What's new

What a relief!

How soon you forget that 2/3's of the membership was the vote no coalition. We all voted against another concessionary contract so get over it. Would a judge not look favorably on not only the millions of dollars that the union members saved the compAAny by turning down the contract, but working 3 1/2 years without a raise? In the end we could possibly save as much as we've lost, laying the groundwork for another raging debate on this forum.
the judge only cares about the creditors

hate to go here but not working weekends will the least of your issues

GL to us
the judge only cares about the creditors

hate to go here but not working weekends will the least of your issues

GL to us
OK People lets reorganize...without the TWU !!! Time to move on.
Whew! What a relief! NO!!! Not our filing for bankruptcy silly! It's a releif that the TWU will be fighting for us in bk.

Let me see if the BIG picture is clear.

TWU International APPOINTED officers will be leading the defense for our needs in bk? Right?

What ever concessions that are asked for by AA to the BK judge will be argued by the APPOINTED ONES? Right?

When the BK judge signs off on whatever concessions we are going to be forced to swallow, (Damn, we will not get another "without further ratification" speech!), these same APPOINTED ONES will not have to worry themselves too much because they will not have to endure/carry/live under these future burdens? Right?

I can't wait for more words of wisdom such as "lower your expectations" and "put this in our rear view mirror".

What a relief it is knowing that people I did not elect, who do not live under the contracts I live under will continue to receive three times what I make.

Stop thinking you're slowing down the operation.....moron
the judge only cares about the creditors

hate to go here but not working weekends will the least of your issues

GL to us
If the compAAny and their lapdog union cannot come to an agreement a judge will get involved. BTW, I've worked more weekends this year than I've had off.
This is posted for the "benefit" of the TWU M&R "represented" employees at AA.

I look at this as something that would have eventually happened despite the magnitude of the concessions made by the TWU employees at AMR since 2003.

Prior to and since 2003, we have been subject to the continuous spectre of a BK filing with the threat of: an elimination of the retiree medical health benefit, a forfeture of the defined benefit pension and wages cut through an imposed contract.

In 2003 the TWU M&R folded and granted to AMR massive concessions in full knowledge of the fact that concessions have never saved the airline under which they were granted.

Ok, we are here.

Let AA do what they have to do: but understand that the TWU M&R are already at the bottom with respect to wages, hours of work and working conditions as defined by the Railway Labor Act relative to the type of airline AMR wishes to continue to operate.

AA can impose wages, hours of work and working conditions: they cannot whip a demoralized workforce to innovate, create and motivate the level of energy required to save a sinking ship.

AA chose to spend what they spent, where they have spent it: 350 Million in Executive compensation since 2003 bought them a Chapter 11 BANKRUPTCY FILING.

The Board of Directors and the Management Team at AMR need to take a look at the past before they impose a future.

John Lockhart-CC AMT BOS
Excellent post. It may be awhile but at some point AA will need to hire again and as Bob Owens has stated, there are not a lot of A&P's out there and the schools are not producing. At what point will the company have to increase it's compensation just to obtain the workforce it will require? At least the will only have to pay high wages to the line and low wages to ocverhaul, it will balance out for the company.
your a goof, to put it nicely. I'm surprised your not telling us about how AMP is going to file any day also. But I guess I will give you credit for still posting .Unlike your minions. no where to be found!!!

Thanks for the compliment paul1. 🙂

You miss my sarcasm by a mile! I understand what will happen in bk. Seen it happen to everyone else. Now it's our turn. But the true "goof" would be you since you miss the point that after we emerge from bk we will still have those who are appointed making three times what we make and not feeling the paain/joys of the membership they represent.

Minions? Oh, people who believe in a democratic, craft union? You don't miss a thing.

And just so you don't feel bad...

Sign an AMP card now!

The 2011 dept of Labor’s required union disclosure is out on the T.W.U.

