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Shadows in the Dark

Ken MacTiernan

Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego CA
So the unelected int. rep. that makes about THREE TIMES what an AMT makes is afraid to walk among AMTs in JFK? bobby gless use to work in JFK so why isn't he respected? Oh, maybe with comments like "If oil keeps going up, AA's declaring bankruptcy." I can understand why he is hated.

Hey bobby, how's that big salary of yours going to work out when the twu is removed from representing AMTs at AA? You never would make it as an AMP officer because you would have to live under the contracts you negotiate which is NOT what happens to you as a twu APPOINTED officer. You see, with AMP ALL elected officers are held accountable.

AMP = elected officers that work for the membership and will live under contracts they negotiate.

twu = appointed officers repeating company fear tactics and having to resort to cowardly slinking into airports.
Sounds good guys, but those first cards signed start expiring in about six weeks.

Time to decide whether you want to fish or cut bait.