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TWU and Teamsters are mirror images of each other.

I was responding to your post which only mentioned UAL & Horizon, it said nothing of SWA.

However, since you brought it up, I too, have heard that SWA has never had a layoff, nor to my knowledge the threat of one. That said if you have a website or link to the contrary, which shows that the same sort of deal making that went on at Horizon happened at SWA then please provide it.

You do understand my skepticism..... I sincerely doubt SWA ever threatened to layoff mechanics due to outsourcing as Horizon did with the ibt. I sincerely doubt that AMFA cut any sort of deal to never speak against the outsourcing in public to secure severance for members. Lastly, let us not forget, the ibt sold themselves at Horizon on their strength and power, and the first time at negotiations, at a regional carrier, they not only CAN'T stop the layoff of members, they agree in writing to never speak against it. You show me ANY other union, YES AMFA included, that engages in that sort of unconscionable act, and they too, will share in the same exact criticism.

As for the teamsters vote of reaffirmation? Maybe you should mention that vote was a representational election called because those same Horizon individuals submitted cards in sufficient numbers to call for said election. Then there is the fact that it occurred before the ibt had even 3 years on the property....remember they had to wait 2 years after bringing the ibt on before having any other election per NMB rules. The first year they were eligible to have another vote they did...not quite a ringing endorsement.

teamsters must've promised them something good.....again.

And I noticed you completely ignored commenting on the s-UAL furloughees watch s-CAL management hire from the street.....again not quite a ringing endorsement

A quick question to follow up, where is maintenance done for WN?

As for your other accusations, we are reading the same material from two different directions. You could no more prove what you say is true as I could. With a lack of interested QX mechanics on this board, this is a tough subject for both of us.

Why don't each us focus on having a person from QX to join this discussion. Otherwise it is both of us battling back and forth with no-one to prove or disprove us wrong. Here say does not work.
A quick question to follow up, where is maintenance done for WN?

As for your other accusations, we are reading the same material from two different directions. You could no more prove what you say is true as I could. With a lack of interested QX mechanics on this board, this is a tough subject for both of us.

Why don't each us focus on having a person from QX to join this discussion. Otherwise it is both of us battling back and forth with no-one to prove or disprove us wrong. Here say does not work.

Where is maintenance done for WN? Specifically? I'm not really sure, several places I'd guess. If your question was designed to have me acknowledge that work is and has been farmed out at SWA you have it.

What I will not agree with you on is your attempt to draw similarities between what happened at Horizon and what may have happened at SWA as it relates to layoffs. Again, if you have links/websites/articles that illustrate what your previous post was alluding to, then by all means please post it and I will of course re-evaluate my position, but again, as also was stated in my previous post I am skeptical.

I would say my comments bare alittle more weight than just "accusations". There was a representational election at Horizon - YES the ibt did prevail - but there WAS an election. The members signed those cards for a reason. Is the ibt victory a sign that all is and was always well or that at sometime during the election campaign the teamsters settled issues that up until that time had been ignored/un-addressed?

On the matter I will simply agree to disagree with you.

I will respectfully decline your invitation on a mutual effort to bring QX mechanics onto this forum. Not because I don't think its a good idea (any website that draws more and more participation from the mechanics ranks as a whole is a good thing) I'm simply tainted from our last go around, where in a heated exchange concerning Horizon, a QX mechanic miraculously appeared- made a single post to back you - and just as quickly disappeared. Was it legit? Perhaps, I have my doubts, but my simple doubts aren't proof and I acknowledge that.

If you wish to criticize me for being overly suspicious...on this one issue...I won't argue the point.
SWAMT said in a previous post that there has never been a mechanic lay off at Southwest. He stated that any downsizing due to a downturn was done by voluntary means. If the same can be said for Horizon, then how can you state that 30% LOST their job?

And these are the same Horizon mechanics who just recently REAFFIRMED their desire to stay with the TEAMSTERS, right?

Apparently they are OK with it.
Anomaly, you are correct what you said about me this time. No mechanic lay-offs at SWA. It was only by volenteers to retire early with an early buy-out option called "Freedom 09". Ther is rumors running around now that there maybe another option to retire early coming soon, but for now it is just rumored, not verified yet.
BTW this is the first time you have been correct about one of my postings. It's also the first time you did not twist it up and spin it to take on another meaning.
I think the teamsters are also at Frontier with all the lay-offs, conssesions and rifs, but no-one wants to bring them into the the light, there, just did. Great representation!!
Where was it that he said he was recruiter ? I guess I missed that post. I thought he was here as you are. Work at a different carrier and in a different Union sharing information about the Union you both have in place.

