September 11th

Clinton's fault...BULL SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!

Bush's fault......(see above)!!!!!!!!

How about the #### who planned the 9/11 attacks? Does the name Osama Bin Laden ring a bell with anyone?

I served 20 years in the Army National Guard. I remember Clinton's response (cruise missles) was more to deflect attention away from his impeachment testimony than anything else. Because of that response, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda expected Bush to respond in a like manner.

I worked with Chic Burlingame and Michelle Heidenberger on several ocassions. I won't let myself forget.
flydcoop said:

I feel for you. I will not turn this into a political issue. I did OK today. CNN-24 did not seem to go overboard but then I worried they had forgotten. Or is a more muted response appropriate?

Jean Roger should have never been on AA11. She was on standby. She never worked it before. I flew 11 all the time as did our "3rd musketeer (who was from LA)". You NEVER flew on S/B out of BOS.

The survivor's guilt has been brutal. I don't think you can fault the company (on one level) because we were so arrogant (as a country). If our training had been different, they would have never gotten past Bobbi Arestegui (and probably Karen Martin, who I never flew with). Bobbi was quite the firecracker. I had also flown with Betty Ong and I am so glad she was vindicated when they released her tapes with RES. She was the definition of calm, cool, and collected even when she found out her buddy bidder (the #5, Bobbi) had been stabbed.

The only politic I will turn this into is that the TSA may disappear mid-November. If Bush is the only one that will protect this country, I shudder-to-think how this can be allowed to happen.

Yeah, I really want Argenbright and Globe back. The TSA is consistent system-wide. They always seem to target my SonicCare toothbrush despite my 4 background checks and fingerprints. Pilots cannot seem to get over this. I'm OK with it, they (TSA) are paying attention.



Hey Coop,
You know when reading these threads there are some people you just know you're gonna skip over because they spout the same tired garbage. I never skip over your posts. You and AAStew (and a few others on here) are a credit to our profession and I hope to fly with you one day. Hell I just hope to fly again one day...LOL

Fly safe
Bush has done nothing right since being installed into the Presidency by the Supreme Court. The man does not have a clue. Osama has not yet been caught, but you can bet Bush will try to pull an October surprise.

This entire thing is a mess. All our money going for nothing in Iraq, while at home we can't get anything. This $200 + billion could have solved a lot of problems here.

I think anyone that votes for Bush should not only have their head examined but also be charged with treason.
uafa21 said:
Bush has done nothing right since being installed into the Presidency by the Supreme Court. The man does not have a clue. Osama has not yet been caught, but you can bet Bush will try to pull an October surprise.

This entire thing is a mess. All our money going for nothing in Iraq, while at home we can't get anything. This $200 + billion could have solved a lot of problems here.

I think anyone that votes for Bush should not only have their head examined but also be charged with treason.

For crying out loud.... How many times do we have to go through this!!????

President Bush won the initial count in Florida.

He won the first recount.

He won the second recount.

He won the third recount!!!!

All the liberal newspapers, from the N Y Times to the L A Times went in after the fact and did their own counts. In EVERY case under even the most gore-friendly parameters, BUSH WON THOSE COUNTS TOO! (notice how they didn't trumpet this in the front page sections - as they would have had it turned out the other way).

Had the process gone to the next step, if the count had been disputed beyond legal recognition, the FLORIDA LEGISLATURE would have determined the Electors' vote. And guess what? They would have designated the same outcome because the people of Florida have elected a MAJORITY REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE.

So get over it - Bush won legally as per the US Constitution.

As far as the rest of your diatribe - We have met the terrorists head on. I have been there - fighting in Iraq. We have killed or captured 3/4 of the Al Qaeda leadership and severely hampered their ability to fund, plan, and execute terrorist acts. This is a decades-long struggle and a desperate one. We have to be successful 100% of the time in stopping them - they have to be successful only once. This will require sacrifices from all Americans; money, inconvenience, and tragically blood. But, as those who have sacrificed before know - FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

Your treasonous comment is beyond the pale - especially considering you are supporting a man who met with the North Vietnamese in Paris (ILLEGALLY per the UCMJ, and should have been prosecuted) while that enemy was killing our men. Talk about treason.

A10 Pilot
A10 your just wasting your time with silly things like facts or even opinions. When peoples minds are so clouded with HATE they just can't think straight. :down: Its really sad to see this happening in this country.
"Speaking of the Saudis, if we were to attack anyone it should have been them."

Bob Owens:

By that comment I have to come tot he conclusion that you were just spouting off or you are just ignorant. Only someone who is completly ignorant would suggest attacking the country that holds the two holiest sites in all of Islam.
777 fixer said:
"Speaking of the Saudis, if we were to attack anyone it should have been them."

Bob Owens:

By that comment I have to come tot he conclusion that you were just spouting off or you are just ignorant. Only someone who is completly ignorant would suggest attacking the country that holds the two holiest sites in all of Islam.

I notice you did not indicate or suggest that Saudi Arabia was innocent. Seems to me that Iraq was a war of convenience. Something to distract the US populace (very easy to do) and a way for Bush to look like he is in charge and knows what he is doing.

Saudi Arabia has greased the wheels very well and while they may have two holy sites that should not be a reason why we should not be going after them. Jerusalem has been involved in several wars and that is “theâ€￾ holy site so that argument does not hold much water with me. Besides, if we wanted to hurt Saudi Arabia, we could do it via their purse strings much easier. If this country would stop buying gas guzzlers, demand that the government haul in the reigns of the oil cartel in the US, start developing alternative power sources we could tell the entire Middle East where to stick it. But alas, there is far too much money to be made with war and oil.
A10Pilot said:
As far as the rest of your diatribe - We have met the terrorists head on. I have been there - fighting in Iraq. We have killed or captured 3/4 of the Al Qaeda leadership and severely hampered their ability to fund, plan, and execute terrorist acts. This is a decades-long struggle and a desperate one. We have to be successful 100% of the time in stopping them - they have to be successful only once. This will require sacrifices from all Americans; money, inconvenience, and tragically blood. But, as those who have sacrificed before know - FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

A10 Pilot

Last I heard the only Al Queda that were killed were in Afghanistan, not Iraq. No freedom is not free but if I or someone I love is to put their butt on the line, it damn well better be for more than a cheap barrel of oil.

To even think that anyone, least of all the US can walk into a Arab nation, kick out their leader and think that they will be welcomed with open arms ought to be institutionalized. The hatred for US imperialism and arrogance could not be stronger in that area of the world. Why Bush went into Iraq we will probably never know. I do know he did not go there to rid the world of a terrorist threat. That has already been proven. I would hate to think that this administration let over 1,000 (with who knows how any more to come) soldiers die so that a few corporations could make an easy buck (although it would not surprise me given the history of the US government and US corporations). I would hate to think that Bush went in because he had a hard on for Hussein and to finish what daddy could not.

As a side note, the 2000 elections may have been “technically “ legal (although that to will be argued for decades to come) I seriously doubt that the founding fathers thought the Presidency would be bought and sold like a common every day news paper.
For decades, the Saudis have been funding the madrasas, which are the breeding ground for future terrorists and suicide bombers.

But they have sown the dragon's teeth, and will soon face the menace they have created.