Shooting at UCLA

Glenn Quagmire said:
So when does citizenship start in your world? 2nd generation? Third? Only if they ("it" using your language) aren't brown, or aren't from a Muslim country? What about those countries that have muslims and Christian within the same border? What about those That are fleeing persecution? We give Cubans immediate citizenship as soon as they touch land here. What about them?
You paint with the typical broad brush. I see you are also cool with the same government that you think fails you, to be the one looking after your un-American activities?
After all, if you don't blow smoke in the face of a cop, all is cool...but if you do, you deserve the full treatment. You are a real treat. You will singlehandedly give the POTUS to the person you despise the most.
Well done soldier...oh wait, you are for others going to fight the "war on terror". Please point out on the map where "terror" is.
Trump had you at wearing the red hat and red meat. The carneys loved you when they came to town...
When does it start? With the libtards who like you "everybody will love us if we just be nice to them" it starts as soon as you can run, fly, or float across the US Border. Pop out a few kids who are then citizens, get on welfare, and wave whichever flag they wish while they riot. We must bring in anyone and everyone, pay for it all, and let them have the jihad because "we have to be nice to everybody".

You paint well with you lefty libtard strawman brush. It's the same old standard whacky mantra. Anti-immigrant, Islamophobia, hates black, brown, red, yellow, green and blue. Oh yeah, them thar red neck gun nuts. Can't forget that.

Pay no attention to the terrorist behind the curtain. If we just show them how welcoming we are, they will love us all and convert to the strong Americans we want them to be. Just look at the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. The Islamic migration is working well there, and sharia law is the bomb. Ask Obummer or Hildabeast about the "Arab Spring" success. Or how about Bengazi, or Lybia.

By all means, pull a Black Lies Matter protest, spit on the police, roast them pigs in a blanket. Throw out the Constitution and let's get the Saul Alinsky rules in. Just don't call the police why you need one, you don't want them violating yours rights. F the Police!!!

Your a real peach Quagtard, you got sliced, diced and used up in Obummer pie for the last 7.5 years and your still believing Hope and Change.

Bravo my boy, bravo.
I think the big problem people have with the gun debate is the lack of knowledge regarding firearms. The pro gun control people think that cosmetic enhancements is what makes a weapon lethal.

Here's a prime example of three firearms, one is dramatically more lethal then the other. And it has nothing to do with how it looks.



Bill Vestrup said:
I think the big problem people have with the gun debate is the lack of knowledge regarding firearms. The pro gun control people think that cosmetic enhancements is what makes a weapon lethal.

Here's a prime example of three firearms, one is dramatically more lethal then the other. And it has nothing to do with how it looks.



Oh really, how so?
Does one kill you deader than thw next?
Heard from Congressional testimony,  Obama limits intel gathering from social media and other forms of digital communication in investigating possible terrorists including that sweet coupe from San Bernardino and the Orlando incident, plus many others.
Ahh, if you get wacked hanging out in a soft target, at least you'll die knowing your government was politically correct in vetting your killer.
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delldude said:
Heard from Congressional testimony,  Obama limits intel gathering from social media and other forms of digital communication in investigating possible terrorists including that sweet coupe from San Bernardino and the Orlando incident, plus many others.
Ahh, if you get wacked hanging out in a soft target, at least you'll die knowing your government was politically correct in vetting your killer.
And that brings us back around to the 4th. How wide a net are willing to let the State cast? Where will the line be drawn?
Kev3188 said:
I don't think we should accept /any/ violence, regardless of the target- and that's kind of the point.
Does that include anti-Trump rallies?...
Hackman said:
Birthright Citizenship is not like you or I (well me anyway). Just because an immigrant sneaks over the border and pumps out a kid, it should not become a citizen.
Yep. Ending birthright citizenship has lots of benefits down the road, but liberals won't go there.
Kev3188 said:
Guess who did it in Orlando, Sandy Hook, Ft. Hood, and San Bernadino?

That's right; our fellow American citizens.
And, without birthright citizenship, three of those four wouldn't be. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
So when does citizenship start in your world?
That's simple --- where it starts in most of the developed nations: when you are naturalized *or* born to naturalized parents.

Only the US and Canada still allow birthright citizenship.
Bill Vestrup said:
I think the big problem people have with the gun debate is the lack of knowledge regarding firearms. The pro gun control people think that cosmetic enhancements is what makes a weapon lethal.

Here's a prime example of three firearms, one is dramatically more lethal then the other. And it has nothing to do with how it looks.



Come on Bill. Tell us how one is "dramatically more lethal then the other."? All three are semi-automatic.
Insp4 said:
Oh really, how so?
Does one kill you deader than thw next?
Potentially, depending on the aim and range.

The top looks like a Winchester .308, which is a lot deadlier than an AR-15. The AR as effective up to ~300 yards as the .308 is at 800 yards.

The middle looks like a .22 which can still kill someone with a well placed shot to the head or chest, but is pretty much useless over 200 yards.
Insp4 said:
Oh really, how so?
Does one kill you deader than thw next?
Yes they are all semi auto
eolesen said:
Potentially, depending on the aim and range.

The top looks like a Winchester .308, which is a lot deadlier than an AR-15. The AR as effective up to ~300 yards as the .308 is at 800 yards.

The middle looks like a .22 which can still kill someone with a well placed shot to the head or chest, but is pretty much useless over 200 yards.
Actually the top one is a Ruger M77/357 which would put a much bigger hole in someone then the others.
The gun control people are fixated on how the bottom one "looks" rather then what it actually is.