You are correct. I put that nick name on him. Seems to fit very well though, so it will more than likely stick. C'mon man, you know how nick-names remain in the aviation industry. It was on my own.
A quick question to follow up, where is maintenance done for WN?

As for your other accusations, we are reading the same material from two different directions. You could no more prove what you say is true as I could. With a lack of interested QX mechanics on this board, this is a tough subject for both of us.

Why don't each us focus on having a person from QX to join this discussion. Otherwise it is both of us battling back and forth with no-one to prove or disprove us wrong. Here say does not work.

Public records including press releases can prove everything he posted, very simple and easily done.
Where is maintenance done for WN? Specifically? I'm not really sure, several places I'd guess. If your question was designed to have me acknowledge that work is and has been farmed out at SWA you have it.

What I will not agree with you on is your attempt to draw similarities between what happened at Horizon and what may have happened at SWA as it relates to layoffs. Again, if you have links/websites/articles that illustrate what your previous post was alluding to, then by all means please post it and I will of course re-evaluate my position, but again, as also was stated in my previous post I am skeptical.

I would say my comments bare alittle more weight than just "accusations". There was a representational election at Horizon - YES the ibt did prevail - but there WAS an election. The members signed those cards for a reason. Is the ibt victory a sign that all is and was always well or that at sometime during the election campaign the teamsters settled issues that up until that time had been ignored/un-addressed?

On the matter I will simply agree to disagree with you.

I will respectfully decline your invitation on a mutual effort to bring QX mechanics onto this forum. Not because I don't think its a good idea (any website that draws more and more participation from the mechanics ranks as a whole is a good thing) I'm simply tainted from our last go around, where in a heated exchange concerning Horizon, a QX mechanic miraculously appeared- made a single post to back you - and just as quickly disappeared. Was it legit? Perhaps, I have my doubts, but my simple doubts aren't proof and I acknowledge that.

If you wish to criticize me for being overly suspicious...on this one issue...I won't argue the point.

Thirdseat, And people think this kind of postings are not easily followed. It's true, I too, have found several posters posting as more than one persons. It is heavily done by the ibt supporters on this site as well as others. I think I have only caught one or two TWU supporters, but lots more from the teamsters. Remember the teamsters always preach power in numbers, well they transfer that same retoric to the campaign slogan as well. Funny to watch though, easy to see, and trackable... Gotta love this stuff.
Question: If we were to hook up vacuum gauges to both the twu and the teamsters, which one would suck more?
Question: If we were to hook up vacuum gauges to both the twu and the teamsters, which one would suck more?

To date there is NO guage manufactured with that type of range.
The AFL-CIO development team has a patent pending on one that will measure their suction and therefore should be able to also measure the TWU and the ibt.
Can someone explain this docoument?


I can....

Key to the Report:
This chart lists Teamster officials and staff who received salaries of over
$100,000 in 2009. This information was compiled from hundreds of
Department of Labor LM-2 and LM-3 forms and IRS Form 990 reports. Total
compensation includes salaries, allowances and expenses, but does not
reflect other benefits such as pensions and automobiles.
Footnotes: *The LM form or Form 990 was not available for 2009, number
based on 2008 forms.
Abbreviations: BLET=Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen;
BMWE=Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes; BR=Brewery and
Soft Drink Workers Conference; CANNERY=Cannery Council;
GCC=Graphics Communications Conference; INTL=International; JC=Joint
Council; KY-WV=Kentucky-West Virginia Conference; L=Local Union; MO
KS= Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska Conference; NMP=Newspaper, Magazine,
Print Conference; OH=Ohio Conference; PA=Penn. Conference
Question: If we were to hook up vacuum gauges to both the twu and the teamsters, which one would suck more?

Now that's funny. Never been with the TWU. I would have to say the teamsters. However, as of lately, the TWU and the teamsters are very closely mirror images of eachother. Both of them would more than likely suck so bad the guage would explode due to reading being way over guage tollerance, no matter what the max reading was.

This is a new video and was found here.

So we replace the twu with the ibt and according to the lawyer at Shyster and Shyster we can re-open section 6 negotiations with another industrial catch-all union representing us. So what changes?
If this is true why not do it with AMFA?
And the Teamsters' campaign of misinformation continues nonstop. If the IBT could force AA to renegotiate the newly ratified contract, then so could the Amalgamated Hairdressers and Flower Arangers Union.