Paid in 2011 disclosure Percentage increase 2010
James Little $277,840.00 + 5.4%
Harry Lombardo $267,314.00 + 3.6%
Joseph Gordon $268,672.00 + 4.8%
LaTonya Gordon
daughter of the guy above $176,144.00 + 9.5%
Garry Drummond $198,451.00 + 8.4%
Frank McCann Jr
Son of Frank McCann $215,726.00 + 11.8%
John Conley $218,642.00 + 6.8%
Don Videtich $167,742.00 + 5.8%
Tim Gillespie $171,740.00 + 6.0%
Robert Gless $188,074.00 + 2.8%
Gordon Clark $218,642.00 + 6.9%
Marlene Borisuck
Typist/Secretary $151,380.00 + 6.2%

Okay hss and the other "goofs". Tell me how I can vote for the people above at election time. I'm sure that Bobby Gless is worth every penny of his 3 X more than I make salary. (They had to take care of him after he helped "take care of the AMFA threat".) Now, if the membership didn't think these people were doing a good job the membership should have the ability to vote them out of office, let alone vote them into office.

The thing with AMP, and which the twu lovers are fearful of, is that people who want to fight for the membership and be held accountable for their efforts to fight for us stand up and allow the membership as a whole to exercise their right to full elections.

Now, tell me how people making 3 X what I make and I did not elect are "fighting" for me in BK court, but they themselves will not live under what they are fighting for, makes any sense.

Gordon Clark made a 6.9% raise? THAT alone should make even hss sign a card.

AA is restructuring the company. Now is time we restructured our union representation.

your a goof, to put it nicely. I'm surprised your not telling us about how AMP is going to file any day also. But I guess I will give you credit for still posting .Unlike your minions. no where to be found!!!

Obviously, recognition of humor and sarcasm are not your strong suit.
Sign an AMP card now!

The 2011 dept of Labor’s required union disclosure is out on the T.W.U.

Paid in 2011 disclosure Percentage increase 2010
James Little $277,840.00 + 5.4%
Harry Lombardo $267,314.00 + 3.6%
Joseph Gordon $268,672.00 + 4.8%
LaTonya Gordon
daughter of the guy above $176,144.00 + 9.5%
Garry Drummond $198,451.00 + 8.4%
Frank McCann Jr
Son of Frank McCann $215,726.00 + 11.8%
John Conley $218,642.00 + 6.8%
Don Videtich $167,742.00 + 5.8%
Tim Gillespie $171,740.00 + 6.0%
Robert Gless $188,074.00 + 2.8%
Gordon Clark $218,642.00 + 6.9%
Marlene Borisuck
Typist/Secretary $151,380.00 + 6.2%

Okay hss and the other "goofs". Tell me how I can vote for the people above at election time. I'm sure that Bobby Gless is worth every penny of his 3 X more than I make salary. (They had to take care of him after he helped "take care of the AMFA threat".) Now, if the membership didn't think these people were doing a good job the membership should have the ability to vote them out of office, let alone vote them into office.

The thing with AMP, and which the twu lovers are fearful of, is that people who want to fight for the membership and be held accountable for their efforts to fight for us stand up and allow the membership as a whole to exercise their right to full elections.

Now, tell me how people making 3 X what I make and I did not elect are "fighting" for me in BK court, but they themselves will not live under what they are fighting for, makes any sense.

Gordon Clark made a 6.9% raise? THAT alone should make even hss sign a card.

AA is restructuring the company. Now is time we restructured our union representation.


More misdirection. You and the vote no coalition led us right in to BK with your garabage rhetoric. You, Bob, JR, Gary P, Gary S, and Pike worked for how much and told us that BK was nothing more than a threat.

GO AMP! "Lot's of action now, big crash later!"

Change unions now? While we are in BK court? Are you high?
If you fail as an elected local officer of the TWU you have options. Ken has a plan for this since he speaks from experience.

Options listed below:

1. Abandon the members you represent.

2. Abandon your Local.

3. Drive to Tulsa and encourage them to "VOTE NO" on the M&R TA by holding a rally on the corner then abandon them too.

4. Abandon DFW.

5. Run off to SAN and start AMP the Alternate MacTiernan Plan 😛

Follow you and your current course of ignorance? No thanks! I'm smarter than that...