Shooting at UCLA

Kev3188 said:
That ship's sailed, and this guy was born in Queens. Like it or not, that makes him as American as you and I.
So now what?
Nope, no way. If the Taliban loving father wasn't let in there would be no gay bar terrorist here. Same with the San Bernardino savages.

You know president peanut farmer Jimmy Carter banned Muslim Iranians in 1979 from coming in right Kevy? I suppose since he was a liberal that Is just dandy with you? Well of course....
Insp4 said:
You so mean. Your gonna have KCFrier trying to explain how that 767 is really the world's largest AR15 assault rifle, and the NRA let the terrorists shoot it.
Kev3188 said:
True, but voluntarily submitting to a search as part of a purchase (plane ticket, baseball game, etc.), is a whole different animal than what we've been discussing...
Uh....its mandatory.
Hackman said:
Your so far out in space KCFrier there's Saturn rings running around your melon head. I'll say it again so you or Kevy might get it this time; In this WAR against RADICAL ISLAMIC JIHADISTS that want destroy the county and waste YOU. The gloves must come off RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow but NOW. (NEVER WITH SAID VIOLATE THE CONSTUTUTION AT WILL AND/OR DO AWAY ANY AMENDMENT, only Obummer does that) With probable cause, such as threatening coworkers with radical Islamic BS, having family members proclaiming allegiance to Taliban, the 4th ammendment should/could be bent to track and for servailance. Only in special terrorist/jihadist/war type circumstances. GOT IT YET????
There is just little bit of distance between a sweetykins with a black eye from Jim Bob and Achmed building pressure cooker bombs in the garage. With lefty political correctness like yours, people are loath to say anything as they might labeled with Islamophobia by Obummer and the leftist press....and of course loving liberals like yourself.

Now go ahead twist and twirl like a flying squirrel in that politically correct libtard manic mind about rednecks, AR-15s, gun control failures, the bad bad NRA,
Honey Boo-boo's black eyes, and the friendly "Religion of Peace" that conservatives have so wrong. I still haven't seen any rednecks cutting off heads, skinning people alive, bombing a marathon, throwing gays off buildings, burning people alive, or shooting dozens of people at concerts or a bar.

Just one group, guess who?
Great.  Radical Isalm.  Where is that located on the map and how do we get rid of it?   Do you think bombing an non radical Muslim school and killing the kids of non radical Muslims might tend to MAKE them radical, and then we can easily just nuke the Middle East and eliminate this problem?  
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Hackman said:
Nope, no way. If the Taliban loving father wasn't let in there would be no gay bar terrorist here. Same with the San Bernardino savages.
You know president peanut farmer Jimmy Carter banned Muslim Iranians in 1979 from coming in right Kevy? I suppose since he was a liberal that Is just dandy with you? Well of course....
Yes, yes way. 100% American citizen. Just like you and I, like it or not. Doesn't matter where his parents were from.
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KCFlyer said:
Great.  Radical Isalm.  Where is that located on the map and how do we get rid of it?   Do you think bombing an non radical Muslim school and killing the kids of non radical Muslims might tend to MAKE them radical, and then we can easily just nuke the Middle East and eliminate this problem?
Radical Islam. It's such an easy narrative for the right, isn't it?

What if this turns out to actually have been a hate crime against gays? There's already some thought that he was closeted. What if he was just an a-hole with a very convenient first name?
do you seriously believe that considering what the FBI knew bout the guy? Maybe his pal who went to Syria and blew his dumass up was just a coincidence
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And what specifically did the FBI know?

I seriously believe that this is the very time when the easy answers might not necessarily be the right answers...
KCFlyer said:
Great.  Radical Isalm.  Where is that located on the map and how do we get rid of it?   Do you think bombing an non radical Muslim school and killing the kids of non radical Muslims might tend to MAKE them radical, and then we can easily just nuke the Middle East and eliminate this problem?  
Excellent point, KC.
Define a non radical Muslim school, based on the teachings in the Quran.
Islam is about world religious theocracy for all.........
Kev3188 said:
Yes, yes way. 100% American citizen. Just like you and I, like it or not. Doesn't matter where his parents were from.
I'd have to think about that. Children are directly influenced by parental actions and attitudes early on.
Seeds of bigotry are sown this way, for one. Daddy was a Taliban geek, who were responsible for many horrendous actions. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
What about the old mans anti gay video, you think Omar didn't see that?
Kev3188 said:
Radical Islam. It's such an easy narrative for the right, isn't it?

What if this turns out to actually have been a hate crime against gays? There's already some thought that he was closeted. What if he was just an a-hole with a very convenient first name?
Where does religious doctrine and hate against gays differ?
cltrat said:
do you seriously believe that considering what the FBI knew bout the guy? Maybe his pal who went to Syria and blew his dumass up was just a coincidence
How come the NRA lobbied so hard against a "gun control" measure that would have kept a gun out of this guys hands?   Yeah...if he really wanted one, the bad guys will always find a way to get one...but if he legally can't buy a gun and the FBI is watching this guy...when he tries to circumvent the laws and illegally obtain a gun, then they have something.  BUT...the beloved NRA, who used to watch out for the interest of hunters but now stands up for the rights of terror watch suspects to own an assault rifle.  
delldude said:
Excellent point, KC.
Define a non radical Muslim school, based on the teachings in the Quran.
Islam is about world religious theocracy for all.........
How many kids did we kill in Iraq?  How many weddings did we bomb in Afghanistan?   Let me ask you....If your kid was at school and Canada was trying to take out a dope dealer that was supplying Ontario with dope, and the bomb intended for the dope dealers house missed and hit your kids school..and the Canadians chalked up their death as "collateral damage". would that change your view of Canada at all?  