid and dismissing it as "collateral damage".  After all...the needs of the many...
**** happens
KCFlyer said:
Great.  Radical Isalm.  Where is that located on the map and how do we get rid of it?   Do you think bombing an non radical Muslim school and killing the kids of non radical Muslims might tend to MAKE them radical, and then we can easily just nuke the Middle East and eliminate this problem?
You'll have to ask Hildabeast and Obummer where radical Islam is located. They pulled our troops out after the troop surge had it under control. They know where the main hives are, the command and control, located in Syria and Iraq. Those two idiots created ISIS by pulling our troops out and telegraphed when and how the US military was leaving. Obummer doesn't do anything but fire from drones and send in small groups of special forces. Hasn't worked.
Bombing Muslim schools and killing kids? Do you listen to your foolishness and ignorance? Jeezus your statements of nonsense are out there. If a school or a hospital gets bombed it is either a tragic mistake or the RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS have hidden their missiles, machine guns, and bombs there. The jihadists hide behind women and children so when they get whacked, idiot lefty libtards cry and scream "look at what the evil horrible USA war mongers did to those little kids". Instead of putting the spot light were it belongs, RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, libtards blame guns, rednecks with guns, and Trump's calling for no more Muslim immigration for a period of time to get a clue what is going on.
Never mind the major fact that these 7th century savages and their twisted religious beliefs are that either one converts to Islam, or you must die.
Never mind the fact they have been at war with themselves or others for thousands of years.
Never mind the fact they hate gays, Christians, Jews, and anything that makes one an infidel worthy of death.
Never mind the fact the muslim invasion of Europe is destroying those countries and their goal is to take over and impose sharia law on all of Europe.
Never mind the fact libtards like Obummer and Hildabeast want MORE ISLAMIC immigration without vetting because "we are a nation of immigrants".
Never mind the fact the RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS have stated they want to see the Islamic flag flying over the White House and the Constitution replaced with sharia law and the Koran.

None of these factors matter, it's the United States fault according to lefty libtards.