Shooting at UCLA

KCFlyer said:
Never a doubt about that....our war president got us doing that.  Enhanced it as well.  But...if you ain't got nothing to hide, you ain't got nothing to worry about.  And if you opposed it back then, you were a terrorist loving America hater. 
Let me remind you. Hillary voted "FOR" that war.
KCFlyer said:
Okay...let's say it's a perfect world...Obama shows up on TV wearing a bandolier and pronouncing this an act of Islamic terrorism.  Now what?  What's the next move?  Ban Muslims from entering this country?  Except this idiot was BORN in this country.  
Should we sterilize all Muslims that are here to keep them from procreating?  
Should we issue everybody guns so that on a night when "last call" is announced and 90% of the patrons are impaired from alcohol, they can whip out there sidearms and fire back...insuring that 75 people are killed instead of 50?  
It happened.  What is the conservative response to what we should do?  Bomb ISIS?  Where is the country of ISIS on a map?  You know what is just as tragic as gunning down 49 people at a night club in the name of terrorism?  Killing 49 school kids because a bomb was off by just a little bit and chalking it up as "collateral damage".  What's the conservative solution? 
End political correctness
maybe they should have keep his pro taliban father out to start with, but no liberals want to let 10,000 unvetted Syrians in.Then blame the NRA when something goes wrong....morons
In the words of gay conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, “the left chose Islam over gays, now 100 are dead or maimed in Orlando.” The left only “cared” about gays when they could be used as political pawns. Now that gay marriage is the law of the land, what more do they need from them?
After Orlando, the gay community is waking up to what the left’s priorities really are.


Via The Blaze
An LGBT activist, writing anonymously, pledged support for Donald Trump, defending their decision to stand with the presumptive GOP nominee in an open letter.
According to the gay activist, who penned the letter that was published by PJ Media, progressives have failed to protect the LGBT community from the most prominent threat: radical Islamic terrorism.
“the events of Orlando have shattered my political beliefs, as I can no longer swear allegiance to a peace-love-and-unicorns progressive philosophy that only helps to get my fellow queers killed.”
“Yes, there is a war between religious fundamentalism and the spirit of love and tolerance. But we progressives here in America still labor under the delusion that the religion we need to combat is Christianity. But that’s a straw man opponent, and has been so for decades,” he wrote.
“Since the 1990s, Christian extremists have essentially lost all their power, and are now toothless non-players in the ‘culture wars,’” the letter continued. “Meanwhile, Muslim extremists, with guns, murder us, and on the left our only response is to bleat about ‘Islamophobia’ and jump through hoops trying to explain away the self-evident religious motivation for the killings.”
However, the writer concedes Trump is an “asshole,” “clown” and “motormouth buffoon,” but adds he’s the “only person saying anything about putting the brakes on Islamic extremism.”
“In light of what happened last night in Orlando,” the anonymous author wrote, “suddenly that is the only issue that really matters when it comes to the health, well-being and safety of the queer community.”
delldude said:
KCFlyer said:
What would help make it even stronger would be laws that would ban the sale of assault rifles to people on an FBI watch list.  Should we do that too?  
Banning assault weapons will not do anything to change anything.
delldude said:
Banning assault weapons will not do anything to change anything.
I didn't say ban assault weapons....I said ban the sale of assault weapons to someone on the FBI watch list.  The NRA fought that.  But banning assault weapons isn't a bad idea.  Anyone who needs an AR15 to go rabbit hunting pretty much lacks any skill as a hunter.   Why was the AR15 created?  What purpose was it to serve?  
KCFlyer said:
I didn't say ban assault weapons....I said ban the sale of assault weapons to someone on the FBI watch list.  The NRA fought that.  But banning assault weapons isn't a bad idea.  Anyone who needs an AR15 to go rabbit hunting pretty much lacks any skill as a hunter.   Why was the AR15 created?  What purpose was it to serve?  
Why then was any firearm invented?
To take food or kill those who try and take it from me?
Why is it a good idea?
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delldude said:
Hillary was all for a wall.
We got real estate friendly 'enhanced radiation devices' more ashtrays.
4th amendment??  They line up to give away their  rights....
True, but voluntarily submitting to a search as part of a purchase (plane ticket, baseball game, etc.), is a whole different animal than what we've been discussing...
KCFlyer said:
I didn't say ban assault weapons....I said ban the sale of assault weapons to someone on the FBI watch list.  The NRA fought that.  But banning assault weapons isn't a bad idea.  Anyone who needs an AR15 to go rabbit hunting pretty much lacks any skill as a hunter.   Why was the AR15 created?  What purpose was it to serve?  
Fromwhat I'm hearing now, is the crazy didn't even us a AR-15 in Orlando.
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cltrat said:
maybe they should have keep his pro taliban father out to start with, but no liberals want to let 10,000 unvetted Syrians in.Then blame the NRA when something goes wrong....morons
That ship's sailed, and this guy was born in Queens. Like it or not, that makes him as American as you and I.

So now what?
KCFlyer said:
What would help make it even stronger would be laws that would ban the sale of assault rifles to people on an FBI watch list.  Should we do that too?
if it answers your question I don't think a person who was on watch list or interviewed like himshould not have be able to buy a gun.That may be a slippery slope but in hiss case it;s clear
KCFlyer said:
Like I said....since the redneck patriot who blackened both of his wife/girlfriends eyes because they had the gall to question why he was coming home so latRazze should still be allowed to own a gun because he never shouted "death to America".  But because leftly liberals might turn any law that would have prevented someone who apparently did should "death to America"..I guess he must have because he had the attention of the FBI...from legally buying a gun into something to use against a redneck who lost his's best for our rights as citizens to just allow the guy to buy a gun.    What I find interesting is your debate with Kev....second amendment is holy....fourth amendment is okay to break because "if you don't have anything to hide, you don't have anything to worry about".
Your so far out in space KCFrier there's Saturn rings running around your melon head. I'll say it again so you or Kevy might get it this time; In this WAR against RADICAL ISLAMIC JIHADISTS that want destroy the county and waste YOU. The gloves must come off RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow but NOW. (NEVER WITH SAID VIOLATE THE CONSTUTUTION AT WILL AND/OR DO AWAY ANY AMENDMENT, only Obummer does that) With probable cause, such as threatening coworkers with radical Islamic BS, having family members proclaiming allegiance to Taliban, the 4th ammendment should/could be bent to track and for servailance. Only in special terrorist/jihadist/war type circumstances. GOT IT YET????
There is just little bit of distance between a sweetykins with a black eye from Jim Bob and Achmed building pressure cooker bombs in the garage. With lefty political correctness like yours, people are loath to say anything as they might labeled with Islamophobia by Obummer and the leftist press....and of course loving liberals like yourself.

Now go ahead twist and twirl like a flying squirrel in that politically correct libtard manic mind about rednecks, AR-15s, gun control failures, the bad bad NRA,
Honey Boo-boo's black eyes, and the friendly "Religion of Peace" that conservatives have so wrong. I still haven't seen any rednecks cutting off heads, skinning people alive, bombing a marathon, throwing gays off buildings, burning people alive, or shooting dozens of people at concerts or a bar.

Just one group, guess who?